Interracial marriages divorce rate

explain this Sup Forums

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If a sheboon nets a white man she knows that's the best she's ever gonna get.

When they collected more data it turned out not to be true. I'm sure someone has the image.

Any human being on earth who settles for a black female as his mate is utterly incapable of attracting anything better and they know it.
That's why they stay married. It's niggers or MGTOW for those types.

Black women are made for white dick

No one else wants them, and they know it.


I want them


women's dependency to their spouse is directly proportional to the divorce rate

Sheboons are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to human females.

Black women were made for white cocks and white women are thieves.


You have to put this into perspective. Asians are the smartest then whites and after that niggers. Men in relationship like to feel smarter than women. It all comes into feelings of inadequacy
In black male - white female relationship woman is too smart for most black males so they feel subconsiously inadequate thus relationship breaks up sooner or later. In opposite pairing the situation is opposite, because black woman is more likely to be less intelligent than white male so even the beta-male can feel like an alpha. What about asian man and white woman pairing? Well that 59% comes from the dick and sex life. White male asian woman, some asian women are just tad too smart, but in general high IQ white males like asians.

White women are the most entitled and privileged pieces of shit on the planet. Especially the ones in the USA or western Europe.

Black women try to kill you if you even try to leave them

Why would they collect different numbers of couples?


Sheboons love the BWC.

black men and white women are shit.

If a white man and black women are working enough to get together they dont have a reason to leave.


They tend to be shit merely because most white women just hop into it as a rebellious attitude towards their father. Eventually they realize they are with a nigger and nobody considers then special because they show it off.

apparently asians don't fuck monkeys

White guys usually only have the best black girls with normal bodies, not the big ass shequeshas.
Black chicks are eager to please too, and it gives you permission to say nigga in public.

>asians smarter than whites
LMAO. I'm getting tired of this meme. Asians are slightly better at conformist iq test questions and nothing else. There's a reason they haven't invented anything of importance, technological or cultural, in the last 1000 years. Your average asian woman is concerned with social status of husband, status of children, and status of self. Trust me, Asians do not have the inquisitive drive of white people.

why does a white girl even fall in love with an asian man ? it will ALWAYS lead to divorce, because #women. fuck, i fucking hate seeing AMWF divorces.

Please send black girls to Croatia since you fags are not alpha enough to handle them

What is yellow suppose to represent?

> nigger men getting married
The small population to be surveyed must leave a huge standard deviation


my mongol brother

Black men are not looking to marry and settle down with inkpot white women. Their mission is to impregnate them, corrupt their womb and jump ship asap.

Black men aren't stupid, but white women are.

>delusional white supremacist divide and conquer jew tactic

Asians are pretty smart, why is that hard for you stormcucks to admit?


>dat AM/WF divorce rate

So does this mean that the /r/hapas/ meme about AM/WF relationships being healthier is completely backwards?

>ooga men dont like booga women
>ooga men cant take my booga women
white man can finally compete

Where are the big noses?

fpbp tbqfh famalamadingdong

Sage this fucking shit.

gonna need a source, bud

>pol in a nutshell

literally cant make this shit up

Remember folks, this graphic is propaganda.
Notice theres no Hispanic listed, because they're grouped with whites to sqew the numbers.

White men only want the attractive ones.

Nigger and coal burner was still number 1 highest divorce.

Chocolate pussy is made for ivory dick


This. I enjoyed my time with the black girls I've dated a lot more.

>tfw no black girls in Croatia


>wanting to 'handle' a literal she-ape
didn't know beastiality was legal over there

This is the reason why we should've just all mobilized collectively and ran over you.

You are a disgrace to your country.

She will never give up her sugar daddy and he's too stubborn to admit he made a mistake.

What are you talking about?

Normal Serbs who are not faggots like you also love some good black pussy

I agree. It's mostly related to the cultural upbringing rather than genetics. Asians have invented lot of amazing stuff starting from the gunpoweder, banknotes to the Esophagogastroduodenoscope or Android (DER 01).

>Hispanic dating Asian
I'm waiting for when she pipes up with the question to send money to her relatives in Pinoy Land. The twist is I'm poor af.

Don't care, don't want them.

And who could be behind this post?

They are plenty of black girls in the Balkans my friend,you just need to geo out off the house.

How can black """""men""""" even compete?


Black women are the least desirable, so they are probably a lot more accommodating and grateful for having a white husband. The white man doesn't get a divorce because why would he marry one of the least desirable race if he didn't like them as a person or find them desirable? At least that's my assumption, an alternative idea is that black men that marry white women are marrying the trash at the bottom while black women who marry whites are probably near the top of the social ladder while lower class white men tend to show little regards for black women meaning the men are probably also near the top and wealthy educated people are less likely to get divorced.

In my sister's bed

only in Zagreb here :(

and black tourists who come here are mostly taken by some white rich alpha guys. The single ones are too rare and jumped immediately by Chad Croats.

Scoring with a black chick gives you high normie social status here. Im sure in Serbia too

>Asians are slightly better at conformist iq test questions and nothing else.

>Blacks do poorly on IQ tests
Ha look how dumb blacks are

>White do worse than Asians on IQ tests
IQ tests don't actually mean anything, we are still the master race


I feel so sad now because I will never meet some qt black angel :(

Stop posting 10/10 black kitties. Ofc they do exist, but they are really rare. An average black women looks and behaves like this: or like gif-related
Not even niggers want to marry them.


>tfw no thicc niggress
Why even live bros?

But kraut-senpai, white sausages deserve 10/10 chocolate cakes.


Why does Sup Forums love racemixing so much?

Pretty easy. White men are the most loyal, while black women able to get a white men know what it's like to be raised without a father.

They probably never met their father so it's normal for them to want one for their children.

Especially UK, they are literally garbage.

Just fucking look at her, she's so inviting.

White men who marry nigresses are desperate and have no standards.

Black women are just happy that Jamal will have a father present.

kill me
just end my suffering

are there any black girls in Czechia or is it like in the rest of the Eastern Europe


>Sweden isnt attracted to females
What surprise

Go to Ghana or Cuba. They are much poorer than you so they will literally fasten on you like flies on shit.

>you will never have a gf who has an amazing afro like the chick in the bottom right

Yeah. There's a few.


Maybe he still has (false) hope to preserve the white race. But maybe just picrelated.
If first, I would recommend him to make a trip to Malmo.

Wait a minute i recognize this guy now, i don't know why it never occured to me before but he's the guy from iZombie. Decent actor and seems like a cool guy irl too. Is this from a film or something he was in i wonder? I'd really like to find out.


>going for a darker gypsy

Nice defeatism you've got there Hans.

What's the ratio of black qts to none-qts?

I'd say 1/12.

>tfw no redpilled conservative nubian Princess with family values.
Why even life?

top kek, he probably didn't mind.

>tfw qt3.14 black GF that sometimes let's me eat her ass

Das it mane

Japanese and Koreans have the highest non-Jew IQs in the world, as measured by Jew intelligence tests. They are G*d's chosen people.

Malmo's got some cuties.

Just end my suffering.


That (half) italian is cucking the blacks.

They had some fame about it though

Filipinos are the Mexicans of Asia man, literally. Just tell her you're sending all you money to the familia she'll get it.

Come to France. We have Black girls of every kind here. Muslims, Christians, Antilleans, Africans. They love French, and I'm assuming White in general, men and their family will usually treats you like a demi-god if you marry their daughter.


so obviously race mixed

Even white celebrity couples don't care about cheating as they are all promiscuous degenerates, homos, secret transsexuals, etc.
Go marry ukranian whore, she will play an angel for you just to stay in Poland.

Thais are much worse.

Pinays are usually cute and have a nice face.
They expect their man to sustain her, só they do not feel weird asking money

>When they collected more data it turned out not to be true. I'm sure someone has the image.

Lets see that sauce.
Else, bullshit.


look at the opposite (black man x white woman), it's laughable

In real life I've never seen a "black female / white female" couple where the black chick wasn't super hot

It's like the opposite of Asian Female/ White male couple. I've never seen it where the white guy isn't a complete dork

Because black women are afraid of losing the only white man willing to date them