Find submachine uzi Gun outside.
What do Sup Forums?
It Was in my garden.
Is it the FBI? Or what the fuck.
user needs hlp
Find submachine uzi Gun outside.
What do Sup Forums?
It Was in my garden.
Is it the FBI? Or what the fuck.
user needs hlp
This is clearly a sign from God.
Use it to remove kebab
Keep it and use it for the day of reckoning. Also, that's an AK-47, not an UZI.
How can you expect OP to properly use that gun when he types like a faggot?
hold up.
who would leave a gun out in the cold like that
>1 post by this ID
Pull the mag/Open the bolt, make sure it's not a toy/airshit.
OP your'e gonna dun goofed if you hand it over, better as well keep it under the pillow for national remove kebab day
How is it a machine gun if it has no auto sear?
This is real Sup Forums
Hide it.
>found in garden
>completely clean
>one post by this ID
>submachine gun
Is this what Sweden actually believes??
>submachine uzi Gun
Send it to me for safe keeping user
Haven't you ever watched the news? All scary military style assault baby killers are fully multiautomatic.
No timestamp, never happened.
user, I...
Hide it you fool. Bury somewhere safe. Sup Forums is monitored so you're fucked otherwise.
>submachine uzi Gun
>1 post by this ID
>it even says AK-47
Take a picture of the mag so we know its not airshit
Return it
>be Swedish
>get entire gun
I wish the AK fairy Jamal Mohammad would visit me and drop AK's in my yard.
He just made a mistake and thought he was trolling /k/ instead of Sup Forums.
Just watch him talk about how he doesn't know how to remove the clip.
Take it boating with you OP. That's what I do with guns I don't want "found".
Is it loaded? Do you have any ability to obtain ammo?
If not, try and sell it on the black market or turn it in. Someone put it there for a reason though, so you better watch yourself.
this for real
youll be fucked if thats real op
Hide it. You're going to need it to escape from the ruins of Swedistan soon.
>2 posts by this ID
Looks like a toy.
Nice airshit
Its a sign from Kek you shill
Kill niggers
I bet you are an American using a proxy.
1) Do you want this gun?
If no, call police
If yes, see two
2) How much trouble are you willing to go for this gun?
Keep this gun
>Eh, I would like to have it, but I wonder how much trouble I will be in
Google it. You will be in trouble. Are you willing to go through the trouble to own an assault rifle in your basement that you will most likely never use? (at least not until the upcoming race war)
>I am a cucked swede and I think guns are bad but it's also kind of cool, I'll let it rot in my basement and never talk about it.
Just call the police
Once again carrying on the tradition of fpbp
write "some of you are okay guys, dont go to the school tomorrow"
go to school and shoot everybody
What AKs actually stamp AK-47 on the receiver? Part of me thinks this is a replica or decommissioned rifle, welded shut.
This, post your swedish passport with it.
Keep it. Hunker down. Buy ammo. Prepare for day of reckoning.
Bet you $5 you get your door kicked in or a knock on your door in a few hours. Goodluck.
Dear OP, this is what you do ok.
Disassemble the weapon and store it on a secure location, where it cannot rust or degrade.
Store it with walls, inside a container, where no one will look, inside a ceiling.
Finally wait, and don't go check on it.
Just make sure you are the only one who got it.
If no one comes asking and no police come asking, you may have just got a dump gun.
If not, and some terrorist was storing it in ur garden you will probably be beheaded in the night when the owner returns for it.
OP is kill.
call the police now, you are in the process of being made into a panda.
Yeah of the identity page or whatever so we can also laugh at your ugly face
i see swedish runes on that paper bot left
use it to kill people from its country of origin
bring it to the police station, it was used by an eastern european gang in a crime
I mean it does say "Miljomarkt" which is probably Swedish.
They don't
That magazine looks airshit as fuck too
This guy is right, OP confirmed for Swedecuck
then how can you be so retarded to call it an uzi sub machine gun when it clearly says "AK-47" and anyone with an ounce of knowledge knew it was an AK just by looking at it?
HAve you never heard of branding.
where the fuck do you people get theses videos holy shit
>he tried to put his guts back in
It literally says AK on it.
If the thing's real: get ammo, keep it.
That proves nothing you retard, anyone with a printer can print it.
its airsoft. no real AK has the generic AK-47 name slapped onto it
That shit is an airsoft weapon. Looks cheap and plastic.
Remove magazine
Pull back cocking handle
Take picture of bolt face
Take picture down barrel
When the first post is also the best post
No. This is for real.
Im not lying user.
This is first serious post i ever made
What kind of autist stamps "AK-47" onto their WASR or Zastava?
Airsoft weapons are illegal in sweden
pull the charging handle back and show the bolt. I'm not convinced something marked ak-47 is real...
>submachine gun
get the fuck out of here
Imma be pissed if this nigga got a Zastava for free. I've been saving up for one for months now.
Call police. LIkely someone ditched it after a crime.
ther remove clip and show us
Go on Sup Forums or /gif/ and look for a "rekt" or "gore" thread.
Listen. Its made of metall.
Wtf it is like 3 kg
Proxy fag from the US, and it's airshit. See how he covers the receiver and how its stamped some bullshit "AK-47" which is never done
Show the inside of the magazine, looks like an airshit toy
From where did you get this illegal Glock citizen? Are you aiming at killing someone? You should know that pacifists republic of swedistan does not allow such tools in possesion of common folk.
>Im not lying user.
>This is first serious post i ever made
So you always shitpost on here
really makes you think
Looks nice, but i still dont buy it.
If you are in for requests, I would like to see a front picture, you know like facing the Sup Forumsacks.
Could even doe a tribute if you like
Sell it to refugees for high quality jenkem.
something about the barrel and every detail around it looks really cheap and plastic
is that normal
They make full on airsoft replicas, especially in countries where you can't have real guns
Run from it!!! guns kill people!!!
Rack the bolt back until it's still, it might take a little jiggling around to keep it back as it's not designed to lock back, and take a picture of that.
it's airshit alright
Shoot yourself with it
That's not airshit....fuck you OP I want my American garden to grow fucking AK's
Nope, it's Airshit.
You're late to the party
Test it out on the local mosque, to make sure it's real ofc
Pull the bolt back,and remove the magazine as proofs
>on Sup Forums
>has no basic knowledge of firearms
You swedes are so cucked i swear,even the far-right ones.
aim for the high score.