What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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We will never know

She's said she regrets doing the change and wants to be a man again

>be a handsome man
>remove your dick and get facial surgery to become a woman
>now add a fake dick and have an ugly mug
I'd kill my self

Lisa Ann has really let herself go


youre saying that like this delusional asshole ever was or could be a woman

Didn't jump on the Democrat Feefee train, and lost all relevance.

Minority points don't override being a Shit[lady], just ask a Black Conservative

You ain't in position to give her or him names, let them chose the way you call them

If she feels like a woman, you should call her a woman

And before you come with a dumb question like "what if I want to be called a dog?", yes we should call you a dog

Call me God Emperor, and kowtow in my presence


God Emperor? Ok, I call you as a "he", a crazy male but a male

I'll call you God Emperor, but I won't kowtow.

Now please start up the gladiator games again.

Oh my God, I cannot even. Bring this man to the Political Correction Gulags

You call me Your Ultimate Glory

>Oh my God, I cannot even. Bring this man to the Political Correction Gulags

I'm a chick and you need to fuck off.

Nah, I'd rather not talk to you nor about you

Please not @me ever again, you are to dumb for me


You speak when spoken to, Vassal

Kys, fuckface

>a girl spewing politically correct bullshit
nothing new to see

she's hot

I won't pull out

10/10 would bang

I was joking about the emperor shit, but you faggots are too autistic to have understood it, obviously.

Is this Kylie's mom? Yooo son I guess sluttiness runs in her family mmm mmm mmmm ;)


5o year old unclean ass
wood berry

Go to bed, Trump. Don't you have a swamp to drain?

Oh, wait.

I would rub my dick all over that shit



What a sexy mama

THIS he is a liar, gender is not cut and dry

its a spectrum

The only thing that is on the spectrum is you

Seriously you wish your grandma was hot as this

That's her mom

Leno let those fucks into his garage?

are you objectifying me?

fuck off racist homophone


I mean dad, goddamit

>in a few years there will be grandmans instead of grandmas

Honestly the hate on her instagram is pretty sad desu

If I take a blood sample, there's going to be a Y chromosome in his DNA. Just because someone identifies as 9 foot tall, doesn't make it so.

Link it

Also twitter and insta comments are more hateful than Sup Forums has ever been

Was life always this much of an existential nightmare?

>yfw she was in make up for like 3 hours and she still looks like a man-orc

I think she looks hot, I'd fucking die in her mouth

Dude please stop.

this is what passes for a legitimate thread on Sup Forums in the year of our lord 2016

Why? Can't a man give an honest opinion about a beautiful woman he admires?

Honestly I've banged worse,

Just look at that darling face. Yeah she's a little sagging but what woman her age wouldn't? I'd lick every part of that shit.

It's never been this bad.

(((They))) paraded him around as a harbinger of progress until he revealed his conservative views

Didn't fit the narrative


If you're a dude and you cut off your dick and decide to become a woman, why not just go all out with the surgery and become a slutty bimbo with balloon lips, dsl lips and a giant baboon ass? Like youre going to spend half of your life in a plastic surgeon's office and be a spectacle the rest of your life anyway, why not go crazy with it?

Would desu

Already exists

Hitler blundered in Russia and North Africa.

You're stupid. One roman emperor literally dressed liked a woman and fucked random men for money. It's been worse.

I question the happiness of the people who do this, even after their transformations.




What point are you trying to convey with this?

They seem quite happy shopping for clothes.

California was a mistake.

She waited until she was already old to transition.

how long did it take for you abandon everything you were taught in school because suddenly gender is a spectrum?

if gender WAS a spectrum, why is it only in the past 10 years it's popping up like crazy?

t. dicklet

>can't answer the question
>"b-better comment on his dick!!"

Because we are enlightened.

You probably think the Earth is flat as well and man was made 6,000 years ago.

Looking kinda Chloe Moretz there.

Even the romans didn't think the world was flat and they were degenerate as fuck and still none of this 9001 genders bullshit

>You probably think the Earth is flat as well and man was made 6,000 years ago.
Big ol' jump there buddy, you okay? If gender is definitely a spectrum and everyone who doesn't believe this is a retard, why is it still taught in schools that there are two genders? Why can't you answer my questions but only attack my character?

>Even the romans
What did he mean by this?

Keep your head in the sand, kiddo.


why are you just making shit up, that's what i don't get
>hurr durrr librals say that there's 2000000 genders!!!!
>i saw this in a shitty ""skeptic"" video on youtube that picks apart low hanging fruit psychotic tumblr blogs
just fucking neck yourself if you're not going to even do a cursory look into real gender issues
i know it makes you feel like a big, strong "alpha" but it just looks pathetic to everybody else

Conservitards BTFO!

and why do you keep taking what i say, adding stuff i didn't say, then pushing what i DID say to extremes?
what part of what i said was wrong?
It's taught in classrooms that there are two genders
It's only in the past few years transgender has even become a big thing
Stop strawmanning me because you don't have an argument


You were literally proven wrong in

once more, you're telling me I said things I didn't say. I said was strawmanning, not you fucking moron. i'm not giving dailymail views, they're a trash tier source for information and is laughed at in the UK. On par with the sun, it doesn't prove shit.

You have the logic skills of an amoeba .

You have been proven wrong and you just can't take it.

Typical little englander.

I have a milf fetish. I'd come all over her face and chest.

>literally hasn't attacked my argument once
>says i've been proven wrong
nobody's proved shit to me. you haven't answered my questions, you've avoided my points this entire time, and you've strawmanned me to try and make yourself look right.

>Two genders is taught in classrooms
>Transgender has only become a big thing in the past few years
Prove me wrong without using tabloid-tier articles lmfao

>I've been proven wrong repeatedly and I just can't take it
>perhaps if I use the word strawman again that will help


show me how i was wrong instead of repeating that phrase, i'll wait


>there is an article that proves me wrong but I won't read it


once again, the daily mail is a laughable source and is not taken seriously by anyone. just like people discount breitbart and jezebel. next.

So you concede.

I'm glad.

Why do conservitards get so triggered by what other people do?

Ok, so I just read your article. 0 sources. Real quality stuff, thanks for that
All it says is that theres a book about transgenderism, and a bunch of people opinions on it.
>Educate & Celebrate, which holds hundreds of workshops in schools, will send copies to the 120 'best practice' schools with which it works. It expects hundreds more head teachers to buy the book.
So no one has actually bought it yet. No one has actually implemented it in schools. Wow, looks like you're wrong!

stop trying to defend something that is shocking to the conscience and the eyes.

lmfao i'm actually left leaning, but anyone that questions this push for transgenderism must be a conservative right? only someone from the false dichotomy that is the US could possibly reach that conclusion. get a clue, america is not the world, your social and political perspectives are laughed at by the rest of the developed world


Yeah. He had them on an episode of his show. Kylie seemed like a surprisingly tolerable human being and Leno made a joke about Bruce/Caitlyn racing in a Tans Am.

There is no gender spectrum. Gender is a just an extension of sex, and there only exist two sexes. Meme-genders are just another symptom of a society that loses it's identity in forced diversity.


leno owns. numale conan nuthuggers dont get the guy

Pipe down, Brexiter.

Your country and every other on the planet literally bathe yourselves in American culture.

lmfao wrong again, the only thing you can do is attack me because your golden article is a pile of shit. just stop replying, it's better for you.

I agree Leno is actually pretty based and I think he's funny. Literally every time he reviews an old car with a big trunk he makes that "you could rent it out to a family of 4" joke and God dammit I laugh every time.

Why are britbongs so pathetic?


Why are britbongs so fugly?

see him give the veteran a car on youtube today? good lad

>no argument
>and it shows
i know i said to stop replying but you should carry on. i wanna see how desperate you get.