Are you sexist?
Well, Sup Forums, are you?
Take the quiz, post results.


I got a 3 on hostile sexism. I'm guessing cause I strongly disagreed men should provided for women? Idk.

You tell me (((Faggot)))

I think that would be filed under benevolent sexism but this shit is nonsense so who knows

I got a 0 on benevolent sexism.


Do I win?

paki Mohammad is a faggot child loving transexual degenerate

The "women are only good for sex" patrician class

holy shit. the real quiz on the actual site has entirely different waaaaaaay less loaded questions.

I got 3.5 hostile and 1.5 benevolent is that good?

While answering on purpose I managed to get beautiful zero on both of those.
And I tell you.
Requirements for that are bullshit

Not my fault most women are whores who can't be trusted.

Hostile Sexism --- 5
Benevolent Sexism --- 1.83

shit im a cuck

Guess I'm a horrible pig that hates women according to this.




1.5 hostile
0.5 benevolent

Am I a total loser?

Is it good Sup Forums?


I'm sure this will be an fair and objective look at sexism.
Taking to find out.

Yes. You give slavs a bad name.

Why would I need to take a quiz to find out if I'm sexist? Of course I fucking am; what sort of idiot isn't?


7. Once a woman gets a man to commit to her, she usually tries to put him on a tight leash.

9. Many women get a kick out of teasing men by seeming sexually available and then refusing male advances.


Hostile - 3.8
Benevolent - 4.1

Lower hostile = bigger cuck
Higher benevolent = bigger cuck

Benevolent is about you thinking men should fall over and praise the shit out of women.
Hostile means you think women are corrupt.

True patrician score is above 4 in hostile, below 1 in benevolent. I haven't quite reached that point yet.

Being hostile and low benevolence just means you can't get a wife.


Goats don't count as wives, paki.

5 on hostile, 0 on benevolent
Try and out-misogyny me faggots, I fucking dare you

so does saying that men should protect women add to your sexism power level?

I'm the complete opposite of ashamed.

Got a 2 on benevolent sexism

>Being this upset

No, the complete opposite. A true sexist does not believe in being a white knight.

>Bending over this much for your goat
Your life must be miserable, you hate women yet you are their slave.

>Take the quiz, post results.
Nah I'm good bro, you have fun with that

There's another """(((class)))"2" ?

I'm definitely sexist to feminist standards. But I'm right now trying to figure out who isn't a sexist...

I can't think of anyone... I think everyone treats men and women differently. Which they should, because they are different.


I got 4.5 on Hostile Sexism and 1.67 on Benevolent Sexism.


Nice Geralt background.


Hostile: 3.5
Benevolent: 2

Looks like I'm a sexist [spoiler]grill[/spoiler].

I don't hate women at all. I'm just not stupid about understanding what women are.

Hostile - 3.5
Benevolent -2.5

If you think any behavior that is bad is done more so by women than men, you'll be labeled as a bigot by a lot of people these days.

Yes, because benevolent sexism refers to how much you believe men should help women.
A lower score is better. A higher score puts you in nu male white knight territory.

Shit I didn't mean to screen cap both monitors... Kinda wish it was something funny instead. Imagine if it was loli kek


Hostile 4.2, Benevolent 2. Reality is what it is.

I guess I can leave the cuckshed now.

I couldn't give a shit about the opposite sex tbqh

within 2 answers i figured out the answer key. still took the bait on one

Looks like I am angry sexist fuckin white male

>be faggot
>get 4.2 on hostile sexism and 0 on benevolent sexism

so either way im sexist?
Better a violent one than a cuck

>actually taking this quiz
Have fun being in a shitty infographic used by feminists and cucks for years to come, faggots

HOW? Tell us what they think a perfect person is lol

Faggot's Quad for kek's God

wtf is this bullshit, I would never abuse women
shit test

picking disagree strongly with every question gets you a perfect score.

i know these shills game. laziest survey type.


How'd I do, Sup Forums ?

FWIW I actually do tie my wife up, spank her when she's bad, and I make her get on all fours so I may inspect her every Friday night.

I also have a daughter who gets straight As, was lead in school play, is school president, Trump supporter.

Not even joking, that really is what's going in ova here.

Oh no... Their infographics will be too powerful!!

>not 5 like me
>feminazi detected

Ty for the bump, faggot


This quiz is made by a feminist, go fuck yourself.

that win was meat for you

4.67 Hostile shitlord.
0.5 on the benevolent scale.

Women genocide when?


>Mfw I got the top score for ''abusive hostile sexism'' or whatever the fuck it was...

Those questions though, fucking hell.
I answered truthfully, basing every answer on logic.

Going by logic makes you a hostile abusive sexist, apparently.

Who knew?

So of a bitch.

>being this insecure about your wife

>benevolent sexism

So, certain kinds of sexism are good?

Not really surprised.

5H 0B master race anyone else?

The second one should be 0 you fucking white knight.

yeah same I was surprised myself, thought I'd score lower on sexist as a woman.

I bet it's internalized mysogyny.


Scored just over a "3" on hostile. Test is complete BS because there are no 'middle ground' answers. I found I would've liked to select an option like "I think they should be treated equally" the majority of the time, but this test is clearly DESIGNED to make people appear more sexist than they really are.

As soon as we get artificial wombs my friend.

But first we need to keep pushing this pro-choice narrative so women do the job of removing embryos special protections.

Because something is sexist it doesn't mean it's wrong, reality is sexist.

>5 hostile
>0 benevolent
>can't fucking stand women or effeminate men

sexist male pig reporting in

Explain this bs to me please

I know man. I answered legit serious and in reality I always see each woman as her own. I will make estimations about their behavior, but I'll give them a chance to show off their personality before I conclude anything about them.

The fact that women generally behave a certain way is a fact that modern feminists despise. They think every woman is a blank slate and should never be considered as part of a group (unless it's for a quota)

lel why would we do that?
it all seems like a waste of time and effort

just wait for the modernity to inevitably fail so they come back on their knees like henry IV in canossa

The idea behind it is this: sexism is “multidimensional” and more nuanced than many people realize.

Here's how we will give you an accurate score based on a few questions!

Western women are awful. They couldn't be worse if they tried.

Did I do good Sup Forums?

Remember, in the questions that ask about education, income, etc. make sure to put that you're very well-educated and make a lot of money!


I think saying 'slightly agree' to feminism being unreasonable must boost it massively.

Because I dream about the day where I can start an army of super humans all by myself, that won't happen until the embryos special protections end and we start making more lab tests with human embryos.

She should of fucking listened the first time.

>sacrifice your self to financially provide.

The fuck manner of a question is this?
