Hello, anons, my company wants me to move to a foreign office because I speak good English and almost nobody else does. I have a choice between Sweeden, UK and Germany, I know there are lots of EU fags here, so what would you recommend?
P.S.: First time for me to go outside of Asia
What to choose
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self-bump, come on anons, halp plox
germany, fellow axis senpai.
I'm pretty sure the OP doesn't want to walk outside to a bunch of Muslims
So, do you want to live in Iran, Syria, or Saudi Arabia?
So why did you say UK?
Because out of those 3 the UK is the best choice
your company hates you
What city in each country?
not Germany since it's the worst nation on earth
I hope there's an earthquake and we all die
Do you want to live in Pakistan, Turkey, or Somalia?
Sweden and Germany are clicked to shit
You will probably get murdered by a Muslim
UK is probably leaving the EU in a week which would be great
Best place to go is probably there
I'm assuming they'll send him to Uppsala if he goes to Sweden.
Germany 5+ million Muslims (probably over 6 million now due to migrant crisis, government likes to hide figures)
UK, 3 million Muslims.
Come to Germany unless if it is Berlin, that place is a fuckhole
I love Nobunaga's Ambition. They are Grand Strategy games that were created 20-30 years before the genre ever existed.
Go to sweden, they love foreigners, just march into someones home and demand to fuck their wife, they will let you out of fear of appearing as a racist.
Germany has 80 million people, UK has 60. It's about the same Nigel.
Smart thing to do would be to see what offices they would be sending you to for each respective location. Also the UK will likely have more international opportunities as it is the de facto financial capital of the world. Having London on your resume looks great.
Germany, you can show the German cucks it's still possible to lose a world war and be a nationalist who doesn't import 3rd world savages to literally rape your country
Otsukareee senpai. Send me a message and lets talk about it. I just left Europa after 23 years to live in asia. Mail me [email protected]
Come to germany if your office is NOT in the following cities:
Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover, Bremen, Frankfurt, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund or Mannheim
If you choose UK and your office is in london then you deserve seppukku
>sweden kek
Depends which city you will be sent into. Other questions is will company provide you with accomodation or will you have to find a place on your own. Third one is salary. London can be quite expensive. Finding place to rent in Stockholm can be a nightmare and in Berlin it can be quite unsafe. Out of those three I would consider Germany, purely on logical basis:
>low living expenses
>still interesting, and if you get bored of germans you can always pop to prague or other less infested European city.
>still looks good on resume
It doesn't change the fact that I recommend germany reluctantly, just don't like germans. Quite boring people, feel sometimes soulless (maybe because of guilt, dunno).
Germans are retarded and cannot speak English. Go to the UK.
UK, if only because the default language there is English. Lots of Germans/Swedes speak English, but it doesn't have the same level of official language support.
>company wants to move me because i speak english
>"should i move to a country that speaks german, swedish, or english?"
>Japanese intellectuals
I'd go for the UK, because of the english. older employees might not speak english in germany and I also love brits with their silly humor
Düsseldorf is a basically Little Tokyo. Full of your people. It's one of the richest cities in Germany and quite nice, Hamburg also has a large Japanese ex-pat community and is even richer and much more beautiful.
In all honesty, UK. Sweden and Germany are turning to shit.
Either your company is living 50 years in the past or this is bait.
Required language for all those countries is now standard arabic
>more than every second person can converse in english
Your insight on the matter is literally einstein level. I wonder why european non UK countries don´t speak english as well as the UK.
>work in German office, after work you and your colleagues go drink a couple of beers
>after one beer everyone starts talking in German because the jokes they want to tell only work in German and speaking English all the time is tiring
>be literally unable to make friends as a Jap
This is why he should go to the UK
Poorly. You guys are even more terrible at learning other languages than the Brits.
Everyone in Germany and Sweden speaks english as their second language.
6% of Irish people can't hold an English conversation. Hahaha
>retarded hypothetical scenario
>making friends only through drinking beer at the week ends (inb4 drink 7 days a week NEET)
And you explicitly use "jokes that only work in germen". That means they can´t work in english anyway. Also you don´t have "these kind" of jokes in your butchered language?
Also if people just resort to their own language this just shows that the jap would be a social retard not worth talking to. He just has to open his mouth in order to start a conversation. FFS are you people literally so autistic and rationalize this by stupid hypothetical scenarios? As if only one side is at fault if the conversation doesn´t work.
>first world dick waving
>shitposting between the top10 countries in the world regarding english language skills
Colgate please, you are just mad that your "language" is spoken by so few people that you literally have to learn another languages in order for you to talk with people not part of your incestious family tree.
You really are unable to imagine that situation?
>(inb4 drink 7 days a week NEET)
Nobody was going to say thi, are you 12?
One of my friends has an Australian girlfriend, but whenever we drink together I can assure you that after a couple of beers the people farthest away from her start talking Dutch.
Then that conversation becomes the more funny and easygoing one, and the people on her end want to join in but then it feels really strange to turn the conversation back to English.
Japs aren't known as the most assertive people in conversations. They are too humble and polite to make their presence known if they feel they might be an inconvenience. It's not going to work out, face it.
Still mad about that lack of colonies, lad?
UK. Nobody likes speaking English constantly in non english countries
Don't do it, they will kick you out and not take you back in. Enjoy your country without Sharia law and straight up communism.
so you are trying to tell us that dutch are cunts. Thank you for sharing.
Sweden my friend, you get to see a bunch of third world countries while still enjoying great Swedish cuisine.
I lived in Germany a bit over 3 years and the country and people are lovely. This was pre-Migrant crisis mind so probably wouldn't choose to go there now unless I was guaranteed it was fairly short term (1-2 years max). It's also a great base to travel the rest of Europe as you're only ever about 5-6 hours max drive from another country.
Sweden I've only visited briefly and my impressions were 1) Fuck this is outrageously expensive 2) Meh, women are certainly better looking than UK but nowhere near deserving of reputation they've got 3) Stockholm is a far prettier city than I'd expected.
UK...meh. Depends where you go. Lived in London 2005-2007 and loved it but not sure how livable it is now - even more expensive, even more Muslim/African. It's probably still fine and a great place to check out when you're young. In terms of other cities I'd say avoid any of those in the English midlands (Muslim as fuck) but otherwise pretty much any major city would be enjoyable I think.
And in terms of language - Sweden may as well be part of UK given how high the proportion of the population speaks English and how fluent they are. Germany isn't anywhere near Scandinavian levels in terms of English fluency but still very good overall - espcially around major cities and younger people. If one of the things you'd like to do is learn another foreign language go Germany - no way in hell will you learn Swedish as English is far too prevalent.
Nice moonrunes, Bregt.
Dank je. Ik vroeg of OP überhaupt nog in de draad is, omdat het anders niet zo veel zin heeft om hier over verder te praten.
London's still good, provided you stay in the civilised parts.
All of them are nice as long you stay out of the big muslim centrals like:
Yeah Swedish is a useless language to learn. Go UK if brixit passes and flip a coin if it doesn't.
Go to Germany, it's looking like Brexit will not happen now.
Pro: Source of Ikea.
Con: Go outside, get raped. Victim gets blamed.
Pro: They run the EU.
Con: Fliki fliki
Pro: Brexit
Con: If you're a girl (minor) then it's likely Muslim gangs will rape and pimp you out. When the police find out, they won't be able to help you because the councils and police conspire to avoid being 'raycis!' and will let girls get raped, because muh non-racist reputation--even though Islam is a fucking religion and not a race.
UK, why would you move to Germany or Sweden if you speak English, only about 50% of continental Europeans speak English as second langue. More importantly though the UK is by far the least cucked of these countries and people generally have a good opinion of the Japanese here. Culturally you'll have more in common with Britain.
>Pro: Source of Ikea
> speak good English
>Con: Go outside, get raped. Victim gets blamed.
Go outside, rape, victim gets blamed.
He's a minority you dipshit, only white Swedes can't rape.
Look at possibilities, not problems.
OP has long left this thread by the way, everyone posting here is contributing to a completely pointless thread. It's 3:30 AM in Japan atm.
That's three millions too many
It's about 50% for Germany but the Scandinavian countries(and Netherlands) are all about 95% English speaking.
When I visited it didn't matter how young or old someone was, or how educated, or how rich poor they were - they all spoke excellent English. Even the local beggars would switch to fluent English as soon as they realised I couldn't speak the local language. Language definitely wouldn't be an issue for any English speakers moving to Scandinavia.
What if they think he's a finn?
>Because I speak good English
>Non-English speaking country
>Non-English speaking country
>English speaking country
Gee, I don't know. Tough one.
Germany, but avoid Berlin, Colonge and Munich. To many sandniggers.
True the Dutch also speak very good English but you know there will always be that one important person who you need to impress and they'll speak shit English. But you must agree on the last point, Sweden is the cuckcapital of the world and recently Germany is only trying to out do them.
UK, you might get raped or something in the other two.
Fuck me, my sides. Never before have so few works BTFO so many Finn/Swedes.
come to Germany, we have lots of nippons here anyway, if you want to remain with your kind.
Or become the father of a German - Japanese Hybrid, a match made in heaven.
wuuh? UK Japs = 60,000, German Japs = 30,000 and your population is much larger to boot.
Depends on what you're looking for user?
Sweden has a good social program but high taxes. UK I don't know, but living there is expensive dependent on the city. Germany is pretty nice, people are usually nice and they have fine meat to eat.
he'd just need to go to high concentration Nipponese Cities...
>OP not even contributing in thread
> 2 responses
I think it's time we wrapped this one up.
Sweden or Germany.
U speak good English so move to an English speaking country
Is it that hard?
Which cities or region in each respective country? This is very important
Germany. More options.
>send me a message
>malaysian proxy detected
Sorry Rajesh OP doesn't want your aids infested cock.
no way 39% of french people can hold a conversation in english
say a few words maybe
time for a poll! strawpoll.me
Fair, reasonable and consise answer.
Thats a dumb question you speak good english go to a country Where thats a primary language,
Germany, for travel reasons I guess. UK is an island and Sweden in Sweden.
Just avoid the Muslim areas. But it depends on the citys, I heard northern germany really hates NATO