I'm drunk as fuck an a whole btole of bacardi but heed my words... im 35 and the redpil hit me durin 29 unfortunately...

I'm drunk as fuck an a whole btole of bacardi but heed my words... im 35 and the redpil hit me durin 29 unfortunately...we're being subversed as fuck

fuvclinng wake up...thjis has have to do with r9k bullshit
\we're ;;literaly being subveretedb by higher ups pwarssdz to be or id dounoo..............fuckin fuight back

How the fuck you guys did democracy???

>haha I'm drunk guys I swear isn't it funny hahaha
fuck off

>get drunk
>the only thinf yoi realise is that we're being subverted
There's no hope for you.

ba bein drunk 2444/7
i fuckck of
u 2

Smoke weed, don't drink alcohol

sober up and get a job

>u 2
Alcohol to me allows a far clearer view on my own being and a more neutral, less provocative interaction with the world. If the only thing you understood via this process of intoxication is that we're being subverted, then there indeed is no hope for you, for you are likely a low-iq , emotional dullard.

Ps. Pay denbts

u sobir up and get a guradian for oyurur females

tip ur fedhora while youre at it

smother yourself


All you need to know.

>i'm drunk
can you even afford alcohool?


fuckinhhg shils
"dis ur /pol now1 nigghaza re da best get fucked with 500000foooot poollek

alliready do browoq

That seals the deal. You're probably an irrational, emotional moron and for an user, I do 't care to know you more.

You're talkinf about the country that fucked itself up by lying and having fucked up priorities. I'm sure they'd drink booze even if they were starving.

gg goy

Pay denbts, you filthy drunk.

an ur ptrolly a tubnkrin inavder

pay kippppqah caim

bumpiiinnhg this were being overg;pwd by rettooiorps walke the fuckl uopp



Not gonna happen boss...fuck the jew bankers

kek fucking faggot

shut the fuck up and get attacked some more FAGGOT