IQ, Liberalism and Sexuality

Sup Forums BTFO for all eternity

>Explaining this may be a complicated matter, but Nosek has put forth a pretty decent theory. He believes that a lower cognitive capacity makes people more attracted to simplifying ideologies. On the surface it certainly seems to make sense. Some of the findings by Brock University are quantified in the chart plotting mean adolescent intelligence against adult political ideology.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Measuring intelligence by political beliefs is okay

>Measuring intelligence by race isn't.

>Regressive Left

>Literally a feelgood fact

"DID YOU KNO THAT messy people who procrastinate are in fact the most intelligent ones ?? like if you agree ;)"

t. facebook

Of course, suicides correlate with intelligence as well. Along with pretty much all anxiety disorders.

Doesn't mean suicide or anxiety is right or itself intelligent.

You don't know what liberal means.

>pro gay marriage
>pro choice
>pro equal rights for women in any regards
>against any kind of social conservatism

Intelligent people make more money, so will their children.

Working class people are therefore on aaverage a few IQ points below academics.

Academics can support Multiculturalism because they are not the ones that are going to live next to arabs. Their children are not going to go to 60% migrant schools.
They wont compete with migrants about minimum wage jobs.

The upper-class can vote green and enjoy their spicy italian, french and japanese food and talk to their persian taxi driver while the working class people need to deal with all the shit that swaps over the border which causes them to be more conservative

The author seems pretty level-headed for a liberal

from his wikipedia page:

>Kanazawa claims that Americans are unable to win in the Middle East—and in the "global clash of civilizations"—because they do not hate their enemies enough


Well I'm a fairly conservative guy and actually had my iq tested and have one of 136 and graduated with honors so I think I'm good. Let's look into iq by race next

So political opinions are nothing but an unwanted side-effect?

Why are you on this board then?

>scientists will soon know why people vote conservative

Gee I wonder who's behind these studies

pure shill propaganda. sage.


When the same author stated that black women are less attractive than women of other races, there was an outrage. I do believe that on average very religious people tend to be lower I.Q than others, but this is also true for hardcore liberals, cuckolds and people that support mass immigration.

IQ and income are correlated:

income and politics are correlated:

ergo, IQ and politics are correlated


Just because you are smart does not mean you follow or are knowledgable about politics or world affairs.

The most prolific mathematician alive, probably the greatest scientist in the world right now, Terrence Tao just wrote a blog post about how Donald Trump is unfit to be president, and his evidence were speeches by John Oliver and Mitt Romney...

Is he one of the 5 greatest mathematicians ever and the smartest person on the planet? Yes.

Does that means he is competent about politics? Of course not.

Couple other research level mathematicians grill him in the comments

It's a double-bind. You either admit that people's opinions are relevant regardless of their IQ, like does, or you racially discriminate people based on IQ - in which case you must discriminate conservatives too.

Either way, you're fucked, unless you just call the study Jewish propaganda like

Wow, is the left saying Muslims are less intelligent than them? Why are liberals such racist bigots?

>The study looked at a large sample from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent health, which began with adolescents in grades 7-12 in the United States during the 1994-95 school year. The participants were interviewed as 18- to 28-year-olds from 2001 to 2002.
Yeah, I'm sure this study is 100% accurate and unassailably factual.


If progressives are so fucking smart, why are they willingly wrecking their homelands by importing millions of illiterate shitskins?

Are you actually this retarded?
If A is correlated with B, and B is correlated with C, that does NOT mean A is correlated with C.

Simple example:
You want an example? I flip two fair coins and have to wash the dishes if either one is heads.

A: Coin 1 is heads
B: I wash the dishes
C: Coin 2 is heads

A and C are uncorrelated, but both correlate positively with B.

Intelligent kids go to college.

They receive political and Marxist brainwashing in college. Many of them become liberal.


Nee domme mof, liberal is in its real sense means both social and economic freedom (which is libertarianism in the US now).

>Yeah, I'm sure this study is 100% accurate and unassailably factual.

And your problem with the methodology is?

>why are they willingly wrecking their homelands

Are they?

Angela Merkel is conservative. The people who started the wars in the ME are conservatives.

>>pro equal rights for women in any regards
Which is what the regressives don't want.
Yeah pretty much.

Thus, even though I have a (university) Masters in finance and history and a PhD with regards to option financing, I am stupid for being a classic liberal nativist (which in american context is a very conservative)?

This is most certainly not bait, or is it?



Your retarded example of "washing the dishes" is unquantifiable. You can't calculate a correlation between things that aren't quantifiable, and there's no relationship between the variables in your retarded counterexample anyway (so duh, no correlation).

Of course it fails - you designed a frankly stupid qualitative example to make it fail.

If you did any phd related to economics or finance in anywhere other than the states, yes, you are :^)

You ignored his point.

The Left by and large does not ever walk it's talk on racial immigration all the while cheering things like forced integration on lower class whites.

Stuff like that will drive lower class whites toward more conservative ways of living.

Does the study really claim that knowledge of mathematics makes you a wanna be butt fucker?

When most professors are some kind of liberal, you really think their "do what every you feel as long as liberals approve of it" bias doesn't creep into their lessons?

1+1 equals 2 not 11. According the way the equation is written. Are you going to say that such knowledge is a road to homosexuality and welfare promotion?

If you do you are losing control of the narrative in a very big way. It will be fun watching the left wing self destruct.

I do think Hillary will be elected because of her husband Bill's signage of NAFTA and her eventual signage of TPP.

I will hedge my bets because you never really do know with politics.

Try getting all the white liberals you know to self integrate into a society where non whites have vast majority control of the government and local law enforcement.

Yes, of course I did, most of our universities are not only far older and more established than american colleges, but also outrank a significant portion of them.

IQs can increase/decrease, so race doesn't matter, just make sure your kids read a lot and challenge their brain often

Hello Shill my old friend, would you kindly use a leaf proxxy instead?

The funny thing is, this doesn't seem like an even remotely decent statistics. From what we currently know this will be on par with the "conservatives more psychotic" which turned out to not just be a hoax but the inverse.

Let X and Y be independent random variables:

A = X
B = X + Y
C = Y

Happy, dumbass? You can let x and y be whatever real world events you want.

You can think of uncorrelated as orthogonal vectors in your data space. So let A and C be orthogonal vectors, then for n>2 there is always B not orthogonal to either (ie correlated)

You're right. If we just educate Africans correctly they'll be getting to the moon in no time.

Hillary is not a conservative.
Merkel is not a conservative but has always been a GDR mole as she as amply shown.

And yes, they are. Very much so. Basically every European nation has gone to utter shit under their rule as they spread and enforce leftist ideology.

Faggotry , Atheism and sexual deviancy all point to one root cause: demon possession.

Also recorded as granting unnatural intelligence

there ARE intelligent black people. you can educate everyone but if they don't want to learn then it's useless

Sorry, what? A large part of IQ is genetic. Even American blacks with huge white admixture are dumb as hell. Funnily enough, they also all vote extremly left. Which is an odd thing to behold and might be the reason why the graph our friendly shill has shown us here starts at 94~ and ends at 105~ all of which is still very much inside the average.


>German flags, defines liberal like an amerifat
PAID Shill detected.
Get your narrative straight, yiu disgused me.

Ad hominen on an idiological scale
It measures average. All this means is that the mildly intelligent fall for liberalism

Sure there are, the vast mayority of them however aren't. Which is what's important. Even the intelligent people are outliers who usually will regress towards the norm with each following generation. Which is actually a pretty good argument for not letting them immigrate into your country.

Really wish upside down Poland was more like real Poland.

Cough cough... niggers IQ =85

there's no way. life can't be this unfair. everyone has the same opportunity to be great. and having low IQ permanently means there's no point to even live. it's just like having a micropenis

>Implying you can find a good valid and reliable concomitant relationship
>Implying you can proof the elimination of any other possible causal factors
>Implying (like ausbro said) qualitative research in this context will give conclusive evidence about causality.

>Have 134 IQ
>Be Nationalist Libertarian
This is Facebook-tier propaganda.

i'm just one person please don't make me hate my country and culture. i don't want to be seen as bad and stupid and ugly by white people

>the left cares about the poor
>ugh, fucking uneducated lower class, voting conservative

Nice bait, Dutch-indies.

>Hillary is not a conservative.

yes she is, literally look up democratic part political compass

>Merkel is not a conservative
>but a GDR mole

topkek. Don't forget to put on your tinfoil hat.

IQ is pretty much done in the late teens, you cant improve it after that

Who the fuck would boast about a 106 iq?

>And your problem with the methodology is?
Oh, am I supposed to argue with you? lol

Dont take achmed serious. He is just a shill trying to stage an ideological intimidation tactic.

like using the compass unironic her

I wonder how this looks if you flip the axes and extend it to IQs that are actually significantly different

>mean adolescent intelligence
>no direct link to the papers
Into the trash.

Your chart doesn't even list me, 134, and no, I'm not a liberal faggot.

>He believes that a lower cognitive capacity makes people more attracted to simplifying ideologies
How is being a liberal any more complex than being a conservative?

liberals have it easy since their beliefs dont even have to be self consistent.

I'm intelligent, at least I hold my own well, and I'm conservative. I can tell you why in two statements. It's not the government's job to bend over backwards, making special allowances for every interest that comes along and feels it needs distinctive privilege. Government should be concerned with governing, not catering, pandering, to every self-absorbed group which comes along expecting government to stick its nose where it doesn't belong.

That's the biggest reason. All liberalism is, to me: an appeal for what you can't earn on your own merit.

To add, maybe that's why they seem smart. They're able to manipulate well. That only goes so far.


>The IQ differences, while statistically significant, are not stunning -- on the order of 6 to 11 points
>The study found that young adults who said they were "very conservative" had an average adolescent IQ of 95, whereas those who said they were "very liberal" averaged 106.

Now lets go find out where actual smart people land and where the literal retards come in at.

stupid lefty meme, selling out your country to immigrants is not conservative

there is a natural iq increase per generation

the younger generation is usually liberal and they would have higher iq's because of things like better teaching and complexity of today's world

not even surprising desu

You still don't get it. You're in a predicament you can't explain away. The reasons are irrelevant. You either believe that groups of people should be treated differently based on average IQ, or you don't.

>Does the study really claim that knowledge of mathematics makes you a wanna be butt fucker?

Funnily enough, I remember reading a study how 40% of male Cambridge students had sex with a man once.

>there is a natural iq increase per generation

No. I don't believe or accept this. People age 20 today are exactly as people, age 20, two decades ago. Having more data available to you does not equal IQ, and hey, I'm one who believes an IQ standard has some merit, but availability of choice doesn't make choices better.

Too bad her party and the whole of Germany disagrees with you.

>the reason people hate niggers is because of their low IQ scores
Oh, wow. Check this retard out.

>No. I don't believe or accept this

But it's true you moron.

>Sup Forums in a nutshell

>pro gay marriage
I'm gay myself so I'm in favour of this
>pro choice
in favour because it kills niggers far more than the police does
>pro equal rights
In favour, only if it also means equal responsibilities, and to have "equal rights" things like affirmative action and sex selective benefit programs have to go.
>against any kind of social conservatism
Define or go fuck yourself
Define or go fuck yourself with a cactus
I'm also
>against gun control
>against big government
>against religion protection
>not an atheist

What one defines as "liberal" or "conservative" is subjective, those labels are subjective and only exist to create an easy target to attack. If Sup Forums wants to be serious about discussing politics it should drop the identity targeting and discuss issues on a objective and specific way.

No, the study says:

>people who hate niggers also have a low IQ score

Now you can conjecture that both a low IQ score and hate for niggers are caused by being stupid - but that's up to you.

Maybe hating niggers makes you stupid? So many possibilities.

It doesn't relate in practical application.

Hey guys, guess which ideology has on average the highest IQ

Shame they went full autism this year

Welcome to life, it's not fair. Never was never will be.

Listen, I know you guys are inbred as hell but even you must recognize I and that shill aren't the same person. Heck our positions are completely opposite.

Wow nice try. By that same argumentation Lenin wasn't a leftist because Stalin was further left. Her being not as left as some others doesn't mean she isn't a leftist.

As for Angela, the stuff is quite easily accessible. She had ties with the GDR, she was part of various GDR organizations, she joined a party anathema to everything she stood for before while still low key shilling for various leftist ideas and then when she had a chance to further leftist junk, she leaped at it.

Using tinfoil hat on Sup Forums really makes you seem like a newfag, even for a shill.

>people who hate niggers also have a low IQ score
Oh, does the study say that? Where exactly?

Watching you doing these mental gymnastics like this sure is entertaining.

Dance monkey! Dance!

Angela Merkel is a classic case of "mole in charge". The CDU/CSU grass roots and even the CSU in general want her gone. The only ones still protecting and siding with her are her own cronies and other higher ups who have too much to lose from her fall from grace.

The CDU itself has claimed to be a "party of the middle" in recent times. But nice try!

The political ideology was self-identified. That means that you can't reason about what the labels mean. You poll people and get their average opinion about what the label means (which could be wrong by any dictionary or standard definition, be contradictory, make no sense, etc.) to understand what the survey quantifies.

>What one defines as "liberal" or "conservative" is subjective

No it isn't. There's a dictionary definition of the words.

Just go read a book. Not some racist book, but an actual book.

people who do these researches want to get these results. its not just cheating or manipulation of the research but maybe just conf. bias or things like that. 99% of people in psychology or sociology are liberal or even SJW.

t. doing my PhD in a related field

I want a link to the direct studies, I want to see which methodology they used, they also have cited "mean adolescent intelligence" which is not the same as IQ, want to see a specific indication of what they considered to be "liberal" and "conservative" values. Until all of this is specifically stated there can be no serious discussion because we cannot see how impartial the study was.

I disagree

Kill yourself you obvious first day shill

>Measuring intelligence by race is ok.
>Measuring intelligence by political beliefs isn't.

Pretty sure this is a "fuck you" to all racists who post IQ statistics segmented by race.

Except that people who self report "liberal" and "conservative" most often don't know the "official" definition themselves, so that definition is literally useless.

I'm pretty sure you're a kike shill who is astroturfing us on the orders of five eyes

>Oh, does the study say that? Where exactly?

In the OP. Provided we agree that people labeled "conservative" are also more likely to hate niggers.

It doesn't. They're bullshitting. Either the stuff is just plain wrong, it's the inverse such as political leaning and psychosis which they had to rectify recently or they on purpose cut out a small part of something to present as "proof".

If you look at the chart he posted initially, it started at 94 and ended at 106. Because that is the one segment supporting his claim. If he goes further down people swing left again. Further up and they increasingly turn right.

It's basically the "smug group", people smart enough to make it into college but not smart enough to not be wholly indoctrinated and having leftist leanings hammered into them. The 94~ group is statistically still inside the average and tends to be working class, people who are exposed to migrants and other groups on a daily basis and form their opinions upon their interactions with them.

It's low tier Antifa shilling.

>Be Nationalist Libertarian

What definition?

A modern liberal like Hillary is on the right of a 60s Rockefeller Republican.

What's conservative yesterday may be liberal today.
What's liberal today may be conservative tomorrow.

American definition of liberal is just progressive and for conservative it's keeping the status quo.
Those definitions are fluid as fuck


>Read a book
You acting as if reading wasn't a normal thing to do but something to be smug about kinda makes you come off as pretentious at best.

You guys ignore the genetic component of IQ, you've done so for quite some time and it has lead to a complete disaster where low IQ populations are concerned who have moved into the West because of you effectively bribing them to do so.

By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
February 26, 2010 -- Updated 2203 GMT (0603 HKT)

I thought this was Sup Forums not /his/

We've had the most politically tumultuous couple of weeks and you drag up an article from 6 years ago?

>Provided we agree that people labeled "conservative" are also more likely to hate niggers.
lol, pic related. Please fucking kill yourself.

>believing the iJew test

Maybe it's because I live in Arizona. But everyone I meet (relative to Scottsdale) seems to be conservative despite their education.

Our blacks are even conservative. That being said, our Mexicans are obviously not.

>He believes that a lower cognitive capacity makes people more attracted to simplifying ideologies.
>I want to be flooded with violent niggers and welfare leeches
>Jews can do no wrong because they were victims once
>having a stable family is outdated because a small percentage of the population is mentally ill
>You don't understand this complete tearing down of western civilization because it's too complex
OK, I guess I'm retarded then, where's my disability cheque and tax-free status?