Finish this sentence, Sup Forums.
>Donald Trump is __________
Pic unrelated.
Finish this sentence, Sup Forums.
>Donald Trump is __________
Pic unrelated.
Other urls found in this thread:
the next POTUS.
>>>Donald Trump is MAGA
He is based
packing 9 inches.
Donald Trump is a big swastika, amiright?
>only 9
shill pls, Trump is confirmed for magnum dong
>>Donald Trump is
a rumpnisse
The saviour of western civilisation
shillary is commiting another crime: she used her under the table connections to delete all of the Orlando shooter's shillary supporting tweets, but there are still his selfies of him attending a shillary rally
The great messiah who will lead us out of the SJW darkness
not a Basketball-American
my president
9 long
8 around
source pls?
I don't believe it's that small.
It is from his ex-wife's book. Can you read?
bitches always lie about dick size, It's probably at LEAST 12 inches long.
The saviour of the human race.
The next president