This is the most realistic scenario
This is the most realistic scenario
>PA going red
we'll see.
philly/pittsburgh hold way too much influence over the vote here
make PA blue and FL red, and you got it
after Orlando everyone from florida wants the man that stops the muslims
lmao. Since Orlando and Trump's comments Hill has been rising in Florida and nationally. She's too steep for Donald to climb.
Are democrats playing the elections on easy mode? They literally dont have to do anything to win.
Is Illinois Democrat territory? I remember being in Chicago when the Republican party held some big conference there. Multiple governors and Dick Cheney in attendance.
>Florida not red
Orlando fucked up Trump's campaign.
literally Trump's ONLY chance
If he keeps fucking up like he has lately then he's done.
Someone has to remind him that the primaries are over. What he's been saying and doing during the primaries will not work against the Clinton machine.
Did it work?
Yes it leans Democrat. It will go D especially because Obama lived there and Hillary has a strong base there.
Illinois is Democrat purely because of Chicongo. In fact, most solidly Democrat states are blue because of city scum.
Michigan will go for trump. Auto industry really wants him
Illinois is one of the most far left states in the nation. Chicago controls them.
I actually could see that. I should've flipped PA and MI then. In that case though, Clinton will win by a mere 4 points.
Florida here. I'll only speak for my area (Sarasota/Bradenton) ~ it's so heavily Trump it's crazy and all the known past Obama supporters are just not at all jazzed about their candidate Hillary because let's face it, even people voting for her know she's a criminal; that can be a hard pill to swallow and most have told me they certainly aren't going to vote for Trump but that they wont vote at all.
Going to be a tough election but i think trump will win
This guy is shilling so hard.
t. Floridian
Then we see Paul Ryan forced as president as a tie.
Is Pittsburgh infested by niggers too?
Lol he won't, Clinton will win, barely, because most americans hate him more than her. Hillary is so hated though I predict she'll only have 1 term and Republicans will regain control in 2020.
What Murrican city isn't infested with niggers?
I'm a female m8.
>inb4 females don't browse Sup Forums
And I'm xx, so no, I'm not a mentally ill man.
Nope :^)
East Philly here
Trump all around
It was a golden opportunity but he didn't take it and Hillary spun it into a gun ban homerun.
yep plus a lot of yuppies
hi HELLO will you E my GF
Youd be surprised. Ive talked to people who wanted hillary before and are now really undecided and leaning towards trump
Literally the only solid Democrat state without being so because of large cities is Vermont
>I'm a female m8.
Tits or GTFO
There's a lot of latinos in Florida, so it's a possibility.
Lel no
What Mexishit city isn't infested by Mexishits?
How fucking retarded are Trump supporters?
trump is down in VA, IA, WI, PA, and OH.
Trump is fucked. Its over.
>It was a golden opportunity but he didn't take it
u wot
>Hillary spun it into a gun ban homerun
of course she and dems did, you can't blame the poor muslims or gays.
>polarizing all of gun owning America against you before an election
Trump will win it. Watch.
You mean Miami, and they don't put that big of a dent in the voting block.
Florida is definitely going red
Last I checked, wasn't Trump doing better with latinos than Clinton?
At this point Florida will probably go Trump. NY is anyone's guess at this point, it's normally a Democrat stronghold but Trump has a huge homestate advantage (I guess Hillary technically does too, but nowhere near as big).
basically Cook county and Champaign county. not many other counties are blue
hahahaha you got him bad.
I realize this is partially irrelevant but I can't be the only one who thinks Commiefornia getting 56 votes is a bit ridiculous. We should split it up or something,
He will never win Wisconsin.
Wew lad top kek