Happening in Germany
Happening in Germany
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Uh, how insensitive.
>In 2013, Germany’s president Joachim Gauck became an honorary godfather to a baby of a couple where the man had more than one wife.
Wow. Guess that makes us almost even with austria
As long as they have one wife that is an adult, they are still allowed to own her as their religion demands. When they eventually migrate back home, they can own as many women as they like.
that's racist.
but its 2016?
Nah breh he will turn the law into the favor of rapefugees the next possible time
He is the epitome of a sjw marionette
It's OK, Germany will probably overturn this legislation to be understanding. GERMANY MAYBE
like the time they have banned circumcision only to get shoad and unbanned it in a day
1. Germany already recognizes polygamy, but only if you're a muslim
2. The german government de facto does nothing against muslim underage marriages, despite having a clear legal foundation on which to dissolve such marriages by force. They can even jail the muslim husband for it. But they do nothing.
3. Because of the public outrage over this een in the government parties, the minister of justice Heiko Maas held a speech saying that he 'wants to' and 'intends to' change this, has held similar speeches in the past to support regional elections and then immediately did a 180; he is the most hated politician in Germany, see this video where he has to flee from an enraged mob on may 1:
This is the same 'minister of justice' who held a speech that the government would never save the internet data of 82 million germans because it's clearly unconstitutional (supreme court banned this twice already), two weeks after that speech he passed a law that did exactly that: mass surveill the internet data of 82 million germans.
In short: it's a ruse to appease the wrath of government party members by promising them that 'something will be done'. The reality is: Merkel government will simply sit out the protests, until the public finally resignates and accepts islamic polygamy and underage marriages.
It's a tactical maneuver. >NOTHING< will be done to stop the islamization of Germany until the current government parties have been politically neutralized.
Never gets this
>Pol is against women
>Pol is against muslims who want to treat women like shit because this is manly thing to do
>Pol hates muslims too
Pol is ultimate cuck land.
Wow so progressive its almost like we're out of the 1800s.
>No one who comes to us has the right to put their cultural roots, or their religious beliefs, above our laws,' says justice minister
Oh boy
B-but... tolerance....
Are people waking up in Germany? Or are the majority still cucks?
>foreigners now have to abide by the law
it's like a new age of enlightenment
Why? why it's ok to marry sodomites to marry but man can't buy extra wife?
I understand poligamy is bad in big picture but where's logic in forbidding more natural thing while allowing perversion?
Kek watch Germany get bombed for this.
Never get this
>Has a loo
>Won't poo in the loo
>Poo's on the street
India just can't poo in the loo
It doesn't add up because it's not true.
Pol doesn't hate women, they hate leftist sjw whores.
You can see the difference every time they post about a woman with good values standing up against filth.
Plus, there are quite a few women on pol.
So your baseless generalization is objectively false.
Better than poo land
They're recognizing marriages with minors instead.
>Bavarian court denies the responsibility of Child Services to be in charge of a 14 year old girl as it is legally married to a 20 year old, both coming from Syria
There's no such thing as a unified 'people' in Germany.
AfD has ~15% of the votes, and 83% of those are male voters aged 30-50. The male population isredpilled already. The 18-30 year olds are systematically bombarded with leftist brainwashing in school, college and the mass media. It takes years to wash off that kind of conditioning. Pensionaires or those close to their pension (age 50-120) only care about spending their last couple years on earth in peace with a big fucking pension raise every year.
German women are beyond redemption, in fact female germans (99% of them) are the main reason we're deep in shit today. It's good to see that german girls and women finally get what they deserve.
Those Muslims housing their underage wives (who are their nieces) in separate flats where everyone is cashing in money from the state sure will be bothered by this...
Fuck the state, fuck his laws and just hang all civil servants and politicians to save us time and trouble.
How the fuck are the women not against being raped? I thought wanting the muddie cock was a meme.
We are OK with treating women as they are worth. We aren't OK with countries pandering to foreign demands.
Think of it as making a decision yourself vs allowing someone else to make a decision simply because it aligns somewhat with your ideology.
Women are far more susceptible to propaganda, conditioning and brainwashing than men. You can force women into prostitution using simple methods of conditioning (drugs, violence, rape, threats) that simply do not work on men in the same way.
Most advertisements target women and kids.
The oligarchs in western 'democracies' gave women the right to vote because it's extremely easy to manipulate their political decision-making process with propaganda and mass media.
Stockholm syndrome rarely ever happens to male hostages.
Merkel owes the majority of her votes to female voters.
SPOILER: Women are dumb
>2017: Germany refuses to recognize non-poly marriage as it is "not inclusive enough for our new friends"
"After she betrayed the political ideals of the other volunteers at the camp and reported the abuse, some of her fellow activists accused her of doing so out of “spite”." Wow. They've dug their own hole. It's just a shame they pulled you in with them.
Women tend to subconsciously side with whomever they believe to be stronger. It's how they ensure their genes get passed on to the next generation:
It's one of the big explanations for why hordes of women seem to be throwing open the gates of Europe to the flood of immigrants.
>2017: Germany refuses to recognize non-poly marriage as it is "not inclusive enough for our new friends"
implying the gibs will stop
wow, what comes next? are we going to kick out bin ladens ex-bodyguard?
>they hate leftist SJW whores
smart conservative women will not get involved with these people, it is the left-wing SJW islamic sympathizers who will.
>When they eventually migrate back home
I don't think you understand how this works...
More like joachim cúck amirite
hey hindi bro, does your hand stink for the rest of the day after you wipe your fucking arse with it??
Saying this means they're considering it.
feminism winning desu
>Implying the sand niggers who are getting free shit are ever going to decide to go back home
Seems pretty racist