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your little nuts are gunna b quakin buddy
ur gonna shoot cum
your gonna SHOOT CUM
>sam living in his car, recently broken up with by his qt gf
>charls living in his hellish basement, utterly depressed
>nick missing in action
is this what you wanted, tim?
Honestly no.
I just wanted them to kill themselves.
Based Tim, he is like the Negan of real life.
>a bloo bloo I can't afford health care
Go buy some then, you liberal shit. It's not your employer or the states responsibility to "give" you healthcare. I'm sick of you and your entitlement bullshit.
>yfw Tim won
>voted for trump
truly what did he mean by this
stop fucking trannies sam
>It's not your employer or the states responsibility to "give" you healthcare.
yeah, but he has a right to be angry if someone hijacks his career and prevents him from being able to pay for his healthcare
didn't you know that sam's a part of the emerging racist ideology known as the alt-right?
Now if only their obnoxious fans could suffer a terrible fate as well.
Oh wait.
If anybody highjacked and then crashed his career those were his fans.
I hope this serves as a lesson to the next retard that tries to pander and shill to the cancerous faggots in Sup Forums
Nobody hijacked his career. His show got cancelled because it was unfunny as shit and nobody was interested in a racist bigoted conservetarded mouthpiece on Adult Swim of all channels.
He has no right to be angry if he gets fired from his job. The company can do whatever they want and they shouldn't have to keep people hired just because those people want to have jobs. The company wants to make profit. He shouldnt have put himself in a position to get fired. It's not a workers charity, it's a business. Nobody is going to feel sad that this moron lost his job.
>buh buh hes le alt-right
He's whining like a liberal, crying about health care bullshit. If he wanted free health care and tampons like a bitch he should have voted for Hillary like the cuck he is.
I hate liberals, but I hate contradictory conservatives even more. If you're going to be conservative, you go full conservative. Not when it fits your agenda.
>tfw you get HIV from your gay lifestyle but still can't afford health insurance
In all fairness edie's a pretty convincing trap. Would bang if I didn't have play with her dick
Sammy is a fucking faggot
hudreds of thousands of viewers say otherwise
>He has no right to be angry if he gets fired from his job.
you're a fucking retard
>The company can do whatever they want
yeah, LEGALLY they can do whatever they want, that doesn't mean you can't be pissed when you get fired
he broke up with channing?
shit I want a piece of that
he had probably the biggest lead-in on the network
He didn't get fired from his job, his show got cancelled which is different. He can take that show to someone else.
It'd be like saying the owner of Kraft foods was fired from Walmart because they no longer stocked that brand.
Deal with it nerd. Knowing your employer is 50% of your audience is day one shit for performance art. Sure you can be rebellious and do something you know they'll hate for the sake of "art" but you can't really be surprised when they fire you.
If I got a job performing at a FOX and started rallying for Bernie Sanders would you really be surprised if I got fired
His groveling was pretty pathetic.
If you are going to be a right leaning conservative, at least back it up by keeping a tough guy persona.
He shouldnt have to tread lightly just to get on mainstream media, but ((those)) people are running the show.
Sam needed to commit one way or the other. Be Sup Forums and independent or swallow his pride and hide his power level for mainstream success.
You should do a show on Compound Media where you can be as edgy as you want without worrying about a bunch of jew SJWs undermining you.
>He didn't get fired from his job
yeah, as he said, he's completely blacklisted because of the lies that he was putting alt-right propaganda on tv
No he shouldn't be pissed off unless he's a fucking crybaby. If he has a good resume he should be able to get another job. And he wouldn't even be in consideration for firing if he was an asset to his company and never made himself a liability. All you have to do to avoid getting fired is keep your mouth shut and do your damn job at level worth keeping you onboard for. Everything that happened was entirely in his control and preventable and now this moron has the audacity to bitch about healthcare?
Fuck outta here. He sounds like a bum that needs to find a new job instead of crying online.
This is how much a year's worth of HIV medication costs in the U.S. without insurance.
Maybe Sammy should have known this before he fucked a tranny.
He's fucking blacklisted. He had to perform his stand up at some 15 year old kid's house because no venue would accept him. How the fuck is that fair and not 1984 ass shit?
>he's completely blacklisted
No such thing, if people want to watch someone will pick it up. Also as this user said He's not Trumbo or some shit, although even being blacklisted didn't stop him.
Sam "No Endurance Without Health Insurance" Hyde
Sam "Broke a leg now I have to beg" Hyde
Sam "Show's off the air now I'm on obamacare" Hyde
Life isn't fair, you whimpering pantywaist.
Shows on FOX shit on it all the time.
I don't follow your point. What has being against Bernie got to do with whether they like a shit show or not?
8 years you fucking piece of shit. We're not taking your "fairness" anymore.
That's not a real thing. Businesses do not collectively agree to pass on a lucrative resource just because one person says so. They are all in direct competition with one another and blacklisting is the exact opposite of what a company would do. Blacklisting is a term used by idiots who don't realize that they are the ones who fucked up themselves and made it publicly known that they are incapable of being an asset to a company.
If he was actually worth picking up, someone would immediately pick him up. It's not the job of companies to give this moron a platform. It's his job to make sure he's helping the company create a product worth promoting so he can have a job. Again, this isn't a fucking charity that hands out jobs so that liberal Sam can have his healthcare. It's Sams job to make sure he's a worker worth keeping.
That would be 8 years of comedy gold. Should be fun.
> all these butthurt liberals taking this as some sort of victory against le evul wacist sexist right :(((
Trump's your president for 8 years, you limp wristed cunts
Is Trump gonna make Adult Swim run a shit show again?
Damn right Trump is our president, so Sam needs to fuck off with his liberal tears about healthcare and get a fucking job. The people spoke in November and Sam better get with the fucking program.
A pub that agreed to let him perform cancelled that performance mere hours before scheduled and told Sam he wasn't welcome there. Guess your "logical" theory doesn't really hold up then, huh?
>blacklist isn't a real thing
it absolutely is a real thing in LA
he deserves to be on a blacklist though
>it absolutely is a real thing in LA
>he deserves to be on a blacklist though
you deserve to be in a gas chamber
no offence
He is probably alluding to the disaster that is Obamacare. Sammy just wants market competition to drive prices down to reasonable levels baka
It does hold up you moron. The pub cancelled because Sam proved himself to be a liability which can serve to hurt the long term brand and image of the pub. That's marketing 101, you idiot.
They didn't get a phone call from another pub saying "hey guys let's all agree not to give this guy a stage", they read a fucking news article and realized that it wasn't the smartest idea to associate him with their pub. Sam can also easily get off of a blacklist by proving himself to be an asset to business rather than a detriment. Again, it's not a fucking charity.
Blacklists are not real in the sense of several competing companies agreeing together not to use a resource or conspiring to ruin someone. All there is in reality is a known group of people who are publicly known as liabilities for business because they can't do their jobs right.
she's still loyal to him though
Well thats not the state things are in now are they? Maybe he should have considered saving his money instead of living paycheck to paycheck like a poor idiot. And even we were in a state where we had market competition on health care driving down prices, we'd still have prices. He'd still have to pay for healthcare. So at the end of the day, this faggot needs to fuck off, shut up, and get a job.
It's honest work bagging groceries. I know plenty of musicians and actors and so on that had to regularly go back to low level jobs to make ends meet.
He has videos where he got money from a project and then shows off by spending it all on stupid shit btw, If he didn't try and play up to his internet buddies so much he might not be in such a shit spot right now.
I don't care about these retarded politics I just really like MDE and hope they can find another outlet for their content.
I know. I seriously cannot feel sorry for the guy. How are you going to be a vocal conservative mouthpiece and then literally not practice fiscal conservativism? You flaunt all your meager earnings online and buy dumb shit and then cry crocidile tears when youre broke the next month. Sam must either be retarded or literally insane.
Seriously, is there a way for Trump to reinstate Sam? Sam is one of the biggest proponents of the alt-right movement which in turn put Trump in office. This is an absolute travesty to mistreat Sam like this
>HRRRR /r/the_donald put Trump in office
No, you didn't. Most of Trump voters don't even know what reddit is. Didn't he disown the "alt right" anyway?
In all seriousness, everyone who's a fan of Sam/MDE and is mad at Tim needs to take a step back and really examine the situation. In that phone call to Tim's office hours you can see Sam's anger unravel until he's basically yelling at Tim not because he got Sam blacklisted, not because he got his show cancelled, but because he didn't tell his friend not to leave a network who's ideology he disagrees with. And Sam's excuse for this is "well if my friend was doing that I'd tell him to stop" fucking really Sam, would you? If there was some super liberal, colored hair, female comedian you didn't think was funny on the air, would you go out of your way to keep them on the air? So many different youtube videos MADE by Sam show that this is not the case, including videos where he publicly disrupts comedy shows of people he doesn't agree with.
It seems like the final say in the matter is that Sam Hyde made a career insulting and offending people on purpose, created a show around it, and then is taking it out on others when he gets cancelled. He literally has a segment on his show where he shows his producers getting nervous at a skit whose punchline is "Jews suck"
Youtube is right where they left it.
>the alt-right movement which in turn put Trump in office.
>this is what Sup Forumstards ACTUALLY believe
it was the both the upper and disillusioned working class that put trump in the white house. the majority of Sup Forums isn't even old enough to vote
>alt right
back to plebbit with you!
That's where you came from, why do you even bother pretending?
>He literally has a segment on his show where he shows his producers getting nervous at a skit whose punchline is "Jews suck"
Everything you said up until this was true.
Textbook redditor projecting.
They have youtube.
I seriously don't know why so many altwhites are crying about it. Sams got plenty of bad content up on his channel
You can watch him bomb in front of a live audience for more more than an hour on each video. If you guys think that by complaining about his tv cancellation to us is going to make your tears go away, you're dumbest motherfuckers on this site.
We don't even like that fat fuck, maybe you could try it on Sup Forums, they have absolutely no taste to speak of
Many of them still listen to heavy metal, unironically
I'm going with retarded.
what third world country are you from, Sam
No amount of makeup can hide that jawline and those cheekbones.
Looks like a full blown tranny rather than a trap.
That's the focal point of the "alt right", also 8gag. You didn't do anything other than posting frogs online.
> muh r the donald
Reddit was bern victim land up until Sup Forums forcefully colonized the site and started shitting up the front page constantly. Sup Forums was also responsible for forcing twitter hashtags like #spiritcooking and #projectveritas
Wow, that sounds completely ineffectual. What a bunch of heroes, pissing in an ocean of piss.
Oh, fuck off. This isn't the website for you if you think you can call everyone with an opinion not yours "bigoted" and "racist". You fucking phaggit
This is apart of their epic war on the le alt right. They call it "social programming". It's pretty funny 2bh familia
Yeah, I'm sure the uber religious wetbacks weren't irked at all about finding out that Clinton's campaign manager took part in seemingly satanic rituals
No, that other user is right. Sam is the dumbass who put his own career in jeopardy. Nobody else did it but him. If he can't afford healthcare that's his problem.
>I'm sure the uber religious wetbacks
Are they well known for voting democrat?
Romney got 27% of the beaner vote and Trump got 29% DESPITE the uproar about him pointing out the problems illegal immigrants bring, offending them in the process