The Founding Fathers suddenly come back to life

...and see what kind of state the US is in right now

What would they say?

They'd rather be under British rule than be independent.




>What would they say?

What the hell have you faggots done to our glorious republic.

Gas the whole fucking country.

Except Disney World, that's cool.

Where can I drive a horse?

"we fucked up"

They would probably vote for Gary Johnson.


"i told you we should have sent them back to africa, dammit"

Everything went better than expected

They'll see that the armies around the world have assault rifles while citizens only have semi-autos. Things would change.

Remove women from politics

>wait if farming has gotten so mechanized why don't you all do it
>why are you all on these mechanical glowboxes all day
>why aren't you farming
>you could be getting crops and shit

>Except Disney World, that's cool.

Thanks for giving Orlando a break

enslave the blacks
kill the gays
take away women's rights


I always wondered what our ancestors would say to the modern world. I feel like at first they'd fall for every lie that libtards and the media would tell them.

"The American revolution was a mistake" - George Washington

>What would they say?

Gather your weapons boys, we have a new tyrant to overthrow.

Probably wouldnt understand anything thats going on.
Black problems would be way down on their agendas from the women vote, gay rights, italians and irish being seen as white and other degenerate stuff.

They'd be knee deep in shell casings.

you can stop this meme, it's been infringed upon by numerous laws whose names I can't even remember apart from NFA and unironically named FOPA

> I thought the brits left for good.

The concept of the federal reserve would probably make them sick to their stomachs.

They'd be deeply concerned why citizens on have semi-autos while the Govt has tanks and air power. They'd also probably try to disband the standing Military since we were never intended to have a permanent one. Then they'd probably force out all mosques after learning our history with Islam over the past 50 years or so. Lefties would be tarred and feathered.

They'd all be arrested for hate speech and kept silent under martial quarantine, in cells only military know about, in facilities with laws unto themselves violating their every constitutional freedom...all for the sake of freedom.

We must destroy the Jews, why did you not ally with Hitler? America was a mistake

order the military to start killing Muslims. I don't want your bullshit, read about Thomas Jefferson.


>he doesn't know
Washington uses his rank as eternal leader of the army given at the bicentennial to overthrow the current regime and start from scratch.

>Oy vey

They would grab everyone put them in suits and start marching all around the country to bring a new order.


>Except Disney World, that's cool.
Damn straight.

American Revolution part 2 this time against the federal government.

It's not what they would say.
It's what they would do.
Which is NOTHING.

They were Freemasons and lawyers.
Which means they would just slip right into the fold and become the Establishment.

Their motives during the "revolution" were not pure.
Many were secret agents of foreign powers.

"The 2nd amendment was a mistake."

Who put this nigger in charge?

We're Doomed

Fuck if i was transported 300 yearsi n the future, i'd be fucking surprised by the technology

>What would they say?

Witchcraft every where!

I don't honestly think they could comprehend modern technology

"W...what does cuck mean?"

Because women were busy in the kitchen and the negroes were in the fields actually working, as surprising as that may seem.


?... why wouldn't they, you can't understand how to build a house or a cannon/ship.

>why did you not ally with Hitler?
They kinda did, or atleast have decent diplomacy
Then Hitler went full autist

That's literally what amendments are for.

weak bait


I'm sure they would understand all the people walking around with little rectangles held up to their heads talking to them selves. Or how the people got in boxes hanging on the wall right? Not to mention Cars and airplanes.

"62%? Really?"

Yeah! Exactly as it should be, user.

Depends on which one you ask. The "founders" are not some monolithic entity of universal agreement. They all had different ideas, including some who were unabashed monarchists and fascists.

Trump isn't that bad, it's the yards who follow him

Thomas Jefferson would flip his shit and try to get everyone to kill the federal government

>what? so you're telling me you fucking retarded faggots actually allowed the first and second amendments to be restricted. how fucking stupid are you? SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

They'd have another declaration written by July 4th 2016.

They'd probably freak out at how powerful our military is and how weak our citizens are in comparison
The taxes would give them heart attacks

This needs to be made to a movie,
Just like Er Ist Weider Da

>Their motives during the "revolution" were not pure.

Sure the federalists were corrupt as fugg but the antifederalists knew whats what and were looking out for us

"Why aren't we commies yet?"

"Why are all these slaves wandering around freely?"

They'd hate liberals and RINOs

This. Jefferson was a true hero.

go to africa and make your own country

They'd be horrified at how America let itself become infested with Teutonics and Irishmen.

They would find the closets gun kick the shis out of who was holding it and start shooting.

Well, sure, except they'd also see what Britain is now

Oh they'd be shocked at how fucked up the country turned out, immediately call for a revolution and get locked up for treason.

I don't know what they would say but the moment some SJW or Feminist came up talking about white oppressor or patriarchy they would get a musket shoved up their ass.