So the gun store reports this guy from being suspicious....authorities ignore it. So the solution is to take guns away? If one person had a gun in that club, the death toll would have been much lower.
Prove me wrong.
So the gun store reports this guy from being suspicious....authorities ignore it. So the solution is to take guns away? If one person had a gun in that club, the death toll would have been much lower.
Prove me wrong.
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Seems like they wanted it to happen, and given their reactions I can't see any other reason.
Seriously, I don't understand why amerifags are so fixated with owning a gun. "muh second amendment" or "muh protection" is not a valid excuse.Other countries have gun control laws and you don't see them having periodic mass shootings. Are amerifags too arrogant or too retarded? Can't decide.
>what are niggers and spics
Fuck off gook.
>be south korean
>get invaded
So, retarded it is.
That's funny coming from South Korea. You should be prepping from an invasion.
france just had one :^)
>defending your own life against violent niggers is not a valid excuse
gas yourself, kimchi faggot
Nigger, were the last people on earth with the ability to opose its government, think about that cuckman the whole world is under some the control of some government
Seriously, I don't understand why everyone is so fixated on a massively televised microcosm of gun violence in america. "muh gun free countries" or "muh fewer shootings" is not a valid excuse. Other countries don't have guns so you see them having periodic mass stabbings. Is everyone else too bored or too retarded? Can't decide.
Why don't you follow the example set by your fellow countrymen?
fuck off commie
Lets make a list of all of the people that reported Omar mateen
his co-workers
a gunstore
anyone else?
>Making guns easily accessible to anyone
>Get shot by some mentally challenged nigger for no discernible reason
>If one person had a gun in that club, the death toll would have been much lower.
I'm pretty sure one person did have a gun in that club
The Constitution guarantees a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
If the right to life is guaranteed, then that means that means you have a right to defend yourself by adequate means. Old people, women, and the disabled can't defend themselves from a gang of Tyrones using only melee weapons, so they need a gun.
Get it?
If South Korea has 20 million niggers roaming-around I'm sure you'd want a gun too.
>Other countries have gun control laws and you don't see them having periodic mass shootings.
This, it's better to have constant shootings with illegal guns, people get more used to it.
make fags great again
>don't have a gun
>get attacked by a horde of niggers
That's the state of current Europe.
Also, less than 10% of gun murders (350 out of 8,000) are committed with rifles, so banning AR-15s is of little relevance, and would mostly put honest citizens at a disadvantage.
We are not a hivemind like you chinks, we can trust people as individuals. Maybe that's why you can beat us in Starcraft tournaments while playing Zerg, though.
Everything associated with his religion of peace and mosque he attended
He was a cop who used stolen military weapons. And it happened in 1982. Try harder faggit
i wear that exact outfit when i go to Bass Pro sporting events.
The countries you're referring to have so few niggers that it's really an apples and oranges comparison.
The high-profile mass shootings you are referring to also account for very little of the total gun murders per year in the US. The vast majority are attributable to niggers in inner cities. They're the ones really doing the killing.
The main reason you're disarmed is because Rhee and MacArthur didn't were afraid of communist rebels getting guns; same with Japan, where MacArthur didn't want nationalist rebels getting guns.
The Chinese banned guns because they didn't want right-wing rebels getting guns.
You chinks are all cucks who can't trust each-other to be civilized.
God damn it bulgogi you've had to deal with black GI's for 60 plus years and they're pretty much the least bad we've got. Our urban chocolate american is 10-100 worse. I honestly can't believe you don't have a gun culture outside of airsoft. I got to do augmentee with the ROC SOF and they were chill and based as fuck. I know our gun culture wouldn't work for you guys, but some kind of community armory where your weapons are secured by a government official. You could go there to train and to shoot recreationally. Should the time come and biggie smalls kim kicks off the festivities you go there get your gun and go to work. It could satisfy all the things I came to expect from South Korean professionals a well organized efficient system. It would provide the official oversight you guys seem to love and that weird collectivist individualism you guys seem to crave. Plus it would be a great status symbol a lot of you guys love that shit.
Wouldn't sambo rape her first? Also why is that? They rape then murder. That goes against the genetic imperative the compels rape. It's like they have become defective on even a primal level. I never noticed that before.
Hope North Korea invades and rapes your ass and then you ask again.
>If one person had a gun in that club, the death toll would have been much lower.
There was a guy with a gun
>FBI/Authorities drop the ball..
Billions of dollars spent so the FBI and the NSA (and Mossad) can watch every text message, web pages visited, faxes sent, 24/7 GPS surveillance, pron picture downloaded, and voice calls.
Or they let it happen to promote an agenda.
Was it, by any chance, the same fag who bolted out the door as soon as the shooting started and held the doors shut so people couldn't escape?
>Wouldn't sambo rape her first? Also why is that? They rape then murder.
Shit son, that boy in Austin murdered a UT student for her bike and then fucked her.
Look at the country north from you.
>It strictly prohibits the use, ownership, manufacture, or distribution of firearms by any citizen not serving in the military or special sectors of the government "executing official duties." Anyone in violation of firearms laws are subject to "stern consequences."
Because we like guns, get fucked.
>"muh second amendment" or "muh protection" is not a valid excuse.
What is there to excuse? It is a right. A right.
It is not a privilege, a rule or an allowance.
It is a right.