what is Sup Forums's opinion on paid maternity leave?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on paid maternity leave?
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Sup Forumstards want to be edgy and say they're against it, but they're retarded for saying that because how in the fuck do you expect white women to multiply when it's so hard for them to raise a family? Paid maternity leave is obviously a big help and is redpilled.
Of course now that my post is the first post ITT no one is going to admit to their double standard, since you are all retarded sheep who don't think for yourselves
it makes it easier for the poorest and those of least desirable traits to breed more
>how in the fuck do you expect white women to multiply when it's so hard for them to raise a family
They shouldn't be working in the first place. Children have to have a stay at home parent, and since women have tits to breastfeed it should naturally be them. Not to mention the countless psychological studies that say women are better for children to be around early on in their development.
>Paid maternity leave is obviously a big help and is redpilled.
Fine, if women want it they can have it. But if they are going to have it they can't bitch about "muh wage gap" since maternity leave is literally one of the reasons the "gap" exists.
i think its necessary
Companies can provide it if they want. They shouldn't be forced to.
Women should not really be working anyway, especially if you are having children. When you have children women should stay at home.
for men? sounds good.
Well at least you're not saying "muh feministic degeneracy"
I don't see the problem with wives working and adding onto the family income but you do you
>how in the fuck do you expect white women to multiply when it's so hard for them to raise a family?
There are plenty other expenses you can refund.
Daycare being the biggest of them all by far.
The problem with payed maternity leave is who is paying.
Namely employers.
It's a strong incentive to not hire women aged 25-35.
White men and women should both have children and hold jobs. Ideally a family should have a homemaker and a breadwinner but the global economy doesnt allow that. Maternity leave is good because it allows whites to reproduce and maintain high monetary standing.
It's the law here. During 5 years at a company of roughly 350 employees, we processed payroll benefits for 21 women. The payroll benefit amounts to half pay for four months out, three before and one following birth.
Of the 21, two actually returned to work. All the others took the pay with no intention of returning.
Four of the 21 lied on application and were hired pregnant (yes, we are allowed to ask). All four sacked at their jobs, had shit attendance and just used the company for free pay.
It is nearly impossible to fire a pregnant woman here. Mothers Day is in fact anot obligatory national holiday, just like independence day or new years.
Paid maternity helps out, not saying anything against it, but put it into law and expect abuse. Bottom line - the consumer and taxpayer foot the bill.
In canada we pay into EI with our taxes taken off every pay check for it.
fucking mandatory.
I would also advocate a later leave for males( say at 12-14 years old, when they start challenging authorty) for the father to actually build the foetus into a man. That used to be done in ancient culture.
Now we leave it all to schools and look at the mess we've got.
Most businesses already offer leave. You *earn* it by putting so many hours in at your job, just like sick time.
It's done this way to prevent Shaniqua from landing a job at McDonalds while she's 2 months pregnant then demanding them Gubments pay her her full salary for a year because "muh baby."
Demanding a company to pay women to not work is utter bullshit, and the only people that will be taking advantage of it are niggers.
If you want to pay people to breed, start a eugenics program. At least that way we might be paying for useful children and not just another million welfare niggers.
Only if there's also paid paterny leave
Against. Women should be allowed maternity leave, but why should they get paid for not working?
>Four of the 21 lied on application and were hired pregnant (yes, we are allowed to ask). All four sacked at their jobs, had shit attendance and just used the company for free pay.
This right here. Countries that have already attempted this failed experiment have seen first hand it's obvious (and damned well expected) failures.
>employers pay for maternity leave
That's how it is in The Netherlands? For some reason I thought the government took care of that. Well, it's not something we can't change, is it?
another source of cognitive dissonance for poltards who harbor both "muh capitalism muh markets muh economical growth" and "muh society muh traditionalism muh nucler family" memes.
A society is really defined by how it raises its offspring.
Father here. It's fucking hard to raise a newborn baby, holy fuck. And handing the baby to a nanny is too risky, to a nurse is too expensive, if you have parents who can handle the job good for you, but it's not like that for everyone. And I'm not even talking yet about how the PARENTS should raise the child not other people.
Bottom line, it's insane having both parents working/raising children. There's a reason why it wasn't like this in the past, we're running away from the responsibility of managing our own families to have "careers" and "jobs" like if that was more dignifying that being a parent. Fuck that.
Paid maternity leave is not what should be on debate, we should ask ourselves why people want to do two opposite things at the same time and ask someone else to pay for it.
>bro's gf gets pregnant
>drops her shit secretary job and look for something that offers paid maternity leave
>apply for these jobs
>get hired at a bank doing some paperwork
>stays as long as she can while her pregnancy isnt visible
>gets on maternity leave when it is
They sued her dumb ass and she(read:my bro) had to repay every penny they gave her.
>I don't see the problem with wives working and adding onto the family income but you do you
It shows in the children. Parents needs to be active in their kids' lives, and they can't be if they both work. Any single mom that ever tells you she is Super Woman or some shit is full of herself, you can't be in two places at once. Either you are going to have a good job to provide, or you're going to be the stay at home parent.
If the provider's job isn't good enough to provide for everyone then they are a failure who decided to have kids too soon. It is that simple. Like I said, child psychologists all say women are better suited to stay at home AND women themselves tend to be happier when they do. The problem in the west is feminism has painted stay at home moms, the true heroes of western society, as sellouts. Mothers who pride themselves in their kids and live through them are always happier, and their children turn out to be great as well. Ever since the rise of women working and single motherhood western society has tanked.
maternity leave is a disaster
businesses are not charities, they have finite amounts of money and slim profit margins most of the time
Women or at least mothers shouldn't be in the workforce anyway.
Blame the (((marxists))) for destroying single earner houshold by increasing the cost of living.
I'm going to marry Rosie!
>Mothers Day is in fact anot obligatory national holiday
Fairly sure it's "mother church" day, the day to visit your mother church, not anything to do with your mother.
Sure, why not? I'm a guy and I got 4 months "compassion leave" because I didn't want to work for Telus anymore. Companies should do whatever the fuck they want to remain competitive.
It actually being required is kind of fucking stupid though, that just promotes the hiring of males over females.
In the future everybody is just going to be a contractor or sub contractor because of shit like this.
I've not had to deal with a second of this kind of thing since setting up my own shit. Take three months off? Cool with me, but you don't get paid until your project is done, just like you signed off on. And it'll be your last from me! Oops looks like your assistants are mad as fuck! Not my problem.
>That's how it is in The Netherlands?
Fairly sure it's like that everywhere.
It would be a huge burden for the government.
only if it's available for fathers as well
>how in the fuck do you expect white women to multiply when it's so hard for them to raise a family?
By having a husband.
There is this thing called a conversation. There is also being a good worker. If you are a woman and you are planning to have a child, you do this thing called talking. You see, you go up to your boss, and you say, "Hello Mr. Boss, my husband and I are planning on having a child, and so I regretfully have to inform you that I am handing in my resignation.", to which the boss responds, because you're such a valuable asset to his company, "You will be sorely missed, but we wish you all the best with your child. If you ever need work again, we'll more than happily take you back on!", at which point you walk out the door, raise your kid, living off savings you've been earning so you could survive without working for a year or more.
Blimey, look at that, you were responsible, rather than looking to get handouts for doing nothing.
I agree with it, but not for the reasons that libcucks do. Libcucks want mandatory paid maternity leave because MUH FEMINISM MUH STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN.
Whatever, that's all bullshit. I'm in favor because of the incentives it creates.
1) It provides incentive for employed women (ie, white women) to have children. The current paradigm is that working white women have too few children because they spend all their time working instead. I see this as a paid incentive for successful women to actually have children. This is a good thing, especially since it can't be abused by non-working nigger welfare queens, because they're not employed in the first place.
2) it provides incentive for employers to hire men over women, because hiring women becomes a risk when you may have to pay them for months even though they might not work due to maternity leave. This is an incentive towards a more traditional situation in which the man works and the woman raises kids. I'm all for that.
> I want to go on maternity leave from showing my tits all day *giggle *
I don't understand how anyone can be for it. These women can CHOOSE to have a child. And their employer should be punished for their choice by losing money? What kind of fucking sense does that make?
It can be a pretty valuable resource that companies use to attract skilled employees.
The government shouldn't force companies to offer it, though.
A good thing. Women need the time off to take care of their children and raise the next generation. They should be given it without stigma or penalization.
case closed, just like abortions it gives people and excuse to not be responsible for their own actions/consequences
it's great, really
i earn, i buy, she gets a roof over her head and food in her belly
i put babies in her dumb, sympathetic-to-refugees cunt
yes; stay the fuck in the home, woman, you're cancer to a workplace
Mothers day. Always some dumb fuck who thinks he knows better than those who live here.
Women have enough advantages and cause enough problems in the workplace as is.
irrelevant, women's place is not in the workplace
>women working is repilled
This. Women are devilish cunts and this is common.
Why do that when you can just
>do afterschool work at local international school
>hear all the gossip
>new "primary teacher coordinator" position is opened up
>everyone applies because its much higher pay
>finally a teacher is chosen
>she is told in may that shell get the new position in september
>september starts
>she works 1 day
>the next day she applies for maternity leave, because she got pregnant between march and september
>takes 1 year off
>gets paid more, despite not working
Oh, and before you plebs make this a race thing, shes blond, blue-eyed.
It's good.
Reeeee I wanted that in gif form and am too lazy to find it right now
>It's a strong incentive to not hire women aged 25-35.
And what's wrong with that?
Equality is wrong. Women of child bearing age should be bearing children while the men are working. This is a win win.
Look at all these fucking virgins in this thread. Christ.
Paid maternity leave isn't a requirement in my state (Georgia) but my wife's company offers 60% for up to the 12 weeks allowed by the FMLA. My wife's about to give birth. Awesome. I can also leave for 12 weeks and be guaranteed my job but I've got a shit ton of stuff to do around here so I'll probably keep at 2 weeks or so.
Anyways, paid maternity is like any other benefit. You include it to entice and retain workers. Just like PTO or retirement matching or health insurance costs, paid maternity is a benefit.
But yeah, it's top notch. As with the FMLA, it should be required for any company employing 50+ within a 75 mile radius.
Sounds like a nice vacation. Call up Tyrone and have another one.
I have a very similar story:
- lady worked part time for over 10 years.
- applies for full time management position, gets it becasue she's the most senior.
- immediately goes on maternity leave. (guy has to fill in for her).
- comes back, can only work part time now "because of children". (guy still has to fill in).
- half year later goes on maternity leave again. (guy fills in full time again).
- immediately quits when leave is over.
Also 100% white.
Women just know how to milk the system.
I really don't see how I as a business owner should pay the time an employee is absent and thus does not create value for the company. It is literally a liability in the purest sense of the form. This is why I hire mostly young temps (zzp form for the dutch here) and am really carefull in hiring females that are over the age of 30 in general.
They should be gassed.
>Look at all these fucking virgins in this thread. Christ.
Look at this fucking Chad. Christ.
Just because you got lucky to get born superior enough to get a wife doesn't mean you deserve benefits.
If any employer is dumb enough to give them out, that's their problem. But lots of people think employers should be forced to give them and that makes no fucking sense.
If you want to save the white race by having children, fine, do it. I don't give a shit. But please, don't be a nigger and do it on your own fucking budget.
It needs to be capped, maternity leave only paid for the first child, same with child benefits... Gives everyone the right and means to one child, after that they have to decide if they can afford another rather than using it as a way of getting extra free money. Hate seeing these young mums popping out as many kids as possible because it pays them enough money to get their nails done very week
Women shouldn't be working in the first place.
The vaginal jew strikes again.
It's not helping women.
It's not helping men.
It's not helping companies.
It's not helping the government.
Only thing maternity leave is helping are the feels of left-wing politicians.
No maternity/paternity leave for anybody!
You chose to have children, why the fuck should I have to pay for your disgusting sprog?
You deserve nothing from anybody else, go work for your money instead of being a leach on the rest of us.
If you can't afford it then starve, I don't care.
While I do agree that women should be paid for maternity leave, I am against laying the costs on the companies that hire them.
The reason why women get paid maternity leave is because society, and particularly the state, is investing in the child that will be born and raised. Since the value of the paid maternity leave is reaped by the state, and not the business that hired the woman, the state should be the one to pay the maternity leave. The way the system is now, businesses are forced to invest in children that they have no stake in.
tl;dr im for paid maternity leave, but shift the cost from the employer to the state
If a company offers it on their own, good for them.
But fuck the government trying to force it on companies.
It's not a companies responsibility to pay for an employee to sit at home with their kid.
I don't give a shit about it to be honest but i can see why an employer would not hire women if they are forced to pay for weeks of leave because she popped one out.
When I have a baby I expect I will be able to take some time off, you know, to heal my gaping fucking vagina/C-section wound.
Paid maternety should be mandated across all first world states.
Males should get a percentage for moral support and aiding the female during the first few weeks
It encourages working (read: white) women to have more children. And it encourages businesses to hire men over women.
How is that a bad thing? I want white birth rates to go up and I want traditional households where the family depends on the husband.
I think it's great, it encourages women to have children which is good because our birth rates are on the decline. While it isn't doing much on it's own, with a bunch of other stuff, it could increase 1st world birth rates.
Don't project your fantasies on me, maple bitch.
>If your employer is dumb enough
My employer is the largest in our industry. They employee tens of thousands of people across 30 countries. They are many things but dumb is not one of them.
And, no, it's absolutely smart. Their benefits are the reason I chose them and why I choose to stick with them. It's why they have above average retention rates. Nickel and diming for salaries is baby shit. I don't care about a $10,000 difference annually if I make up more than that in my benefits.
If a woman can negotiate it with her employer, good for her. The government has no business deciding that for people though.
are you a girl or just one of those canadian men with a mangina
I don't really care if you consider it dumb or not.
Whose bread you eat, his song you sing
My point was that forcing companies to give paid maternity leave is retarded. That's all.
No work no pay. It's the father's responsibility to get money somewhere. Females are meant to stay home anyways.
Children need stay-at home parents, but only when they're in their formative years. If all the kids are in school and it's needed then both parents should be working to pay the bills.
I don't really know. I'll be the main provider for my family so after I pop out a baby and don't feel like I've been stabbed I'll be returning to work asap.
OK as long as there is equal amount of pId paternity leave.
You do realize paid mat leave doesn't just apply to whitey, right? Paid mat leave is just gibsmedats which allow single moms to raise more broken people
balls deep for it, hopefully all companies have the policy, but I wouldn't force them to.
So you went from saying my company was dumb to even offer it to the government shouldn't force it. Alright?
Benefits packages are the shit. Don't shit on companies because they can afford to treat their employees well.
>muh traditional family
Meanwhile every fucking mariage ends up in a divorce, if you ever get married at all, and usually you do that once you're done studying because collegial jew has told you to get in debt, if she isn't too busy slutting around.
Women can't afford to stay out of the workforce, and men can't have a family depend on their salary anymore.
We're screwed.
How? Paid maternity surely would help high IQ women who are working but not having kids, no?
You don't "earn" sick time wtf are you talking about
not if it's paid for by the employer, but your argument is solid if the state funds it
A middle road would be that the state funds it if you have done x time in the workforce
>So you went from saying my company was dumb to even offer it to the government shouldn't force it. Alright?
Do you have trouble reading? I said in my first fucking post that it shouldn't be forced. I think both. I think it shouldn't be forced and I think employers who give it are dumb.
>Benefits packages are the shit. Don't shit on companies because they can afford to treat their employees well.
I'll shit on whatever company I want. I wonder how it works though, do all women get this benefit? Or just some that are employed in the company? Because if just some, then that's fine with me. Benefit for people who are good, why the fuck not. Giving it to all women because they have a vagina? Fucking retarded.
Who's dat
Not every employer in the US offers paid sick/medical leave.
I'd get her pregnant, if you know what I mean
>too bad
>life's not fair
the career move
your employer shouldn't have to pay for you because you made a decision that renders you incapable of showing up to work
you want to have kids, save up your money and don't go on vacation and use your vacation pay and saving to live off of while you breast feed or w/e the fuck women do besides get fat when they're on paid leave
You can take time off, but don't expect anyone else to work and give you their money whilst you sit on your arse all day.
If you want money, go out and earn it like everyone else has to.
n'th post best post
Why are you so angry? It ain't that serious, user. It's not like it costs the employees or customers. Let me red pill you:
HR doesn't just handle hires and fires. They are the ones that negotiate benefits with providers. A competent HR department can put together a nice fucking package.
And for maternity leave, the benefit applies to males and females - just like the FMLA.
I'm angry because some people get more than me due to luck. What's so hard to understand?
inb4 muh hard werk
what did he mean by this?
Rosie Jones
Girl at work is pregnant with twins, she'll now get benefits for almost 1.5 years. I mean that's just overkill and it doesn't make sense that you'd get twice as much for twins.
You all talk about "the state" funding it, but where does "the state" get its money from, only people can pay taxes.
Yeah, that's right YOU, why should you pay someone to sit on their ass all day long just because they plopped out a small human, if they can't afford to have children then they shouldn't have them in the first place.
You can't enslave people just because you made a bad decision and you have a sore cunt.
Look at this Obama voter. Luck had fuck all to do with it. The experience, education and certifications, and references on my resume did. Go get fucked you miserable faggot.