Guys, I can't take this anymore, Brexit failing is just beginning

Guys, I can't take this anymore, Brexit failing is just beginning

>Guns will be banned from everywhere
>EU will be fascist state where native Europeans don't exist
>Muslims everywhere
>Trump will lose
>Hillary will ban freedom of speech
>Le Pen loses
>Corbyn will become the prime minister
Finland will elect red government in next election
>Sweden will be renamed Swedistan

Goodbye world, it was a nice run

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you finns liberate us?

>turkey will join the eu
>communists will win in spain and open the border with africa

because our government loves your multicultural "heaven" where leftists rule

Stay strong.
Europe will rise from the ashes.

There is literally nothing bad on that list

then there'll be one more potato nigger in Australia

the reds won't win in sweden again


Overthrow the government and save us.