Are you fucking kidding me

Kids from their mom's basement write for Vox. It all makes so much sense now.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's part of the alt-left

Nu males like this are so fucking depressing.

what the fuck is that

that literally looks like the last photo of the next spree shooter.

this kid looks like that guy from games of thrones without a dick

It's Rubio!


i cant even comment

looking like that, while actually think the president has that power, and being that much of a numale emasculated faggot

Is this real lmao?!


>that hair


He still gets more pussy than you guys


is this harry potter?

Having one doesn't count.

>vox spelled backwards in id
>1post by this id

He looks like the over-the-top nerd character they have in bad 90s movies, except he's real.

>not even a proper bowtie, just loose and baggy and shit

This has got to be satire

no, he doesn't.

he's a contributing writer to a mid-tier blog.
he's probably not even a staff member.

he'd need to make a fuckload of money to overcome his appearance and whine. women don't appreciate begging puppies unless they're ham planets.

Why didn't he, at the very least, wash his hair? And those glasses need to go. Do these people realize that they're going on national tv?

Vox writer detected


Here's the link to the full article

I'm pretty sure this would start a civil war

Couldn't be fucked to wash his hair for a live interview?

Whatever you say, harlot.

Please stop bullying Theon. He did what he had to do to earn his father's respect and retain his position as heir of the Iron Islands.

Yeah, $50 articles and cystic acne sure make bitches wet.

Looks like Napoleon Dynamite on a meth binge.

I doubt that.

that nigger needs to wash his disgusting face

You can't really call it a civil war if it's just one side killing the other and seizing the reigns of power. More like a coup d'etat.

what kind of mongrel face is that?
don't they teach subhumans how separation of powers works?

He looks like an AIDS patient

This guy's gotta be what? 16? 17? No ways he's older than 19

The Muppets have really gone to shit since Jim Henson died...

Jesus fucking christ look at this thing. That little boy haircut, that greasy hair, the sallow complexion, the autism spex, the poorly fitting suit and ironic bowtie, this is a dumpster fire from top to bottom


He's going for the meme intellectual look. The more you look like Doc Brown the smarter you must be.
Basically, "I'm unkempt and have a slow stutter because I'm a genius who doesn't have the time to dress myself properly or think about this interview ahead of time."

As a former leftist who used to rock that emaciated intellectual look I can assure Sup Forums that he is very likely more than enough pussy.

>dat greasy hair

Is is why the Spartans threw their shit-tier babies off a cliff.

Can we please make this guy the poster boy for the left?

>that literally looks like the last photo of the next spree shooter.

This user is unaware of how right he is.

It's amazing how this faggot is the biggest source of "this is why we need gun control", when the mother fucker was BEGGING FOR IT a year prior to his rampage in Sandy Hook.

>our country has banned murder
>Murder still occurs

It's like they don't understand that people will do whatever they want, even with facing certain death/life in prison, no matter what fucking law is on the books. How fucking delusional and retarded can people get? I'm 20000% mad now. Fuck, just ban the guns so we can watch these faggots writhe when the criminals come into their homes knowing there is no chance they armed because they faggotedly disarmed every law abiding citizen. I'll still have muh secret stash.

>nu males

What do you think makes these people even want to have any effect on the world? They will never be one to enjoy it. Is it their lack of control over themselves that makes them want to control others? Is it Star Trek fantasies?

Including the police and military? I kind of want to see how this would play out.

>1 post by this ID

looking at his hair is making my eyes water

Fuck. Imagine what he looks like when he isnt all cleaned up.

>He still gets more pussy than you guys

You may think that was an insult, but any pussy that guy could attract, I wouldn't want anything to do with.


He's so disgusting that he can't even post his picture on Twitter. It's a bearded cartoon character.


Bet he posts on neogaf.

I never got this. This doesn't look like a pussy. Even in like middle school when people did this I was watching porn and it didn't look like a pussy.

Aids Harry Potter


Na m8 he's Theon again.

Unless he's on some elaborate ruse to lead the Ironborn in Volantis straight into some crazy trap set up by Ramsay and 20 GOOD MEN

>Kids from their mom's basement

Proof? Link? Src?

Very interested!!

1 poo poo by this pee pee

Who is this godhand having harlot?

I read that whole fucked up story and now have a headache thanks to the shitty white text on black background theme. No wonder he snapped and offed some kiddos.

And then still didn't become king

This is what leftists look like? Cringe!

that thing looks absolutely disgusting

He looks british

he doesn't even have acne lmao the Sup Forums projections are real

Sup Forums posters write for vox?

I'm not saying he didn't fuck up, but I see why he did it.

Just should have thought it through a bit more. And when Asha came to him as a Get Out Of Jail Free card and he refused, he especially fucked up.

muh dik

Because kids are retarded

I never thought it was a pussy either but I always worried I was a little gay for putting my dick between my two buddies hands

Have a pity (You)

>are you fucking kidding me?

kek at Sup Forums defending their sexual inadequacy

reminds me of trump and his small hands

Does 'everyone' include criminals? Oh wait...

10/10 would impregnate

Fuck you racist scum. At least I have a job. Fuck this shitty website. Enjoy your guns while you can.

It's almost as if these commietards believe that laws are like magical spells that automatically make criminals and lunatics comply with their every wish.

what the actual fuck

Couldn't he at least get a more flattering haircut? Like I know he can't do much about his protruding bite buy fuck man

yeah once obongos pen hits the paper every gun in civillian hands just disappears into thin air

also all the people working for gun companies magically get hired for new jobs

and the massive hit to the economy magically doesnt happen

The left is racist(against whites). The right is race-realist. Understand the difference.







get some sun :)


you're part of the alt right

Fuck yea bruh he probs crushes puss on the daily bruh shit was fire XDXDXDXD