Claim youare sportscasterfu

Claim youare sportscasterfu








U kidding? Inés Sainz from Mexico.

Man, fuck women. They're manipulative, whore-ish, disloyal, and don't contribute anything to society. They'll never do anything for you, or you principles.

>Be in high school
>Be on school's cross country team
>Before every meet, our team is congregated under the team's tent waiting for the races to start
>Coach's wife and 1 year old daughter always shows up about 30 minutes before the race
>1 year old daughter always recognizes are uniforms, and runs up to us to give each individual person on the team a hug
>We look absolutely ridiculous when she does this, and are laughed at by everyone
>One day I get absolutely annoyed when she does it
>She gets to me, and I push her off of me, propelling he about 4 feet in the air
>Coach is absolutely infuriated at me for refusing to baby sit his child, and starts to yell at me
>I start to yell back and tell him how his daughter made our team look like an absolute joke before every race
>Kicks me off the team right then and there

I didn't give a fuck then, and still don't give a fuck now. I stood my ground and stayed by my principles. It's not my fault he's raising a whore for a daughter.

what the fuck am I reading


You are truly subhuman.

This is one awful pasta

this has to be pasta

There can be only one.

no homo


uma delicia

pure filth

pasta or not this was an exquisite post and you deserve the angered replies

well done

Don't know if she's on any channel anymore. Haven't watched telly for years.


Your mom produced you. I agree she didn't do anything good for society

Kelly Nash claimed

And here's an ass shot (right)

uma delicia