Now that Donald Trump is president what kind of movies will hollywood start making?

Now that Donald Trump is president what kind of movies will hollywood start making?

more of the same

jewish propaganda promoting cultural marxism

Even more holocaust and movies about slavery


hurr durr fascism

Based Jim

i really hope they start remaking quote unquote "cult classics"

This, in fact Trump makes it easier.

Even more black protagonist insertion movies in historical films that involve exclusively white people.

At least a dozen more Nazi or white supremacist themed movies.

A cameo of a Trump like figure in Man in the High Castle.

Is Jim /ourguy/?

Idk they can make them but nobody is watching that crap.

They can only get away by making ""subtle"" references in big blockbuster movies.

Hopefully 80's style thrillers when Reagan was in office.

>implying Trump isn't a good goy

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Sure, whatever keeps you awake at night

>Trumplerinas are this delusional

He's right, guys. Remember to dump drumpf and vote for Hillary in November.

Snoke or whoever the fuck hes called from the new star wars trilogy will say similar things as Trump has said.

Movies about pudgy old men with small hands and even smaller...



Check your privilege, Sithlord.

Action moves will have fascist overtones... oh wait.

Police procedurals will promote the idea that anyone who is a suspect is a criminal... oh wait.

The existence of a global Muslim conspiracy will be assumed... oh wait.

>Mormons, Christians and Catholics all voted for /our guy/
Fedoratippers voting for Hillary was a given just for the "M'lady"