
We've started a trend on twitter outing these fucking remain morons using Cox's death as fodder and so we can shift the blame onto them and off leave voters.

Everybody change your location to UK and tweet about it with the hashtag #ShameOnRemain - we can get the moderate brexit shills on our side and counter this bullshit, it's also catchy and it'll push the burden onto them if it gains momentum.

Tweet people like Milo/Prison Planet and other red pill sources who'll be willing it give this some momentum

Examples of these fucking morons:

> twitter.com/KishWidyaratna/status/743485602570604545?lang=en-gb
> twitter.com/yvonneridley/status/743481258810933249?lang=en-gb
> twitter.com/TheRightArticle/status/743468604558053380?lang=en-gb
> twitter.com/niapj/status/743495245074210816?lang=en-gb
> twitter.com/maddyywarner/status/743495736407498753?lang=en-gb
> twitter.com/youngian67/status/743527482247254016

If this gets rolling this can actually make a difference so lets do it

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it for britain lads

Reminder Maria Eagle MP who was the first to post about the possible 'Britain First' cry has deleted her tweet


I've done it, you really need a twitter bomb or whatever the fuck it's called

Bumping for justice

I'm fucking banned from twitter and you need a phone number to make a new account, but that'd be handy


Whats the point? Your average normal person doesn't user twitter. Only those who actively engage in politics do, which is a small minority.

Its just pointless.


No you don't, you can skip that stage. I did so earlier.

Are you joshin m8, every man and his dog has twitter and can see whats trending.

Wasn't letting me earlier, I'l have another go

On a scale of 1 to 10, how drunk was he?

someone spread this to other places like 8/pol/ or god forbid leddit maybe? I'd do it myself but I don't have access to either.

Tell me someoned saved the tweet or screencapped it?


>needs to be jailed

Britain, get your fucking shit together. Jesus christ.


Just heard on the news here "BRITAIN'S BREXIT UNCERTAIN NOW"


Fuck this gay Earth.

How many tweets does it take to get something trending?

I think it's fake mate, cba to check but I bet his account is a forest echo news one, which is a trolling collective.

There was definitely a small skip button when I did it


Blame this on remain. If the kikes blame muslim terrorism on white gun owners and the NRA, use the exact tactic back at them. Fuck them. From now on, we always blame these assholes for every bad thing that happens, and we must be very vocal about it. We need to act as Salon does.

This is remains' fault entirely for disenfranchising native Brits, and it's very racist of them.

Ah yeah, thanks.

It's still in the Google News results if you search for her name too.

Apparently there's a confirmed DENIAL from the quoted witness.

Remain are literally falling over themselves to report this one when there's no confirmation of it whatsoever.
