Sup Forums literally worships a gay guy with AIDS who is in love with BBC

> Sup Forums literally worships a gay guy with AIDS who is in love with BBC

you cant make this shit up lol

Keep hating you worthless lib

>Sup Forums is one person

Most of Sup Forums doesn't even acknowledge this poofs existence. This is the first time I've ever commented in a thread about him.


I don't like milo

...So who is this literal semen demon?

>especially when they're in me

Christ Milo, have you heard of tact?

Hes useful for attaining our agenda, hes an invaluable political asset that helps us combat the lefts "RACIST' "HOMOPHOBES" and similar rhetoric. As long as he keeps up the good work i could care less what he does in his personal life.

Also this thread, how many times are you gonna post this shit man?


he's triggering muslims hard

some one is talking to you in telegram, who is? is a chick? post tits

Exactly this

>a faggot
>showing a bit of decency

Milo is a fucking degenerate. Any person with a bit of dignity would laugh at his face. Everyone supporting him is a fool. This maricón is just controlled opposition. Just read these tweets, he is trying to trigger the true right wing, so he can say they are not the true alt-right and shit.

he earned my respect when he talked massive shit about islam in the middle of orlando when muslims were openly calling for his death and threatening to bomb him on twitter

He likes to get attention and piss people off. That's why he says shitlord things to the feminists sjw but then turns around and goes to pollacks and other stormfags and goes "look I'm a faggot that sucks black cock". He is trying to piss everyone off because apparently that's what he likes.

>"people used to say that if you had one drop of black in you, you were black. For me it''s more like a small reservoir."


>Sup Forums understands the importance of "enemy of my enemy"
>this is somehow a negative thing


nice try shill

I honestly don't see him as just an enemy of my enemy.

This faggot is honorary statu. No ands ifs or buts about it.

I don't really have a big issue with Milo. That said, he's like Sargon. When they hit soft targets like feminism they tend to do well. When they branch off into real politics they tend to get lost.

Nailed it. His talking points are too simplistic imo, but he plays perfectly against the identity politics of the left.