Has anyone ever tried the saitama routine of training?

If so what were yoir expierences , i tried the 10 km run , and never in my life have i felt so tired.(note: I just ran the 10 km thing once tho not everyday)

>running 10km without any previous training and conditioning
You are literally trying to kill yourself, right? Also, is Peru Sup Forums?

They explain in series that his routine had nothing to do with his powers. Its quite a run, but nothing else is particularly noteworthy

How am I supposed to become a super hero?

Let yourself be bit by a spider, accept substances from mad scientists, be a smug billionaire but instead of being a instagram whore, be a genius, etc.

horrible accidents

post in my thread please

It's amazing how consistent third world taste in weeaboo stuff has stayed over the last 20 years
same shonen shit forever

>They explain in series that his routine had nothing to do with his powers.
I don't read garbage, what's the actual reason for it then? He's just special?

>the masses like shit
This is not exclusive to the third world, your countrymen unironically like NFL.

Don't worry im not trying to hurt myself or anything, I have done exercises before ( I've practiced 7 years of martial arts ) sorry i didn't include that in the comment section

>I don't read garbage, what's the actual reason for it then? He's just special?
in his world, if you want something enough it usually happens. That's why there are supervillain like monsters and heros all over the place. He wanted to be the strongest hero more then anyone else. so that's what happened. he's just like one of the monsters destroying the world, only instead of destroying it, he's being a hero "for fun"

That's really fucking stupid.

>le you can achieve anything if you just really really want it trope

That's why Vegeta was the realest nigga on dragonball. Guy burnt with passion and ambition and still always fucked up and never got what he wanted.

If you never trained before its unlikely that you will be able to run 10 km everyday without fucking up your knees.

that's just not true
the origin of his powers hasn't been explained and i read the ONE version

It's also not accurate. The accurate reply is "because it's a gag manga and it's funny if the MC is stupidly overpowered".

the story isn't about being the strongest hero, the story is actually about 2 things,
1) how getting what you want isn't necessarily the key to happiness. Saitama is undisputedly the strongest being on the planet (possibly the universe) this in turn makes his life miserably boring, as absolutely nothing in the world poses a challenge for him. He;s achieved his goal and found there is nothing left for him anymore. Its depressing.
2) Its about success doesn't need to be recognised. He is the strongest creature on earth and everyone thinks he's a lying cheater who steals everyone's credit. Yet his biggest hero moments aren't when he defetes the bad guy, they're when he PROTECTS other people's hopes, reputations and dreams, by sacrificing his own image. He doesn't need accolades to feel like he's a success.

Conversely the manga/anime fan love the story because we're rooting for Saitama to get "recognised" and "appreciated" inside the world like the fans of the manga do outside of it.

>that's just not true
>the origin of his powers hasn't been explained and i read the ONE version
that's because ONE doesn't spell anything out, read this post. if you don't learn to read between the lines you'll miss shit like this.

So is it a gag manga or some stupid larger lesson type of bullshit? These responses seem to directly contradict each other, and neither makes me want to read it that much.

those do not contradict each other. It's mostly a gag manga with bits of philosophy sprinkled in

>So is it a gag manga or some stupid larger lesson type of bullshit? These responses seem to directly contradict each other, and neither makes me want to read it that much.
I wasn't trying to make you read it. I think people should enjoy the media they enjoy. Yes OPM is funny. and YES it has meaning and themes behind it.

Saitama's story is actually an allegory for the author ONE's own professional career. He is a web comic creator who sucks at art. All the critics and internet trolls destroyed him when he started. Yet he wanted to be a successful mangaka. So he kept working at it (you know 100 situps, 100 pushups, 10km run). He's now had 2 immensely popular web comics get turned into anime, he's making money doing his job, and at the same time he's still criticized for being a shit drawer.

his success is unrecognised by critics daily. And he's said himself in interviews the thing he hates about success is that he now has to do this whole web comic thing 24/7, it's his life. success has brought him zero joy, if anything it's turned what he loved doing (drawing web comics) into drudgery.

So the story of OPM is really the author's own story, the story of ONE.

Just do Calisthenics everyday

>Saitama's story is actually an allegory for the author ONE's own professional career.
Jesus that's stupid

TenĂ­a que ser el peruANO

>is Peru Sup Forums?
Not sure, I do know Peru has a big Smash 64 competitive scene for some reason.

10km isn't even that hard at a steady pace, you would have to be very out of shape to get hurt
i thought brazilians were more athletic than that

It's everyday, bro. Is not like 3 times a week or something.

In highschool i did 100 pushups a day every day over summer. I was one big motherfucker afterwards.

So? All you have to do is eat enough calories and sleep enough. The workout is pointless though, because all it trains is your aerobic system. You're not hitting your lactic threshold or your anaerobic system like a proper running plan does. It's also pretty bad if you're lifting because you'll have to eat like a pig.
But you're not gonna get hurt, at most you'll get shin splints.

Just to give you an example, a high school runner may run up to 80-95 km each week. You would be running 70.