What is their end game?

What is their end game?

They don't have any real plans. They just want to keep copying everything America does while pretending to be a different country

Um try again sweetie

Isn't that basically Australia, too?

I mean let's face it you guys are just about as Americanized as anybody else.

We're more culturally similar to the English than Americans.


We're closer to Brits but also we are FAR less economically dependant on you or any one country like Canada is


Their purpose is to remind the US of what could've been. A successful, wealthy ,peace-keeping and multicultural utopia.

Obviously not, because you don't share a land border with us.
Perhaps that was the case. Nowadays, though, it's not so true. I think we're beginning to see a much more Americanized Australia

>Americanized Australia
Bit of a misnomer really. Australia is "America the island".

forget adding the part about having a working healthcare system.

>America the island

That would be Great Britain


Why do Canadians hate Australia so much? We didn't do anything to them


Hey nice booking my ticket right now

Weakest posters here

they're very tsundere

Shitpost until the world drowns in excrement

>Americanized Australia
yeah we sure love our guns, basketball, american football, chicken wings, peanut butter, 'apple' pie and huge military budget here in australia
sometimes I walk outside and forget which country I am in

Australians, the puppets and me, the puppet master

You cannot look at me with a straight face and claim that Australian youth are not drawn to American pop culture, movies, video games, etc.


Youth these days watch youtube which is a global thing. You dominate moves but television is more localised. People are more likely to watch news and reality shows made here for some reason. Australian music scene is massive while video game/movie scene is basically non-existent

Australia-leaf Sup Forums wars of 2014-2015 never forget

I just want to say that Australia and australians are way better than Canada and leafs.

This. Also they are not full contrary to popular belief. Australia really is paradise on earth.

>Also they are not full contrary to popular belief.
I know that because I'm moving to Australia next month.



to be as lame as nogenderedly possible, obviously

We're full, stop it

Oh you're full alright ;)

We have no black people here, congrats all your women crave nigger dick.

Your women crave the big leafy cock