Be new guy at school

>Be new guy at school
>You could have been anybody you wanted
>You could have been popular
>You could have had friends
>Gone to parties
>Laughed with people
>Shared special moments with them
>Kissed a girl
>Known what it feels like to be loved
>But no
>You decided to be a pathetic loner, eating lunch alone and hiding in the library
>You tell yourself you're just waiting for the right moment to become social
>You watched the other new kids, making friends, becoming normal
>You resented them for doing what you could not
>Even if you tried, you had already established yourself as the creepy loner
>You graduate
>The lack of proper social contact for the last few years has left you almost unable to talk to people
>You don't know how to make friends
>Years pass
>Lonely years
>It's too late to do anything about it any more
>By your age, most people have had several relationships, made a lot of friends and are socially competent
>Even the other weird kids from school have managed at least that
>People are instantly turned off by you when they find out how you are
>Because obviously, something must be wrong with you if you're still like this at your age
>All because you waited
>You waited for the "perfect moment"
>It never came
>It never comes

Never fucking wait.

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Start reading fiction books, like novels and romans.

>may enhance

Wouldn't actually interacting with people enhance social skills much more than reading books about things that had never happened?

You set yourself in the character place, which teaches you to put yourself in people you interact with, place.

Explain to me how this would be more effective than actually talking to people and thus practicing body language, tone, eye contact, speech speed etc.

You think I'm a chad?

Isn't the goal to become a chad though, that's what I'm trying to do

No dude, wtf. Life goal is to be happy. Chad is only a fase. Get a good personality who grown people like.

>Life goal is to be happy.

Yeah what does being happy really mean? Being a chad can be considered as happiness by many.

Just be yourself bro

Well to be a chad, you have to be able to put yourself in peoples place. They're good socially

>You could have been anybody you wanted
wrong, most of us were born this way

Yes but reading fiction seems to have low ROI. You'd probably be better off actually getting into the field and practicing, kind of how you'd learn to lift weights better by actually LIFTING instead of reading about it all day, or how you'd learn to program much quicker if you tried to do it instead of spending all day reading articles and books about it.

>wrong, most of us were born this way

Unless you were born with cerebral palsy or paralyzed you were likely born very average tho

I am literally deformed

also keep in mind that to be chad average is NOT enough
you have to be born in the upper 20% to even have a chance of being chad

>I am literally deformed
Yeah but the vast majority of people on this website are horribly average. On /r9k/ for example I remember seeing how pretty much no one had a deformity or was in a wheelchair or diagnosed with cancers or AIDS. That's what I'd consider a real problem, having a lifethreatening disease or being unable to walk. Not fucking "social anxiety" or some shit

>you have to be born in the upper 20% to even have a chance of being chad

But do you really get BORN into the upper 20%, or do you become the upper 20%? Do people who start successful businesses just get lucky one day and run a multi billion dollar company or did they make thousands of shitty business ventures first and learned from them? Are Chads born with low body fat% and a ton of muscle mass or do they get it from years of hardwork?

Is it possible to improve your skin by using a rigourous skincare regiment of cleansing twice a day, using moistourizer, suncreen, applying Retin-A at night, vaseline at night, etc to have much nicer looking skin than everyone else or is that just pure luck that some people are born with good skin?

I'm just trying to understand how much a person can actually influence about their life and how much is just 100% pure luck that you're born with something.

1st world problems

this was literally me from 11-15 where I turned a bit weird and hated everyone

I was still popular but everyone just started realising I was horrible and arrogant and I stopped getting invited to parties/ social stuff. I think it was more that I mocked the 'popular' kids and wasn't just horrible to geeks anymore and decided to stand up for them. Not to worry, most of them wanted me in private haha, then someone spread a rumour that I was gay towards the end of high school and it all went downhill until I turned 17

well? Answer me. How much of our lives is decided at birth forever as opposed to how much we can change?

respond to me.

answer me.

