was obama really bad?
Was obama really bad?
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Obama is getting lolis, confirmed evil
>unleashed the ACA onto the american populace
>made a bunch of shitty government insurance companies to provide for new applicants
>they all fold or in the process of folding
>fucks the medical community and pushes it further into an undersirable field for anyone with a brain
yeah nah the dude can suck my dick, literally ruining healthcare while the masses eat the shit up
the doctor shortage is gonna be really fun hope you anons make enough money to pay a doctor for private care because they're almost non existent and cost a shit ton
the worst we've ever had.
worse than wilson, who stroked out and had his wife run the presidency the last year of his term.
worse than a woman covering for a fucking stroke victim
Is that picture real? That looks awfully innappropriate
Nah, he was cool.
Well, he's fucking muslim afterall.....
>If Clinton can do it, I can do it. Joe! Bring me my cigars!
Agree 100%
Jesus user, when you put it that way.