Who's or what's to blame for Trumps fall in the polls?
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Trump is winning. The media is showing you false poll numbers to persuade you otherwise.
Debates haven't even started senpai
the spice is gone. He is just another man now.
He is stuck between saying the things that got him to rise in the polls and looking like a president.
I think Trump is trying to lose on purpose. At this stage he should have toned it back and tried to pull women and minorities into the fold.
It doesnt matter, we will be bleeding libertarianism by the end of the next decade
Alpha do you copy
Unditentified flying shill inbound
Requesting air support
It's not working. I have so many liberal people I know that are voting trump it's crazy.
The polls are obviously rigged
It has only just begun
pretty much this
Trump's sporadic and undisciplined campaign.
Copy that
Pattern is clear
His bigotry.
>insert MSNBC talking head quote here
>t. Anecdote
The media is just on Hillary full shill mode.
Now that Bernout is no more the Hillary controlled media can focus 100% on Trump.
Shill detected. Sage and report
What fucking good is the debate going to do? Trump sucks at debating 1v1, he's not a good thinker or argument maker and unless he is prepping hard, Hillary is going to run circles around him like she often did with Bernie. He can attack her character fine, but she will school him on policy, even if her points are easily open to rebuttal, Trump isn't the guy who can rebut them.
He believed the Jew polls!
The Jews. Polls are incredibly easy to manipulate and the companies that are paid for polling are told what results the company wants ahead of time.
If I ask 100% at an Arby's what their favorite fast food joint is some 80% of them are going to answer Arby's... because that's where they chose to go. Not the McDonalds up the street. Not the Wendy's next door.
The reported sample size also doesn't prevent you from polling beyond that size then coming up with reasons to prune. Collect 137 questionnaires... pick 100 that have answers you like. Throw the rest away. You now have data for a poll of 100 random people. Completely legit.
It's all lies, damn lies, and Jewish lies. Polling is 100% propaganda, because people feel an instinctual need to obey and "fit in" with what others around them are thinking. Manipulate the poll, you manipulate the people.
Pretty much this. The media openly supports Hillary. I dont think it requires much to change some numbers here and there.
Because Trump is still trying to run a primary campaign in a general. Also these polls are not very accurate and won't be until after both conventions and a debate. Then I'll worry about polls, if he's still down then it's time to worry. But Trump is still doing well but the Republican establishment is still fairly bitter at him, I read a lot of the establishment people are telling others to vote Hillary even though they endorsed trump.
It's merely a coincidence.
This goddamnit. They show you false numbers that he is losing the polls, so people won't bother to go out and vote for him because they think he already lost.
Don't fucking fall for this leftist bullshit. Keep being pro-Trump and vocal and positive, and vote for him.
something is suspicious
first trump seems to be doing worse in a quick, sudden turn
and then this shooting in britian
what the fuck is going on
Trumps going to win
>T. Nostradomus
>His numbers dip
>Her numbers stay the same
Nothing fishy about that, goy.
No, it's time to worry now. I was with Trump the whole way but his behavior the last month has shown he cannot win short of a Hillary indictment. He should bow out and allow someone like Kacish to run, otherwise Hillary is guaranteed and with that many SCOTUS nominees that will be the end of the USA.
That shooting was the most obvious false flag ive ever seen. I don't even think most things are false flags, actually I don't believe any of the major shootings have been but this was 100% a false flag. Way too convient.
Paki why don't you understand mohammed is a sick pedo gay transexual faggot?
Here is the story so far.
So many people are voting Trump, they are going full propaganda mode on TV and polls.
Expect riots, false flags and more.
If Trump was losing they wouldn't be spending so much on shilling and propaganda, in fact because he is winning they are accelerating their Zionist plans. Soros is activating his Marxist sleepers to cause riots, they are propping up the stock market.
Trump being a fucking fool.
>mass shooting happens
Trump is a fucking idiot and I can't wait for him to lose come November so America can win.
>t. not a Hillery shill.
Fuck off faggot I'm trying to have a legitimate discussion here and you come along and act like a jackass.
You prayed to a idol made of pixels instead of Jesus Christ the Living God.
You deserve it.
Didn't expect so much tin foil ITT.
>Hillary is going to run circles around him
biased polling that is inaccurate, senpai.
Polls are bullshit unless they give the actual numbers and how/where the poll was conducted. Learn to fucking statistics and science and shit.
In any case this is nothing more than an attempt to force a narrative to discourage on the fence voters.
the pol butthurt is going to be glorious in november
Its all part of the plan. The more she has the more she can lose.
>1 post by this ID
>implying niggers ever vote for anything but free gibs
>implying women aren't voting for the vagina
40% of eligible Americans just don't vote. If white men were simply High Energy enough to register to vote and ready to finally put an end to the liberal cancer, this would have been over months ago.
Niggers are bought and sold by the Democrats and cannot be reached. Women cannot be appeased reliably as they have even less understanding of loyalty than a dog. Trump can still "win over" a few of them within a week of the election. Anything longer and they'll have already cheated on Trump with a Chad anyway.
The Cuck Vote is the largest demographic that must be won. He must tap into the normies who long to be free.
This is what happened last election, Trumpcucks will tell themselves anything at this point
The system, trying EVERYTHING to stop trump
Biased polls are like the begginers book in politics
He fucked it up himself desu famila. Seriously.
He had a penalty and shot an own goal
Yes, it will be funny either way.
How can Trump get more minority voters?
How can Trump get more women voters?
How can Trump get more LGBT voters?
ya this.
If you've ever taken stats you know that you can manipulate the fuck out of polls.
stop trusting polls, they are scewed by the owners, most people are such herd animals that they will change their opinion based on said polls.
You just showed us what you are, the vote is also bought and scewed but atleast that's illegal.
Making polls poll wrong is totally legal, keep a stiff upper lip and vote Trump.
Trumpdumpsters are the mirror image of Bernouts
He literally can't
We can't trust the media, Trump wants us to go directly to the people
Doing poor in these national polls. Yet in almost every local poll he does great.
Hey op, Donald J Trump here!
Its not over dont believe those polls, we are gonna defeat hillary. Ugh I cant stand hillary clinton!
So plz user vote for me, a true American who REALLY HATES THE CLINTONS and democrats!
Hillshills will tell themselves anything at this point
Waste of time. Niggers already decided that they want free chickunz from dat bitch Clintin. Sanders had legit civil rights cred and got pissed on. Spics, of course, hate Trump - they don't want their free ride to end. Asians are probably pro Trump because the last thing any of them want are more niggers and spics.
Women are a lost cause. Women are meme voters who will back Hills because she has a cunt.
LGB voters are a vanishingly small minority but winnable depending on how the dialogue evolves re: Islamist attacks on gays.
Didn't Trump outperform all of the poll numbers and averages from the last 6 states before Cruz dropped out?
Any state that is within 1-3 points....Trump is taking, no question. This is a reverse-Bradley effect.
You let that happen, stormfags. You made Donald to look like racist bigot, which is unacceptable in your country. Excuses?
He will school her on her policy. Why does she want a 550% increase in "Syrian refugees?" Why does she support Trans Pacific Partnership? Why has she accepted millions from the Middle East and Wall St. Why did she delete her emails. Why does she want to abolish the 2nd amendment?
The Jew is planning on a Category III around the Cleveland RNC. They need an excuse for armed military forces to protect the kikes inside while they commit treason.
If it was just angry white republicans outside demanding their representatives obey the will of the voters such overwhelming military force deployed *against them* would look out of place. Add ten thousand hooting chimps to the fold and it looks reasonable.
Meanwhile every one of those soldiers will do absolutely nothing to protect the city, or it's people. They will exist only to protect the Republijew inside. The niggers and the whites will clash, and many will be killed, which will be used as a trigger for further military intervention.
Just as the Jew wills it.
>Trump always cites the polls where he is wining
>Sup Forums eats it up
>Polls show Trump losing
>Jewish polls that are all complete biased propaganda
Trump is truly finished.
In every way but physical, I am now a sHill.
Do not put total faith in the media user.
Yeah op listen to this guy!
These hillshills are desperate!
If you hate the clintons as much as I do vote for me!
>depending on how the dialogue evolves re: Islamist attacks on gays.
It's already been decided. This isn't a "terrorist" attack. It's the fault of right-wing white people.
>They thought they could use "democracy" to solve all the problems "democracy" created
Democracy is a fucking meme political system. Democracy is always trying to expand itself, and the bigger it grows, the more shit things become. As soon as it includes women/shitskins it's game over. Even your average 100 IQ dumbfuck out there (average IQ for white people) should have no fucking say in how a country should be run becase he most likely doesn't understand shit about anything.
Mmkay...enjoy yourself mate.
>He is stuck between saying the things that got him to rise in the polls and looking like a president.
If you want a serious response we've always been behind clinton. Our stance from the beginning has been "it's a long shot, but as long as we have a chance we're not gonna stop". Worst case scenario Hillary wins and America collapses so we'll all be free from our physical bonds soon after the nukes start flying.
Trump CAN win, but he has to come to the debates incredibly prepared to trash Hillary. He's doing well in certain swing states like Florida but he needs to do better. I'm a Trump supporter so don't simply write this off as a false flagging shill, but I think his best bet right now is to focus on image and continue allowing democrats to shoot themselves in the foot. Even though his tweet after the shooting seemed innocent enough he should have known that it's a very easy statement to twist out of content, and the drive by media can report on it and move onto the next story without anyone calling them out on cropping out most of the tweet. He needs to play smarter if he wants to win, because if he doesn't Sup Forums is going to become uninhabitable for a month after the election of screencapped images being spammed and "TRUMPFANS ON SUICIDE WATCH" across all of Sup Forums
Negative Aleksandr, wait for extraction.
ETA 15 minutes.
Sage and report
Polls don't accurately predict republican wins.
Greekfag here. Don't care much bout Trump but don't give too much cred to the media. It's all about influence on the masses. But they don't win every time. Example:
Last year's referendum in Greece everybody projected a slim win for NO.
Actual result 61,3% in favor of NO
He's not falling, it's Berniequeers who are finally rallying around their party's nominee.
How could his poll rate go down RIGHT AFTER Orlando when everything logic and previous events (such as Brussels) where he is proven right he gets a surge of voters especially since everyone knows how tough he is.
The whole thing about the mexican judge and the "congradulations"
Guy is a fucking idiot
lol at Michael (((BLOOMBERG))) being such subhuman kike manlet between two aryan giants.
there is no "fall in the polls" you dunce
Trump's numbers go down
HRC's stay the same
it's like they're calling the same people every week. (not hard - who owns a landline these days?)
Is this you?
>1 post by this ID
Sampling bias.
Poll just in
Trump ahead by 50 points
See how easy it is
Exactly. Very well put.
>Highest score for Hillary
Because he's a fucking idiot
He said something like "appreciate the congradulations" and the media turned it against him
He's too dumb to make an event like this work in his advantage
The dnc obviously wants him to go down, but the rnc wants that too now because he denied Newt VP
>1 post by this ID
Please ignore this thread and sage
The national pools include such lovely communist utopias such as CA, VT, MN and MA which are not only off the table, but most certainly irrelevant in the fight for 270.
>3 posts by this ID
they're catching on fellas
>What if they bring a 21ft ladder?
I've been wondering, will Obama and Hillary have trump murdered if it becomes clear he is going to win?
We know that Obama is bringing hillary in as an extension to his own campaign and we know that bernie is only staying in as a backup for when hillary gets arrested.