/ISRAEL/ thread

Let's discuss how Israel and Jews are smart and nice people.

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we're smart and nice

The entire nation of Israel and their Jewish supporters were defeated by a small Lebanese militia; Hezbollah in 2006.

Hezbollah triggers Jews more than any Holocaust joke you can imagine.

jews are alright i guess


anyone ever done the birthright thing?

It sounds neat but I know that region is fucked militarily right now

I did it. It was kinda fucking gay, but most people liked it. Maybe do the short 7 day trip (instead of 10 days), then extent the trip on your own. Also, do maybe Shorashim if that's still around, to get soldiers around for the whole trip, instead of just 5 or 0 days

also, don't go to israel in the next few months if current stuff doesn't calm down


is this thread different from all other threads?

yes it is

Thread theme:

youtu.be/A7rnYJxh4B4?t=765 "the pillows - Living Field [1995.03.24] (Full Album)"

In what way was the Lebanon War a loss for Israel?

it was israeli cities getting shelled and shelled, due to incompetent israeli populace and politicians (and generals)

But Israel inflicted far more severe damage on Lebanese infrastructure. Seems like a draw


""One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail," Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said in a eulogy."

the ratio wasn't good enough. you know how violent the third lebanon war will be? plus, geopolitically it's a huge boon to iran. it was bad for israel on numerous levels. thankfully though, israeli security forces (and the ruling government) are much more competent now than in the 2000s

Quoting a glowing eulogy for a mass murderer is in poor taste even on Sup Forums.

How did the events of the Lebanon War augment Iran's geopolitical strength in the region? Hezbollah was already in Lebanon before the war weren't they

hezbollah was a joke in 2006. now it's much more powerful (15-100 times more powerful). iran has troops in syria several miles away from israel's borders. mind you, hezbollah constitutes more than 10% of the pro-syrian forces in syria.

the glowing euology isn't the point; the point is that the ratio between 3rd world violent arab countries and israel can't be 1 to 1, or 1 to 10, it has to be much more. lives are much cheaper in poor countries. see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit_prisoner_exchange; people in western countries (israel moreso) value their own people that much

New attack: bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40700467


they have the best flag on Earth

mornin' sweethart

Where is Washington in all this? They usually do more mediation when the Areps and the Joos are become amgery