I've always been a gun supporter, but these mass shootings are making me rethink. I'm still on the fence Sup Forums, what side is correct?
Should America keep the big guns?
id rather be armed against an attacker with a gun than unarmed against an attacker with a bomb.
with that said, any mosque that produces jihadists should be demolished.
banning guns wont stop attacks, itll just put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage.
with that said, we should have some kind of a system where you have to get a certificate from an actual gun safety school where the instructors can evaluate you and train you. Take that certificate whe you go to by your funs, so the dealer can then do a background check before you're cleared. I dont think that's unreasonable, at-least for long guns, and semi-auto rifles.
Eat a bag of dicks you fucking cunt
>1 post by this user
>rly makes you think
On a serious note, in my younger years I was a hard core lefty and wanted guns banned outright but I appreciate the fact that we are one of the last civilized countries on earth where we have the freedom to defend ourselves with just about any type of firearm we see fit. I don't think the words "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" can be any clearer. If you want gun control you're going to need a new amendment, and I'm sure I'm not the only one but I'll see to it that it never happens.
No I seriously am on the fence about it, I'm never voting for Hillary so I'm not a shillary.
So areas where they banned guns have bombings or mass stabbings? That would make since but I never hear about it on the news.
>what side is correct?
the Constitution
Rifles kill less than 300 people a year in the us.
Stop being a faggot, you gigantic pussy.
I don't think there is a single person on the world who wants gun violence and mass shootings. But I don't think "banning guns" will do much, guns will still be sold illegally. It's a sad truth. There is still massacres in Australia with out restrictive gun laws
Anyway, if no guns will make everyone safe (I don't think it will) at what price does it come? At the price of Liberty?
No, they have shootings you fucking retard, because criminals who want to shoot people don't obey laws.
What am I supposed to get from this? America has guns? I already know that.
Side note
China has such a small amount of guns in comparison to there population, wow.
There is a shooting with an illegal firearm probably once a day in Australia
When was the last time Australia had a mass shooting? (Not saying they haven't just haven't heard about it)
literaly 0.00043% of the population gets killed, who cares?
33,000 deaths per year
16,000 are suicide
large percentage of remaining is inner city violence used as a leftist data-skewing device
That's pretty convincing evidence, do you know the source for the info graphic?
Stop concern trolling
>country exports more weapons than any other
>citizens of said country should not have similar (and way less powerful) weapons
Makes sense.
If a mass shooting happened in my hometown or with people I knew the percentage of the population that died wouldn't matter to me more than the people I lost. I didn't know anyone in Orlando though.
Considering i can but a pistol made of old ak47 recievers, yes.
I'm probably still going to be pro gun, but I try to keep an open mind. No one has provided compelling evidence to be against guns so far.
1 year ago
Mass killings haven't really changed that much since before the ban. But they were already so rare you kind of get the whole yellow car thing with them
Guns are still very common here on the black market, easier to get a gun than a job for most people
According to the FBI, (source at the bottom), there were 12,253 murders in the US in 2013 where a weapon was used. You'll notice that 2013 is a typical year, so we'll just use that for our data.
In 8,454 of these murders the weapon was a fire arm. Further, 285 of these murders used a rifle. Now, if you pull out your handy-dandy calculator, you'll notice that this accounts for about 3.37% of murders where a fire arm was used, or about 2.33% of all murders where a weapon was used.
For the sake of argument, let's go ahead and say that every single rifle used was an "assault rifle". Let's also say that any assault weapons ban in the US is 100% effective, meaning all assault rifles disappear and it is impossible for any new ones to enter the country. Additionally, we have to assume that the murderers who used assault rifles are now incapable of murdering anyone due to their lack of an assault rifle.
If these conditions sound reasonable to you, then congratulations! Push for that ban and maybe, just maybe, after a long legal battle you'll be able to prevent 2.33% of murders where weapons were used.
Source: fbi.gov
you're more likely to die of food poisoning than be killed in a mass shooting
Anyway, you crazy Americans need to deal with the actual problem at hand, not just a symptom of it
Why are there so many cunts running around with self loading rifles trying to kill as much people as possible. Fuck, that shit was rare here even when a civilian had legal access to a substansial amount of guns
>Anyway, you crazy Americans need to deal with the actual problem at hand, not just a symptom of it
this. so much fucking this
The Australian gun buy back cost $500 million
I think it could of been much better spent to achieve the set goal being reduced violence (hasn't really done all that much)
Well if it wasn't effective there it would never have a chance in America
You're obviously not a supporter. You're trying to set up a debate with a prefixed biased against them. Nice try hippy.
I've supported gun rights before and I'm pretty sure the only doubts I have are temporary, there is nothing wrong with devils advocate.