Reddit admins can't stand differing opinions on their site, so what do they do? CENSOR TIME

Why should I give a shit what happens on Reddit?

>it's what's really happening in the internet
>so that's why we decided to change it

No shit. They want to monetize Reddit as much as they can. A website can't be bought or consume ad revenue if it's not a politically correct shithole that doesn't hurt people's feelings. No one wants to be associated with a website that is being labeled "racist" and "hateful"

They had no problem when Bernie was still dominating the board.

Eh makes sense, upvotes aren't a reliable indication of community engagement; Too easy too manipulate through automation.


still don't get why everyone was complaining about donald trump stuff being on the front page..... there's a voting system.

>giving a shit about lebbit

Haha fuck Reddit. They have no problem with /r/politics being /r/BernieCircleJerk. Seriously, every post on that page is about Sanders.

Reddit needs to burn after this election. It will have served its purpose.

>why should we give a shit about what the kikes do in mass media
good try shekelstein

>let me bring up who this was about and say it was not about them
Works every time! 2016!

>It's not about /r/the_donald (it is)
>ironically it was getting down voted (brigaded)
>/r/the_donald brigades reddit (they don't)

Cucks gonna cuck.

What they really hate the most was that it wasn't even Trump dominating /r/all it was news of the Orlando attack that /r/the_donald was the only sub covering due to /r/news faggotry and censoring.

you should not give a shit what happens on reddit.

when reddit dies everyone wins.

They hate any dissenting voices really. Anyone not fitting their narrative. Anyone not saying exactly as they do. Anyone not agreeing. Anyone voicing concern or even doubt.

Hell look at /r/ politics. They down vote anyone bringing up Shillaries criminal antics even though they're well documented and shouting them down.

I stopped using reddit for news ( heavily customized my subs) after they removed the fat people hate sub which was the only thing that I liked from there.

I have seen the change.

This is a huge reason why I use chans instead of reddit. My political ideology is vastly different from the majority here, but at least I know that the admins aren't censoring particular things that don't fit their narrative and agenda.

Amen brother, may Reddit rot in hell.

>using Reddit

>reddit is libcucked
>this is news

Based Ted knew what was up.

Funny thing is all the retards in the comments are fine with it

That's what happens when you have a popular site made by libtard delinquents. At first they wanted an open community until Aaron Swartz killed himself and got taken over by le wymyn ceo

It sucks but ciswhitemaelstorm said that he thinks that the_donald has tapped out it's gains from /r/all, apparently after a certain point the sub was only getting 50 new users per day.

Though it is funny that the_donald dominated the front page not because of Trump shit but because the /r/news wouldn't allow any discussion of the largest mass shooting in US history.

why does everyone on reddit type the same way? why do they all type like flaming fucking faggots? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

go away, shoo, reddit is where you belong

Shitty opinions should be illegal and op should apend his life in prison