>Make America great again
When was America ever great?
Make America great again
1987, Mr. Onepost.
when it was ruled by natives
Before 1492.
As a colony
th-th-that's a trap?
The night of March 9-10, 1945
Who are these two girls?
both of them are friend
In the 1920's
The 1950s.
80s to 2000
It has been a steadily great country since they btfoed your muslim loving ass. And it was the greatest through all the 20th century
1992-2000 bruh
>1 post by this ID
manifest, OP
>one post by this id
Before women could vote
Can you just post more of them and make this thread worth something?
Before the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
sauce pls
source now
some time before people forgot the civil rights act happened
Do you think maybe traps would like me?
don't worry. Fucking these cant be considered degenerate because they look feminine.
>op vid
I need source for that
1991 -- before NAFTA
Im guessing they mean after WWII when it enjoyed unprecedented wealth and power, which culminated in a climax of the USSR collapsing and dudes writing it was the end of history.
>Al these post 50s
>People including the 60s/70s with the 80s
Nigga America went to shit in the 60s together with most of the western world, that's where all this progressive left bullshit came from that put the left on the map
Do you even know about the 60s protests worldwide like the may 1968 protests?
Invasion USA
Anytime before the 60s, that's when everything went downhill
Mah nigga, this guy knows what's up.
The 80s were a shortlived but amazing Western revival desu.
From 1783 to 1968 you fucking 1 post shill.
I love the 80s as well my former Iberian occupant, just not the 60s and the 70s and anything after the 80s.
Anything before the 50s was amazing, anything after the 50s was a slide downwards with a few bumps in the road.
World War Two was what actually sealed our fates. The 60s were just when our new masters finally managed to worm their ideas into a new generation.
How can anyone look at that webm and not realize the glory of trannies? I love how affectionate they are towards one another, so cute
Post WWII through when the Baby Boomers took over, so the mid 90s was when things started to show the first signs of decline. Things accelerated downwards from there.
When niggers were slaves and women knew their place
She is a Trap not a Tranny
affectionate until one of them insults islam
>scat fetish
>German flag
it checks out guys
80s were gay as fuck though
>hair metal
>formulaic action movies
>shit clothes
>shit hair
>decadence made people soft and weak
>Reagan and Christshills hijacking the right wing and making us all look bad
They're on chaturbate as warmfreshpaint btw
They live in Oregon
I'd marry both of them tbqh
Who are these women?
the tranny is from america
And when the Irish were regarded as little better than filth-ridden rats. As they should be.
Why is it always Germany posting this shit, what the fuck is wrong with Germans.
kek, he's not even hard, low energy af
oh and cocaine is ridiculously overrated. Literally a shit tier drug.
I fully agree with you.
Although we are surely covered in shit now while the 60s and 70s still had some based artistic expressions and cool design tendencies we have tasteless meaningless crap with no identity. I hate this sincretic piece of shit western wprld i have to live in
how can you have a dick and be so bad at masturbating, is it harder to masturbate other people?
All the way until 1913, and even then our greatness never truly died out until the 60s.
names please?
This just in!
>Islam woman wins court case against a mall store for religious discrimination.
>Islam turns the settlement over to ISIS.
Is there a source? please
>1 post by this ID
America was great because your competitor's factories were in ashes
>1 post by this ID
Best wolf
I am aware of these, though i do not agree on the action movies being more formulaic than the ones we have now.
Still everything felt genuine and unapologetically pro capitalistic and fully western.
I also disagree on the generacy part, are we some kind of ascetic merchant dessert tribe that hates sex fun and violence?
>76 posts
why do I even bother with this fucking board anymore?
>1 post by this country ever
There was a time when
>there we no mass killings
>kids brought guns to school everyday and no one was hurt
>everything was "Made In America"
>we were the industrial power
>the entire planet envied America
>we actually stood up to defend our freedom and values
>teenagers were capable of storming beach-heads, now they cry in safe spaces
>we weren't 40%+ obese
>wages allowed families to survive on one job; now both parents need multiple jobs
saving this webm fir future threads
well on the bright side, it looks like it was worth the money
who is she?
Whats the problem? It cant reproduce anyways.
amazing job!
would "she" her/10 t b h
fucking demon seeds jebus
are they siblings???
more pls
>incestuous trap siblings
how in the hell does shit like this ever happen? oh well, at least i can fap to it at a safe distance.
Between the end of the civil war and the start of WWI.
their eyes are entirely different thus they cannot be the same person
I just pitched a tent.
Needs some tentacles and it'll be Japan's fetish incarnate.
Islam. All these Germans have lost their wives to the sandniggers
When we ass fucked you.. twice.. saved you.. twice.. and kept on making you our bitch for generations there after.
About the time this guy passed through.
I'm usually anti-US, but even I could agree that they were in XIX century
After WW2.
1 of every 2 products were made in the US in 1945 and 1946