How can I be the only one who is worried about the blatant pro-terrorism message of this movie? There was a scene in it where the liberals have literally made the Rebellion look like a swarm of al Qaeda freedom fighters in Afghanistan. Lucasfilms isn't even trying to cover this up anymore. I hope President Trump bans this film from being released in the United States and all available copies recalled and burned. We do not need to encourage our youth into thinking that terrorism is acceptable especially in this day and age.
How can I be the only one who is worried about the blatant pro-terrorism message of this movie...
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you'll get someone. I enjoyed this more than TFA.
Terrorists are just rebels who either lost or haven't won yet.
This is why Star Wars poisoned American society.
...The Rebels are terrorist, have you seriously not gotten that yet?
The Empire actually brought law in order to a federation of planets that were repeatedly shitting on their own citizens. The Jedi Order did fuck all, and was a solely self interest circle jerk of an organization.
The Empire gave people jobs, medicine, and a sense of purpose.
>blow up millions of people
The sad part is there's quite a few people on this board who genuinely believe the empire was benevolent.
"Give me liberty or give me death!"
terrorists don't watch crappy movies like this don't worry.
It wasn't pro-terrorism, the main cast shoots the actual insurgents and suicide bombers that get in their way along with the Imperial soldiers. To me it seemed more anti-war than pro-terrorism, like, there's an oppressive occupying force there for natural resources, and a group of people stopping at nothing to destroy them and oust them from their holy land, forsaking their religion in favor of futile extremism, with blatant disregard for civilians. The Alliance themselves are the "best" of these insurgencies happening, and they still condone assassinations.
Did you not see the scene where Mon Mothman tells Jyn that the rebels on Jedah were an extremist splinter-faction?
Why would the siths aspire to create a strict nazi regime anyway? What do they stand to gain from this shit? I thought siths were all about chaos and passion and shit, would that suit them better to plunge the galaxy into anarchy or something?
its not as bad as the force awakens atleast
I did too
I actually really liked it despite the man character having no personality
She at least could act and wasnt perfect and already a jedi
Beyond that every other character was fine or I liked
>Blind Asian with great faith was cool, especially having him actually pray to the force or try to be one with it
>Second rebel guy was cool because he seemed like more of a south american rebel who definitely does dirty shit for the otherwise cleaner revolution
Vader scene also made the movie
>I actually really liked it despite the man character having no personality
I don't even get this criticism, honestly. She starts out cold and with abandonment issues, but over the course of the film learns trust and empathy, culminating in her willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for a greater cause. There's also the interesting nuance of her being motivated to the rebel cause initially more out of a desire to redeem her father (and in turn convince herself that his love was actually genuine).
>Vader scene also made the movie
This is the ultimate pleb opinion.
The film overall was good but the only appropriate reaction to that shit and the R2/3PO scenes was eye-rolling.
>the only appropriate reaction to that shit and the R2/3PO scenes was eye-rolling.
Because it's gratuitous fan-service that contributes absolutely nothing to the film?
Whats wrong with fan-service? Why is it so wrong to service the fans? How the fuck do you define what does, and what doesn't contribute to the film? I'm sure you can cut out 50% from every movie ever without losing any plot essentials
>How the fuck do you define what does, and what doesn't contribute to the film?
If you removed it, would the plot or progression be affected in any way?
> I'm sure you can cut out 50% from every movie ever without losing any plot essentials
Bad ones, sure. In well-made films, everything has a purpose.
>muh plot
Why do even bother with watching movies? Waste of 2 good hours on pointless visuals when you could get all the plot details from a wikipedia article
Because you can express things with images you can't with words, retard.
Don't reply to me anymore.
Oh. Sorry I got you triggered, pham. Peace
>The sad part is there's quite a few people on this board who genuinely believe the empire was benevolent.
We saw how the free cucks of the galaxy handled the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Sheev knew, he did what had to be done and if he would've succeeded everyone would've been better off for it.
So is Tarkin Snoke?
Because Sith desire power, what better way of exerting your power other than oppressively forcing your will upon others?
Eat a bag of dicks, moran.
damn wtf
that would be crazy
the face and voice could fit but tarkin had no force powers (that we know of) they would have mentioned him having some force senses to be a sick general or some shit. also he exploded on the death star fo realz
He wore a cloak in R1. Why would he do that if he wasn't force sensitive?
In ANH he was Vader's superior. In the context of just that movie that's fine but in the context of the full saga why would Vader report to Tarkin? If Tarkin is Snoke it then there's some justification.
Isn't that what rebels are?
A group of terrorists fighting against a legitimate and organised government?
I'm sure 90% of the aliens in the galaxy under imperial rule don't see that they are bad.
Sure they blew up planets with a super weapon, but only planets where giant rebel bases were. (what's the difference between USA dropping bombs on innocent civilians in Syria?)
I feel bad for the people who don't realize that the rebel alliance doesn't accoiciate with old black mans freedom fighters or any other ragtag group in the galaxy, it's a bunch of representitives sitting around a table with their loyalists pushing the muscle. Like shit, if the death star was never even thought of and nobody made terror cells on outer rim planets the rebel alliance would just succeed from the empire in true diplomatic fashion.
>I hope daddy Trump ba-
>Our Youth
No motherfucker, fuck off with your pc censoring and move to north korea bitch
Uh didn't Americans do this shit when they fought the British for independence?
Darth Vader is a fucking Cyborg Dark Knight in space.
The movie was bad. Did you hear the dialogue? It was fucking atrocious.
They tried to make a darker star wars with a Disney script.
The first half of it was scattered and at no point did it feel that any of those characters should have any sort of attachment to one another.
Because the Galactic Empire wasn't a Sith Empire. Sheev and Vader used the knowledge of the Sith but Sheev even threw away the original ways of the Sith.
The SWTOR Sith Empire, an empire actually ran by Sith, is downright fucking libertarian despite still stealing the nazi-imagery from the OT Empire. There's basically random Sith Lords acting as richfags lording over land and shooting each other. Their Council even tries to impose a NAP, its top lel.
There is no way he could have survived the death star