Can you give any Sup Forums?
Can you give any Sup Forums?
these dubs
because it destroys society you fucking vampire.
>one non-religious reason against safe abortion
How do you safely murder a baby exactly?
Quote one government document the founders wrote that actually states "separation of church and state"
There is none.
Prove it.
>only religious people oppose faggotry
>Against same sex marriage
Marriage is a religious ceremony (even though it didn't start as such). However, a civic union isn't.
>Against stem cell research
Immoral. Even though our moral code is based off religion, it is not religious.
>Against safe abortions
Read previous point.
Married people get tax benefits.
These benefits are meant to give couples a break as they feed their soon to be born children out of their own pocket.
Gays do not have children.
There are plenty of non-religious reasons to be against same sex marriage.
Acceptance of homosexuality as as mainstream force destroys gender roles, destroys the normal family unit, spreads disease....It also starts the slippery slope into even worse sexual deviancy.
Gay people tend to have sex, lots of sex, with many different partners. Also I firmly don't think that gay parents should have kids, if there's a lack of mother and father it's pretty fucked up and we shouldn't be endorsing that.
Look up Don Marquis, he wrote THE guide to non-religious opposition to abortion. Posting a few quotes now.
"The future of a standard fetus includes a set of experiences, projects, activities, and such which are identical with the futures of adult human beings and are identical with the futures of young children. Since the reason that is sufficient to explain why it is wrong to kill human beings after the time of birth is a reason that also applies to fetuses, it follows that abortion is prima facie seriously morally wrong..."
"This way of dealing with the problem of abortion seems superior to other approaches to the ethics of abortion, because it rests on an ethics of killing which is close to self-evident, because the crucial morally relevant property clearly applies to fetuses, and because the argument avoids the usual equivocations on "human life," "human being," or "person." The argument rests neither on religious claims nor on Papal dogma. It is not subject to the objection of "speciesism." Its soundness is compatible with the moral permissibility of euthanasia and contraception. It deals with our intuitions concerning young children."
"Clearly, it is wrong to kill adult human beings. Clearly, it is not wrong to end the life of some arbitrarily chosen single human cell. Fetuses seem to be like arbitrarily chosen human cells in some respects and like adult humans in other respects. The problem of the ethics of abortion is the problem of determining the fetal property that settles this moral controversy. The thesis of this essay is that the problem of the ethics of abortion, so understood, is solvable."
Sure, a couple which cannot produce children while still being granted the tax benefits that the partnership provides for (to ease the burden of raising children). Gay marriage assumes adoption, which is the recognition, they cannot have children. It is, in essence, taking advantage of benefits you have no right to.
As a med student, let me give you a rundown.
>one good reasona gainst same-sex
Degeneration of mind and body. Higher dometic abuse, higher STD infectivity, imploded loyalty, higher adultry rate, monogamy supported.
>one good reason against stem cell rsearch
None, but there are some moral dillemas we have day-in day-out. Cloning, for example, is still a heated issue on colleges and universities alike.
>one good reason against safe abortions
Not needed. Stagnation of every race. Banned by Hippocratic oath.
Shills leave pls.
You make sure the mother is black first.
Cultural Marxism
Also 1 post by this ID, kekkle
desu, there is none that actually speaks against homos marrying.
they shouldn't be able to marry in a church if the church doesn't want it, but that's it.
as for the tax benefits, they should generally only be given to those who have children and one partner staying at home. (gays shouldn't be able to adopt children)
as for abortion: murdering children is always wrong, no matter the religion
>morals and religion cannot be separated
or for that matter
>the theory of evolution necessarily denies the existence of god
Just proof that most people dont know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to religion.
What is the purpose of marriage?
Love is no better than a religion so it's not a valid purpose just fyi
People are uncomfortable with the idea of human harvesting of any kind
that's why you have to CHOOSE to donate your body to science
Define personhood. it's very easy to make an argument around a fetus being a person.
Like god damn shit like this pisses me off
it's obvious that this person has not once looked into their opposition
They would get booty blasted by a single informed person
>People and religion should be separate
>Marriage isn't a religious thing
If you aren't religious you should be able to get some kind of Union in the law and marriage should be entirely religious with no risk of losing your shit if it breaks up, I bet a lot of men would gladly get married if that was the case.
Government get out of my marriage reeeeee.
Abortion is murder. The rest is right though.
So they're conceding that a government-performed civil union is different from a religious marriage?
Why would the government ever support gay marriage?
Why should it give any benefits that are reserved for child producing famillies to people who can not have children?
The only reason for it to do it, is if it is actively hostile against their own population.
Well first off, marriage is not administered by the government, it is by the Church, so the solution is do not get married. Second,I do not know much about stem cell research to voice an argument. And third, I guess if safe abortion is okay then safe murder should not be any different.
refer to
Every single controversial ethical issue is argued on secular grounds. The fact that people are unaware of the debates shows they've never actually attempted to think about the issues. All opponents are just "religious" in their mind.
The separation of church and state is so the church can't take every bodies money through taxes and then decide to rule everything and cause another inquisition again. Holy fuck do people even know anything? Its not about removing religion from the government.
Uh, I don't think the Bible even discusses abortion. I don't have to be a Christian to believe that killing someone is wrong, and while there is a debate about the "personhood" of unborn babies, my opinion is that they deserve the same protection as anyone else.
>one reason against gay marriage
Marriage is a religious institution and should have nothing to do with government, it gays want to have a ceremony and live together, I don't really give a shit
>one reason against stem cell research
I'll be honest I don't know enough about this subject
>one reason against abortion
You don't have to be religious to be against baby murder
>personal opinion without statistics to back up
Marriage is an institution mostly meant to bring about the procreation of two individuals that used to be a mutual agreed upon binding contract for mutual safety.
You could argue it has been hollowed out and it most certainly has. But it still offers tax breaks and other boni which were mostly meant to get people to have children so they could in turn pay more taxes. Now adding these tax breaks to the children themselves might be an idea, as for the most part it has become pointless anyway as many couples remain childless or have 1 child at most.
That however doesn't mean giving the same boni, tax breaks and benefits to couples for whom it is biologically impossible to conceive children to promote them having children is, utterly pointless.
What do you mean by safe abortions? In what circumstances.
Cloning moral problems in my eyes come from literlay creating another human being and replacing an old one. Other that cloning could actually be a good thing organ wise.
Apart from High std rates (due to butt sex ripping colon and shit) every other reason has nothing to do with medical school. Also the mind is already degenerated if you are homosexual because A) you are eitehr highly traumatised in your child hood or B) have a mental problem that favorizes homosexual behaviour.
Stem cell research is just research using murdered baby parts.
yeah that's actually quite simple, the first thing.
even without religion, the defining principle of mankind is the propagation of the species forward through time and space; the avoidance of extinction by self-aware engineering to eliminate mutations that are selected against.
same-sex marriage is scientific rationalist public enemy #1.
>Banned by Hippocratic oath.
Who cares?
How is it hostile against the population? Do you really want to force gay people to marry the opposite sex and reproduce?
>head of state is the defender of the faith and the leader of the Anglican Church
>new citizens must make an oath of allegiance to her which includes the phrase "so help me God"
>state and church are separate
Nah Canada is a Christian country
You don't require a religion to find things such as butt piracy, abortions and unregulated research on human tissue objectionable. All three of these things are cultural and societal issues as well as religious issues.
>tumblr screencaps
have we fallen this low? saged
and yes i know saging is against the rules but so are "redpill me Sup Forums" posts like this. If you're going to remove my post mods then remove OP's shitty tumblr screencap please
There isn't. It's a cultural thing from religious interests and impression. Like same sex incest, it doesn't do anything wrong- but from a culture stand point. It's fucked up to you(most).
>thinking religion and politics are different and can be separate
Democracy prevents the seperate of church and state since religious people will just vote based on their values anyway. Morons.
The Medic approves!
Also Abortions to save the mother are in no way banned by the oath. Because the mother is the patient more than the child is. Ofc if you do abortions cause you fucked like a hoe than you should not get it. But if that baby literlay is going to rip your vajayjay in half or is going to be a genetic faliure you have all the right to do it. After all you didnt ask for a downie or death by child birth.
Thing about stem cells is that most of them come from aborted feetuses. Thats why stem cell is so controvertial. Also cloning is a thing in this domain so yeah. But there is nothing inheritly evil with stem cell reaserch.
Since when is saging against the rules?
Is it dangerous to murder a baby? I mean, I guess the mother might have a problem, but it's not like the fetus will defend itself with a gun if it's not American.
I do not even want to imagine a world where religion is looked down upon almost unamiously or even outlawed.
>one non-religious reason against same sex marriage
children raised by homo parents are more likely to become homo / maladjusted themselves which in turn brings down fertility rates / up suicite rates of society putting it in danger of extinction (source needed)
>one non-religious reason against stem cell research
there really isn't
>one non-religious reason against safe abortions
depending on where your definition of life stands, from the moment it goes from "bunch of cells" to "human baby", it attains legal entity status (incapable and dependent) and the state has the duty to prosecute anyone trying to harm it, including the mother
I want the government to invest money into research of cure and prevention on homosexuality.
There already is a cure, just have faith in Christ
You don't have to imagine. We have atheist Utopias - North Korea and China.
op is an obvious homo
To all the retards here:
Abortion is not murder
>non-religious reason against same sex marriage
Marriage as a government benefit is there to ease the burden of potentially raising a child. Homosexuals do not require such a tax cut, they do not require any of the benefits of marriage as they do not procreate.
>stem cell research
There's no reason to be against stem cell research, there are other sources of stem cells than human fetuses
>safe abortion
Unless the child has a medicinal defect that would make their life into a horror story or tragedy that would be unavoidable there is no justification for an abortion. This is the result of irresponsibility and the parent is as fault for it, not the child. I'll still support abortion until every last nigger has been aborted out of this nation, however.
>Cultural Marxism
I think you mean that religion is based off of our moral code
this one is also fairly simple, in my opinion. and closely related to the potential for life is life itself.
it does not matter how "safely" you can end a life that isn't yours, you still have no right to just because its taking place inside your body.
remember, you evolved this way. this is what is selected-for over millions if not billions of years.
if you can fabricate a "right" to cut off the potentiality of a life at any point in its development, then that same "right" transfers to capital punishment, and it transfers to the use of lethal force in defense of life and liberty.
what "pro-choice" advocates is killing someone because they can't yet be transferred to an artificial womb where they will no longer threaten the mother -- when all that needs be done to make that feasible is more investment and more research. how can a big-government, left-liberal hold this position?
Yes it is
>same-sex marriage
Creates a precedent where marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman. Most of the logic used to argue for same-sex marriage can be applied to marriage to children, animals, inanimate objects, abstract concepts, etc.
>Stem cell research
Those cells can be used to produce children you selfish fuck
Basically a 'get out of consequences and responsiblilities free' card for women. Is it really all that hard for women to dress modestly and not pop open their legs everytime someone asks just right?
Now get the fuck out NSA
>murder of children
try harder tumblerinas
yeah it is. you have an alternative to homicide, but you didn't take it. that's murder.
Atheist here, eat shit faglover
yeah especially since most abortions are done on niggers and spics!
Let those little brown turds get ground up, better for the world
Conservative Christian here
> non-religious reason against same sex marriage
Marriage was traditionally only between a man and a woman for about 2000 years, save for some lesser known-about cultures.
IMO "gay" marriage is a joke and not a real relationship/marriage because of the ridiculous abuse/divorce rate among the mentally ill/gay. Is an overall moral taboo.
> non-religious reason against stem cell research
This isn't 2006. Who the fuck is even against that anymore. Who even cares?
> non-religious reason against abortion
Used to be anti-abortion. Still kindof am in theory. A non-religious reason would be it's morally bankrupt to kill off developing, but unwanted human beings.
However, Abortion kills 435,000 black babies a year.
Over the last 20 years, that 8,600,000 black kids that never grew up to be thugs. Go back 40 years, blacks have exterminated 20,000,000, or an entire generation BY THEMSELVES. Good. Don't breed you fucking niggers. Abort every fucking child you have.
No, our ethics and morals, what is right and wrong, came from religion. Humans are inherently selfish and greedy, and it is through religion that we are enlightened how to better ourselves.
he can't, cultural "marxism" is the boogeyman people blame here
not any different from tumblr blaming white men
Are you kidding? It's easy. They can't even fight back.
1. marriage was created by religious institutions, who should logically decide the rules of it
2. marriage is regulated by the state for financial reasons and tax deductions are only offered to incentivize baby making which fags can't do
Gay sex is not hygienic. Play in the mud also exposes others to fecal matter if not clean well.
I'm all for stem cell research
Safe abortion is not safe for the baby.
Turn your heart to Jesus. Time has run out for all of us!
Why do people refuse to accept that marriage itself is a religious thing and "marriage" outside of it is a meme
This is good
it is really complicated
they usually damage the uterus making future conception harder and more dangerous
>same sex
Promotes the spreading of aids, which requires medical attention and by extension costs Americans more
>stem cell
Why is this bad?
Outside of people getting raped and pregnant, all it does is teach women that they can fuck however they want and dont have to deal with the consequences
Babies aren't dangerous. Killing them is safe and easy.
Murder is the act of killing and not be sanctioned by the state.Self defense is not murder.
throwing communists out of helicopters isnt murder
killing innocent babies to be is
1. Marriage is the state's recognition of two individual's forming a partnership to accommodate any offspring. Gay sex cannot produce offspring and thus it is unnecessary to recognize their partnership by the state.
2. Stem Cell research in the form of harvesting cells from aborted fetuses is unethical. It incentivizes the destruction of human life. Harvesting adult stem cells for research is perfectly fine.
3. "Safe" abortions do not exist. All abortions pose a significant health risk to the mother and a dire health risk to the fetus.
0 arguments the post.
You're defending yourself from a baby when you abort it?
Marriage is a religious ritual, like Ramadan or Bar mitzvah. The state has no right to interfere with it or any others
>being this scared of a baby
Goddamn gun-free wombs.
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>same sex marriage is just another attempt at normalizing homosexuality. Before it was "legalized" civil unions existed and gave all of the same benefits of hetero marriage it just didn't have the word marriage tacked on it so it didn't piss off the religious and thus wasn't a big enough victory for the gays.
>stem cells feeds directly into abortion in that regardless of religious views many view abortion as killing another human over nothing more than the woman'said "want" of the child. If a viable alternative to fetal cells was found and stem cell research was just used for regrow amputated limbs/organs/nerve cells nobody would care... until the cost came in an suddenly the poor are demanding "free" access to the procedure because having all your limbs is somehow a human right to be paid for by those better off then you.
>abortion doesn't require a religious background/justification for seeing the unborn child as a human calling it a lump of cells or a parasite and using a dictionary definition to draw parallels holds just as much weight as someone saying it is a human deserving of human rights and using current murder laws concerning the unborn and graphic pictures of abortion.
It's almost like all of those are opinion issues and don't have a "right" side... nah better just "muh church boogeyman" and enter every argument under the delusion that I am factually correct because it's [current year] and people agree with me in the Internet echo chambers I frequent.
you don't need to just accuse everyone of being one post, it's the hip new meme
Click on the ID
On your judgement day will you stand before God and tell him to his face that "abortion is not murder"?
Amerifat education at work.
It just highlights your post
>not wanting to be a part of the hip new meme
... These are shit arguments...
It is very clear you are religious.
I am against many of those things myself, but holy shit just be quiet in public, you make people against those things sound retarded.
God isn't real, so such an event will never occur.
It offends me, Isn't that good enough of a reason now a days?
I still haven't seen anybody quote where it says "separation of church and state"
Because it doesn't exist.
Sounds about right.
Rules on shellfish were moral codes given to us and without it we would sin