He's right
He's right
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he's always right
Not an argument.
Those two things just don't work the same way. Why do arguments like this always come up...? Are you retarded? Read the sticky, your argument is invalid lmao
Yeah, forcing every one to take their shoes of is fucking ridiculous.
Kill yourself leafie.
>literally hundreds of thousands of deaths from knives
Ban knives?
>literally hundreds of thousands of deaths from fistfights
Ban hands/?
>In '90 a nigger used gasoline to kill 60+ people in the bronx
Ban gasoline?
He is right, TSA needs to fuck off.
Where in the bill of rights does it talk about the right to wear your shoes while going through airport security?
Were a Constitutional Republic, NOT a democracy
He's right. Taking off our shoes is fucking stupid and we need to stop it.
Thanks Current Year Guy!
I've never taken my shoes off when flying. Is this an American thing?
Are those his actual teeth?
This thread again and of course Sup Forums fags retards are taking the bait
taking your shoes off is a minor nuisance, not a major infringement of rights.
He's British. Does that answer your question?
He is an Eternal Anglo.
He's actually not. His statement is a lie. Bush signed a gun control law in 2008 in response to the Virginia Tech shooting.
Of course, since they didn't pass a complete ban on the guns used that counts as "no change" to liberals.
metal detectors at schools then?
>numerous car crashes
>no change in the regulation of cars
>many stabbings
>no regulation on knives
why do we have to do either? just fucking get on with life.
>Brings up the motherfucking TSA as an argument
Holy hell this has to be the greatest analogy in history. The TSA is an overbloated, ineffectual, and totally useless security measure which prevents nothing. The same idea applies to guns. Pass law, does nothing, people feel safer because muh government and check points
Fuckin A
>a popular means of transportation that can endanger people when handled badly
>an essential kitchen utensil that only British cops would be retarded enough to confiscate in a weapon sweep
>firearms made for the sole purpose of killing people
Geee, I wonder which one of these should be more strictly regulated to prevent deaths without impairing necessary daily activities.
Well, yes, he is, sort of.
We need to fire the TSA and quit falling for security theatre like idiots, yes we do.
Only one of those is a civil liberty explicitly stated in the constitution.
We were already checking our guns at the airport though.
>firearms made for the sole purpose of killing people
No, that's what criminals use them for. Regular people use them for
*protecting your home
*protecting your family
*protecting your neighbors
*protecting your community
*protecting your freedoms
*protecting your country
Why does a filthy limey think he can tell Americans what they have to do?
2nd amendments purpose is to keep the government afraid of the people. It exists so we can always kill them if we have to.
Putting holes in paper. Gotta show those targets who wears the fucking daddy pants.
I bet it takes an hour to get his hair like that.
Havent seen any shootings in prisons or courthouses. Need better security. Good strong doors that cant be kicked down is a good start.
Actually my american brother, the right to keep and bear arms is a birth right, the constitution merely affirms it. It does not grant you any rights, because you already have them.
>A car is not protected in the constitution
>A kitchen knife is not protected in the constitution
>Guns are protected in the constitution
Well well look at that and if you go changing it to fit your narrative before you know it not all men or born equal or you're not free to say whatever you want anymore.
Not that Horizontal France would understand.
You're right. We should ban shoes.
I am now a #HillaryArtillery
bombs aren't protected under the bill of rights.
Good luck getting a gun through airport security.
Says who
This is kind of germanbro we need here.
They really did fuck up and overreact with the shoe bomb thing.
All those things you mentioned mean killing people
>it's in the law so don't debate it
This is how free thinking dies
>before you know it not all men or born equal or you're not free to say whatever you want anymore
>slippery slope fallacy
except after columbine they started putting armed police inside us schools , metal detectors and that bullshit zero tolerance act
Get this man a green card
In the past 30 days Islamic terror resulted in the deaths of over 2000 people, yet people still want to let them into the country
that's not true, they put up "no guns allowed" signs at schools
>implying you can't kill anyone with a shoe
m8 i have over 300 confined kills and that's with just my bare hands.
Imagine what i could do with a fucking shoe.
My right to own any weapon I choose is protected by the Constitution
>No change
Arent school "gun-free zones" now ?
However there were also 2865 terror attacks by muslims in 2015 alone and there's been zero regulations on muslims
trump got in trouble for trying to ban them, is farage trying to ban them from the uk?
a broken clock is right two times a day
rights are a social construct. The constitution is just a document written hundreds of years ago. your "argument has no weight behind it
a brain is just a piece of matter and tissue, you don't have a brain.
You're being facetious, but it actually is an argumentum ad antiquitatem
John is such a fucking stud hng
We had to take our shoes off at the airport before the failed shoe bomb. You are a complete retard and the rest of that meme confirms it beyond all doubt.
Move away, faggot; you do not deserve freedom and you do not deserve to live in America.
>In '90 a nigger used gasoline to kill 60+ people in the bronx
You mean gasoline used a nigger to burn down the bronx.
If rights are a social construct then you have no right to exist faggot
He's right.
We shouldn't have to take our shoes off.
Hey Britain, how's that gun control working out for you?
>Hate speech should be a crime cries the SJW's
There is no slope only a downward spiral if you don't hold on to your rights.
Maybe he should go back to big brother UK if he doesn't like personal liberties.
Yeah, he's totally right. Why weren't shoes banned completely?
I think taking shoes off at airports is bullshit. So fuck you john Oliver you statist fuck
Not specifically. He's proposed an australican style system that would only let in people with useful skills which would by default keep out 99.9% of the durka durkas
>you can only amend the law if you take away all my rights at once!
You can't be this retarded.
Please move here dude. Your country is done. It'll be Muslim utopia within a decade or so. And you know what that means: honor killings, mass rape, political executions.
Come to America please. Because you are evidently smarter and better than 90% of the plebs I'm forced to interact with each and every day.
Perhaps your 'foreign charm' can finally convince them.
He makes a good point, we gotta make airports into no shoe zones.
huh...really makes you think...
shoes are not protected by the constitution
That's from Sandy Hook
>Less than 100 gun homocides each year
Pretty good desu
Except that there are thousands of pages of new gun regulations.
I actually want to, still milking the system for a degree for practically for free.
>Shit i never said
Simply astounding.
So you can bring a gun onto a plane? Makes you think...
I swear people here have no understanding of the phrase "social construct"
You don't a constitutional right to shoes.
Also, I can't take my gun onto an airplane.
He can go fuck himself.
>One successful attempt at attacking the US in the name of Islam and no change in the regulation of immigrants
They don't regulate the sale of ownership of shoes. They just check them at the airport. The same way they don't let you carry guns or ammunition into the gate
>4 guys try to bomb an airport
>one with a hatbomb
>one with a shirtbomb
>one with pantiesbomb
>one with a pantsbomb
>mfw we have to walk around the airport naked
A knife is always intended to cut objects.
You can apply its effect to various things, of course.
A gun is always intended to shoot a bullet that causes damage. Threatening an invader with it, shooting a criminal, etc. are all means to an end; the end is more important, even thought the means matter as well. If your end is good and the risks of the means do not outweigh the benefits, your behavior is acceptable.
Therefore, threatening criminals and shooting if they don't comply is acceptable.
>1 post by this ID
Pay attention please.
>forced meme
Kill yourself please
He's not
Who is that joo anyway?
I hope Trump deports this faggot. Also, I hope he deports Piers Morgan.
>oh look another 1 post by this ID
>responding to a drive by shill/shitposter who's long gone
Here's your one and only (you).
Suck my dick. Choke on it.
One post by this id
One post by this id
One post by this id
One post by this id
Sage the shills.
Only 10.9% population drop? Man, we're doing better than I thought.
>All those things you mentioned mean killing people
not necessarily. most of the folks i know that have firearms, are farmers. and there are a variety of legitimate uses for a firearm in that context that don't include killing anyone. for example, killing varmints/deer/bears to protect your crops and family. not to mention firing warning shots at people (hoodlums) who are stealing/damaging your crops or equipment. also putting down animals that are sick in a humane way.
>1 post by this ID