Tell me why you need a semi-automatic for protection

You don't

I'm all for the second amendment, I hubt deer and quail every season,. But. Why do you need a rapid firing gun?

>Property protection
Shot gun and pistol

>Self defense
.38 special pistol and a Razer

I am for a limitation, such as preventing you from buying more than 30 rounds at the store, you can buy ammo at gun range if that's what you use it for

Just tell me, again. I'm all for the second amendment...I just don't see why you need to own a fucking military style weapon for "self defense"...its overkill

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is semi-automatic


You don't have to lift the trigger to reset the firing can go BAM BAM BAM with a semi auto

shut up fag i don't think you own real guns. and if you do own real guns you should just turn them into the proper authorities so they can utilize them more than your cuck ass will.

sage and reported

A 12 gauge shotgun isn't a real gun?

>the kikes are now pretending to be FUDDs

Semi-auto = one bullet per trigger pull. Your pistol is a semi-auto.

Crawl back into your fucking oven, Jew.

Sage, report, ignore.

>I'm all for the second amendment

Either you are or you aren't

>I just don't see why you need to own a fucking military style weapon for "self defense"...its overkill

strawman plz go

Because when the British Empire inevitably rises again and us loyalists up here help them come back to conquer you rebellious colonies you will be wishing you had something better.

either you are full blown autistic or just b8 at this point.

2/10 because I replied to your faggotry.

>I am for a limitation, such as preventing you from buying more than 30 rounds at the store,

trying too hard

sage and use that revolver to blow your brains out

No, a semi-auto is one shot for trigger pull.
Confirmed for no gunz...


More bullets are a better guarantee of incapacitating the target.

>Why do you need a rapid firing gun?

Because a revolver is not enough, you faggot. Limited ammo and slow reload.

People claiming its for self defense against intruders or what not are either dumb or uneducated/unsure what they're arguing. the real reason is:
>I dont have to explain to you why i have this
>Just like i dont have to tell you why i said "fuck you"
>also thats why i can lock my door w/ no explanation
>and i don't have to admit to anything incriminating myself
Rights are pretty fuckin important man.

It is my RIGHT to own one as it exists. And if the person who is kicking down my door has one, I want one as well. Restricting the population to inferior weapons compared to those owned by those in power is exactly the kind of tyranny the 2nd was designed to prevent

The second amendment is there to protect the rest of my rights, and those rights SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Well I don't live in niggerland where have to carry a gun all the time

>because when the British Empire inevitably rises again and us loyalists up here help them come back to conquer you rebellious colonies you will be wishing you had something better.

best laugh I've had in a while to be honest family

>this retarded thread
guaranteed replies/10
congrats fag
you have a US flag and you made an antigun thread. you're baiting prowess is legendary


I have excess income. Why should I be allowed to buy large rifles and high powered guns just because I fucking want to?

Confirmed for absolutely ignorant shill.

Nobody does. Gun nuts are like children, the more you tell them they can't have something for their own good, the more they cry and throw tantrums.

No one needs anything more than a handgun or a shotgun.

Yeah you live in faggot land where your asshole is just full of God damned dicks all the time

shill sage + hide

I'm a cuck

How about if I just want to so I can piss off SJWs, and nu male beta Cucks? Also .38 special is dated and shit tier compared to modern semi automatic ammunition



I agree with you OP. They can even "own" an AR or AK but it never leaves the range. Shotguns, pistols and hunting rifles should be the only "off range" weapons out there. Just my opinion.


>12 responses and not a single valid argument.

Good job, retards. Why dont you go stick your inbred dick into the barrel of your rifles, I bet its small enough to fit.

Fuck you, Elmer Fudd.

OP has never been in a pit with 25+ hogs.

Fuck off sheep.

Why is everyone so caught up on the killing and self defense part of guns.

Some of my fondest memories as a child are shooting guns with my dad and grandpa.
I learned responsibility, the value of our rights, learning that feel when your fellow americans trust you and you trust them with guns, how to maintain and take care of valuable possessions, & a ton of other great life lessons all while bonding with my dad and grandpa while plinking on the range or on our property. And you'd take that away from future generations because you are a freedom hating communist? What gives you the right to say what hobbies people can have?

The only reason you are against the second amendment is because the only time you see guns is when jamal shoots up his block or omar blasts 50 gay dudes in a night club.

I actually feel bad for gun grabbers, they've almost always never experienced this awesomely meaningful interaction with guns. It's like learning to drive or some other coming of age rite of passage that they have totally missed out on.

>complaining about non arguments
>uses a non argument
wew lad

You need it because other people have it. Why do we need nukes? No one uses them?

1994 Assault Weapons Ban was probably useless
Gun control by state has no measurable effect on crime
Overall crime rate has dropped by over 50% since 1992
Inhale my bratwurst



Who says you need it? I may want one but I don't need it.

societal collapse


Fucking liar.

They all grew up on video games in some shit suburb. Bunch of fucking pussies who know if they owned a weapon they are so fucking crazy theyd shoot someone. It's why all the mass killers are fucking liberal loons.

>I'm all for the second amendment

Well you clearly don't understand it's purpose if you think it's there for self defence.

>Bill of Needs

Also, read the SCOTUS verdict in DC v Heller (2008).

>Tell me why you need a semi-automatic for protection
Niggers attack in packs

how does any of this reduce gun violence at all when criminals don't follow the laws already?

>replying to this many posts at once

pure autism.


Sure I might not need one bit I have the right to keep and bear one

>haha gun owners have small dicks XD
He's really bringing out the big guns now.

> not killing it with a sink like mighty slav

Because people who will attack me with guns will use military weapons. Im not going to bring a knife to a gun fight

>Pointing out non arguments is a non argument.

How do you get out if bed every morning without breaking your neck?

>Shot gun
I wonder who is behind this post?

Shall not be infringed.

Just like you are able to voice your opposing opinion, thanks to the first amendment. Shall not be infringed, faggot. It is part of the core structure of the country. LAND OF THE FREE. Go be a fucking pro-communist in Russia

They don't give a shit about violence, like they don't care about Chicago daily killings. All they care about is statist control. They are Marxist fascists who want to destroy the US.

>7 posts by this ID
Not a shill just a retard.

The revolver you posted is a Rossi .38. It is a double action revolver, like most nowadays. That means that you do not have to set the hammer manually, squeezing the trigger will both set the hammer and release it.
The gun you posted is technically semi auto.

Why haven't all these mass shooters used fully automatic weapons. They are illegal and would be better at killing large amounts of people. Is is because they are really difficult to get? Maybe ;^)

2/10, kill yourself as soon as possible

>I'm for the second amendment, BUT
>I'm a gun owner BUT
>The 2nd amendment is important BUT

I immediately disregard anyone who says any combination of these words. You're either FOR or AGAINST it PERIOD.

>Why haven't all these mass shooters used fully automatic weapons.
Because they're rare as fuck.

>you don't only NEED ________ you should only have _______.

Fuck needs, this is what I WANT. You will never dictate what I do with my life you authoritative fuck-head.

>claims to shoot guns
>doesn't like "rapid-fire" guns

Admit it: you have no guns. Commie piece of shit.

33,000 deaths
16,000 were suicide
remaining deaths รท US population = 0.00004343
most of which is just niggers killing eachother
what a YUGE problem

1. Because I can buy them so why wouldn't I?
2. Nobody knows what the future will hold
3. Better safe than sorry
4. Rifles are fun to shoot
5. People that have gun "accidents" deserve to die anyways
6. Anyone planning on mass murder will do so gun or no gun

Bill of rights not bill of needs.

Revolver or semi-auto pistol for home defense?
Is it true that revolvers are less likely to jam? Isn't that a distinct advantage? Is the ammo capacity an issue or does a speed loader work well enough? What about stopping power?

He is obviously retarded because he doesn't like the idea of someone having an AR but shotguns are ok.
So in his mind the benelli in pic related is somehow less of a threat than ARs.

the gun prohibition crowd is always painfully ignorant about guns. They just make up arbitrary rules on the spot that make no sense at all kek.

Here's your (YOU)

Theres no kill like overkill

its not about need. i just like to shoot my ar-15. it's legal, so i do it. do i nippick all the little shit you do? do i go up to parents with fat kids and say you're literally killing your child with food? nah i stay in my lane and i stfu and act according to law.

I'll just keep reloading my ammo. No need to buy any. I just pick up the brass and reload. Easy.


Whew, thank God that Benelli doesn't have a pistol grip. Could you imagine the firepower if that thing had an adjustable stock?

because spics and niggers run in packs.

>Retarded man talks about technology he doesn't understand

Next you'll be telling me to download ram to boost the gigawatts on your phone.

>I'm all for transportation, I drive a v6 with 3200lbs sedan with 240 hp to work daily. But. Why do you need a car if you can ride a bike when not going to work?
Answer me OP

Semi-auto just means that the gun automatically primes another round for immediate firing by another pull of the trigger with no additional input from the user. If you had to cock the gun every time (see: single-action revolvers, bolt-action or lever-action rifles, or pump shotguns) then it's not not a semi-auto. Double-actions revolvers are considered semi-auto because the rounds automatically roll into position.

Even worse, one of those assault rails on the bottom for those assault lazers.


You need to understand. You are making an assumption that everyone is willing to own a gun. Which is false. The willing must not only provide for their own protection, but for the protection of the unwilling as well.

There are approximately 500k homos in the world. There are over 1 billion Muslims.

Therefore, each and every gay any and everywhere must be in possession of firepower sufficient to kill 2 Muslims while also sufficiently superior to prevent loss of his own life.

But we all know many gays are sissyfags, and therefore it will fall to the butchfags to kill for them as well.

And even the coolest, most butch lesbians--the one's who'll fix your car for free on weekends just to show how 'manly' they are--are still women at the end of the day. So their not gonna be killing any Muslims either. Women just don't roll like that. When women needs to kill something it will be half-hers and she'll get an actual physician to do the dirty work.

But that's beside the point. The point is a butch fag needs sufficient firepower to waste 100+ Muslims in a matter of minutes if he is serious about protecting his beloved community of effeminized faggots.

Great explanation, but I'm sure it just goes over the no-gunz heads.

What state you live in son? Anybody with some actual land needs something bigger. North has bears south has hogs. 50+ acres and a shotgun vs a pack of wild hogs you might as well say a prayer.

Ever been shot at? Home defense? Military? Hope that 6 shot revolver is enough when a pack of car thieves come in for you and your wife.

The only gun regulations that should happen is safe zones be actually safe. As in security and metal detectors at the doors. Purses and bags checked. Maybe non rural inner city areas could have mag size restrictions in sales. But if you have never been out on some of the ranches (Texas, New Mexico, California, Alaska, etc) then you can buy another Starbucks and ponder up some knowledge of other parts of the world. City folk always think of themselves first, always.

What if you have a shoot range in your backyard?

Fuck off.


Revolvers are pistols, m8.

if you train enough you can be as deadly as you want to be with any revolver.

here's jerry miculek proving how autistic OP is.
>you can't have a magazine fed pistol because they are too deadly
>jerry's face when

Tell me how arbitrary rules like OP make any sense at all kek.

Anything is better than nothing. As far a pistol vs revolver for cqc, a attacker can grab onto the slide, a few outcomes from this, 1. Attacker knocks gun out of battery on which case it will not fire or 2. Round on chamber will fire but not properly cycle failing to chamber a new round.

Depending on if the revolver has a hidden hammer or not a attacker in a cqc situation either, 1 grab the cylinder which although you will still be able to fire the first round it would fail to revolve. 2. If revolver doesn't have a hidden hammer a attacker could put his hand between the hammer and frame which would cause the revolver to not fire at all.

What was the civil war?

There's your answer you piece of shit.

Ban all assault yards now!

>I'm all for the second amendment, I just support arbitrary restrictions on it.

Fuck off, shill.

Tell me why you NEED a car that goes over the speed limit.
Tell me why you NEED a house with more than 1 bathroom.
Tell me why you NEED to smoke cigarettes.
Tell me why you NEED video games.

why is every thread on pol obvious bait

>she has a point you know..... (some obvious bait from a tranny's twitter)
>POL BTFO (random twitter bait)



things still illegal in the current year
>unlawful distribution of pills
>unlawful sale of firearm
>brandishing a weapon of any kind
>underage drinking
>child pornography
>tax evasion
>drinking and driving
>running red lights

wew im glad nobody does any of these ILLEGAL things since they're ILLEGAL

Ban all assault vehicles now!

Tell me why you need a car capable of speeds over 65 mph when that is the speed limit in the majority of states.

Tell me why you need a salt shaker when the average adult consumes way over the 2300mg daily recommended allowance already

Tell me why you need a dish washer when its more efficient in water and electricity to wash dishes by hand.

Rights aren't about needs. That is why they are rights.

Well, as an American, I have a God given right to own a semi-auto if I want one.
If you don't want to own one, well good for you.
Now go fuck off, cunt.

How many shells does the clip hold in that rifle?