>tfw USA and Russia together could completely destroy south america, Africa and the entire middle east in the next 2 hours with some fine nuklear rockets. Which would end all of our problems but thanks to muuh political correctness we can't do that.
Feels bad man....
Tfw USA and Russia together could completely destroy south america...
Other urls found in this thread:
You falled for the nuclear winter meme.
purge the degenerates
cuck wars now
>nuclear winter
Fake. Ivan made it up during the degenerate era of the USSR.
You're wrong for 3 reasons:
1) Game theory proves that the urge to backstab is too high.
2) Killing off the capital cities(all you could wipe out due to Inverse-Square law) in "former" colonies would only cause development and competition from Africa and the Middle East - something eurofags don't want. The popualtion sinks/resource sinks of Africa are the only things keeping blacks poor.
3) The only way to solve all our problems would be mass nuclear urbicide. Large urban centers, not Africa or the Middle East(both of which are owned by the EU), are the thing holding humanity back. This isn't 1870 where you need large cities just to produce metal.
Also, its not "political correctness" that's the problem. Liberals have used that as a means to keep blacks poor and out of the workforce. The real problem is urban elites in every city and town that value the status quo above all else despite living in countries where human suffering is guaranteed under the status quo.
We MUST nuke Russia. Besides, they're evacuating Moscow right now... defconwarningsystem.com
Who are you again UNTERMENSCH? Do you like my Euros who are given to you straight from Merkel?
The blacks must be armed first and allowed to leave the cities. This way, nuclear war will kill fewer people and there will be plenty of workers willing to help build a new America. Give the blacks the Federal land which they can use to create new population sources(farms, hamlets, villages, towns and small cities)
Obviously he/she does because that fucker is likely an urbanite who lives in Hungary and never has children due to the bribery of the EU so that Euros can claim to "justify" neocolonialism.
>"Hey, don't blame us. Just because our country aborted most of its kids doesn't mean we deserve to suffer by not being allowed to "influence" some African states.
Fucking Sun-Tzu shit right there.
>Africa or the Middle East(both of which are owned by the EU)
now that's rich
Sry man I don't understand anything from you. If we nuke the three shitholes who would stop us and how? And I doesn't mean some attacks on the capital cities. I mean use every nuke to glass everything. So again what's the problem here. EU and China are helping of course.... so what?
>>>>>>>>>>>>taking slaves to do the work.... do you guys never learn?
Half of it won't make it into the economy,because of corruption.
>muh euros
>We continue to monitor isolated chatter of possible low-scale evacuations of Moscow. Has been not confirmed, take with a grain of salt.
Also, you're advocating a mass genocide...and for what purpose? To rebuild a civilization? Do you have any idea how many generations that would take?
>pissing on my dick because your government is corrupt
The US and Russia wouldn't even need to team up to do that. Individually each country could annihilate the world
B-but I thought you liked me Hans....
>now that's rich
You're right. That's where the EU gets its resources.
>Sry man I don't understand anything from you.
> If we nuke the three shitholes who would stop us and how?
You're thinking about things backwards.
1) They're shitholes for a reason and its not humanitarian virtues that are preventing their development through fire
2) Without major internal re-working, Europe depends on its "former" colonies. If you want to make Europe strong again, nuking the African and ME colonies would only make it shittier while improving Africa and the Middle East(the Judas cities would be gone)
3) If you want things to get better, you have to break the status quo. You can only do this by nuking your own cities(or getting them nuked) since they will instead chose even colonialism(eg climate change carbon credits) if its got a good ring to it.
You gotta first till the soil before you can plant a new society. Nukes kill cities and regimes, not whole countries. Take out the degenerate cities of Europe and America and they will become unstoppable.
Remember: urban areas are population sinks. This means that nuking them WON'T permanently reduce population but WILL actually cause population to grow as the sinks are no longer in charge.
tl;dr nuke London, Paris, NYC, Chicago, LA, Prague, etc and you'll be stronger in a decade.
>Also, you're advocating a mass genocide...and for what purpose?
Urbicide =/= genocide. Urban populations don't reproduce even at replacement rates. Abortion, faggotry, crime, and depression all wipe out any positive popualtion growth in the popualtion sinks.
If we nuked Moscow to pieces and hit it with Cobalt bombs, Russia's population would grow far faster and Russia would be far stronger within 50 years.
Its the destruction of rural areas that causes genocide since population sources are essential.
no no hans. one nuclear submarine ( russian or american) could whipe out an entire continent. Only one.
Und wie? Schwachkopf man die Atombomben sind nicht so stark wie du denkst....
The act itself is still a genocidal approach to this "urbicide solution". Nuking Moscow, even if let's say 50% (8.4m) would've run off in advance, would still take out millions of human lives.
Use it man and tell me how... nuclearsecrecy.com
In terms of armament, yes. But who cares? That will never happen, because Russia cannot be trusted.