
show off monuments, that celebrate your nation.







Can cars drive on this?






god damn its ugly


wrong Nelson m8


Not according to wiki

Thank you, frogs

The monument and its symbolism communicate freedom, not feelings.


Bulk Bogan?


One of my favorites to be honest

Forgot pic

Socialism ?
Not even once.

Will post few without giving my opinion on topic in a second.



Didn't you guys un-surrender finally and pop the butt plug?




Butt plug of the nephilim.

sadly they are taking away our confederate monuments slowly but surely

These guys founded Kiev


Alright now for beautiful Flemish architecture. Instead of Bruxellois shit.

Perkele, explain this red and white energy drink I keep seeing Finns mention.

The soviet one.



Sheeeeit, best so far.

Wait, where is this? never seen this.

the eternal flaming cross

white CIS scum! where are the BLM monuments?

Fuck yeah.


kebab was removed here

Siegessäule (victory column) in Al-Berniyabad (present day Berlin)

Decorated with danish, austrian and french cannons and tears

Where is his hand??



Germania in Rüdesheim / Bingen a. Rhein


OK, you got me, this is North Korea.

Don't you think it looks like a paintbrush Sup Forums?


This one is cool

The one I posted many foreigners like, though I don't



Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall...

>TFW you will live to see him turned into Saladin.

Got shot off by a french cannon



i still dont understand why you cucks dont keep the orange in your flag

that swastika at the bottom

ES is our national drink and source of our meme power.



And from afar.

What does it taste like?

Can I get a case of it shipped to the US?

kek didn't notice that

Napoleon had one hand dumbass

Here's one that celebrates the Ghurkas instead

William Tell, Switzerland

Our most based King.

Sugar and taurine
I don't know

Very nice, a close second to Russia's post.

We made a city made of rubble from one of your cities in your country to honor us.

We have a girl and some horses with water everywhere

richmond virginia

Man-made monuments BTFO


And some petrified hobo with a guitar

Hm, ukrainian architecture isn't that bad it seems, just not top-tier.The regular architecture is pretty retarded. desu.




That is a spic, and therefore requires dynamite.

Post some catholic churches please.Especially Italian and Spanish.

Brave people cutted it.
The filthy leftist mayor had the ball to call this act "vandalism".
After that the "artist" was assaulted and he refused to replace his abomination.
What a time to be alive.

sad, but true, why dont you come try that again? :) please.

We dun have shit beside castles


porta westfalica

Vimmy Ridge Memorial

>even Hitler liked it


>wont celebrate your own soldiers
>celebrates some sand nigger tier chinks
not even we are this cucked brittyboggy
