Why is this so good?
Why is this so good?
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Val Kilmer would've made the best batman. He had the physicality, the youth, and the acting chops.
If only they didn't out robin in this
Seriously what was the point of introducing Robin?
Nicole Kidman like a cat in heat.
Also best tie-in soundtrack compilation ever released, it's literally banger after banger.
Batman Forever has best girl in it, therefore, it is a masterpiece.
I remember liking it as a kid, but recently I switched on the TV to find it on and it's absurd and cartoony. It's also back in a time when fights were choreographed with generic goons opening with spinning wheel kicks. I've had about 13 years of MMA fandom in me to buy any of that.
Because it's refreshing. The first two Batman films are great, but they're very dark and most of the time very serious as is most Batman media of the time and since but Forever was a 90's version of the Adam West series. It was still serious in many ways but it embraced it's comic roots and had fun with the absurdity of a man running around as a bat, another making riddles a crime, and a guy that flips a coin to decide what to have for breakfast.
I re-watch the film every year and it's still as every bit fun as it was the day I first saw it in cinema.
Batman and Robin is better.
I thinks it's funny, and I still don't understand the hate it gets. Is it good? Not much, but is it fun? Certainly. It doesn't take itself serious and just runs with it. It's feels much more like a comic book than the other movies, and I think the audience expected something else and didn't see it for what it was.
Also I would have loved to see how it would have been to have Val Kilmer as batman in a serious movie like the ones with Keaton.
Val Kilmer is great in this.
I never understood the HATRED towards Batman and Robin. Watched it as a kid and enjoyed it.
Good answer.
Yeah, it's mediocre at worst, but certainly not the pile of shit people say it is.
Eh, Jim Carrey kind of ruins it.
Also, Tommy Lee Jones didn't really understand the character too well.
While the first one does have somewhat of a dark tone, it's not exclusively so. It's actually quite camp in a lot of places and very comic book like.
>Jim Carrey kind of ruins it.
I would consider him the best thing about the kino
It doesn't try to be a 2deep 4realistic movie for manchildren. Just like all Batmans before Bravissimo Nolan came along and ruined everything.
Val had the whole I can quit being Batman if i find something better down prefect. Best Bruce Wayne.
Well put.
You were not joking about the soundtrack, wow.
It wasn't Carrey's nor Lee's fault that their characters were written like shitty Jokers ripoffs. They actually did a very good job as Joker ripoffs.
Everyone wants to be Jack Nicholson.
Carrey and TLJ had fun with their characters, so I had fun watching them.
>Carrey and TLJ had fun with their characters
"I cannot sanction your buffoonery."
What a salty bitch, Dumb and Dumber was good, asshole.
What is it with Sup Forums these days and worshiping shit just because most people hate it? Also hating most modern poplar movies just because they're popular. This hipster way of thinking shit has to go.
It really isn't, and it's a shame because it had a lot going for it but none of it was done well. Val Kilmer was a good pick for batman, Chris O'Donnell was a good pick for robin, even Jim Carrey and TLJ were good picks (this was TLJ's looniest role and it's crazy because he almost never acted like this, but he would have been really great if they gave him good stuff to work with. Same for Carrey). I don't think the colorful tone of this movie is a bad thing, it's just how they did it that sunk the whole thing.
The soundtrack is all 90's (garbage) music though. Kiss From a Rose is alright but other than that holy shit.
>TLJ didn't understand the character
Are you retarded? Do you think the way the character was written and portrayed had anything to do with him? He just did what he was told. Do you think the actors all write their own dialogue and choose their acting styles?
>Do you think the actors all write their own dialogue and choose their acting styles?
Ever heard of ad libbing? Almost all Kurgan's dialogue was him filling in the blanks with the paper thin script.
Are you going to try and convince me that TLJ had any input regarding what his character said and did in Batman Forever?
Just pointing out the fallacy of your argument that an actor can't add to the script, brighteyes, you want another example look at Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs
My argument was literally that not all actors personally contribute to their roles, fucktard. That's not a fallacy by any stretch of the imagination.
Because ur an idiot
i really like the dialogue esspecially between Nicole Kidman as Dr. Chase and Batman. It is very cheesy, and funny.
the cast is great, I think in the end, this is what elevates the material at hand
>What is it with Sup Forums these days and worshiping shit just because most people hate it?
How new are you?
Also nice trips.
>Batman: Wait! I have a riddle for you!
>The Riddler: For me? Really? Tell me.
>Batman: I see without seeing. To me, darkness is as clear as daylight. What am I?
>The Riddler: Please! You're as blind as a bat!
>Batman: Exactly.
This movie is deeper than you guys give it credit for.
thats nuts that i just watched this. It has lots of symbolism in it. It also foreshadows people being brain washed by television/smartphone/internet. And I mean that by people are brainwashed to be one way or another. Libereil or Conservative.
>Sup Forums continues to hate on popular mainstream movies like the NolanBats and TFA
My fucking sides
It's not. It gets worse and worse with every re-watch.
>lmao people don't like things that suck
Kiss from a rose
it's got the best theme
also, it was my first movie in cinema
>implying people hate mainstream movies because they're popular
>not because they're objectively garbage
The only thing Nolan accomplished is making Batman look and sound more retarded than the 1960s version.
>look and sound more retarded than the 1960s version.
t. person who has never actually watched the 60's version
Surprisingly good in hindsight. The way it closes with those blaring horns (a tone I have yet to hear since) is really chilling. Movies don't have good intro music anymore. Shit like this really settles you into it.
It doesn't take itself too seriously while still maintaining serious mood and feeling like an actual comic
same. I like the scene where they are robbing the bank and Tommy Lee jones shows Riddler how to punch someone in the face.
>You ball up yer fist, lean way back and assert yerfself, hahahaha