Have video games surpassed movies?
Have video games surpassed movies?
>the road for the manchild generation with zombie like creatures thrown in to appease their rotted brains and also ellen "act" page
movies arent generally associated with annoying loud faggots on streaming sites and youtube
>celebrities in games
i fucking hate it
This game is a cinematic experience tho. Have you even checked it out before?
>generic hurr durr zombie killed my child story
Yeah no
In shittiness.
delete your freakin post dude or they're going to fuck you up
You know that didn't happen in the story, right?
What celebrity exactly? Both the actors they have for the main characters are nobodies.
its ashley johnson. she won a bafta for it.
in pure profit? Yes. In public recognition? Hell no. For all the talk of gamer girls and more female representation in video games, most actual women respond like this to video games
Reminder that C.I.A. was in an Xbox game
Motherfucker his daughter dies right at the start of the game
>God Tier
>High Tier
Fashion design
Industrial design
>Mid Tier
Interior design (as a concept)
Conceptual art
Graphic design
>Useless Shit Tier
Metal work
Ivory Carving
>Not Even Art Tier
not even close
pro tip they are literal whos if they are in vidya. yes defoe has transcended into a who whore
Uncharted 4 is the latest cinematic experience type game I've played and it's pretty generic. You don't get the nuances that come with real actors. Or it's just completely weird video game shit that doesn't make sense in real life.
Am I supposed to be impressed?
>Starting in 2019, if Your Film Isn’t Diverse, It Won’t Be Eligible for a BAFTA Award
Games which let you choose how you want the game to end and that gives you freedom: yes these are better than a lot of nowadays movies.
Otherwise games with bland multiplayer that does nothing different and campaigns that are dull and just "shoot and move here" are crap.
This Id argue photography is better than literature though and literature means fuck all nowadays so its not god tier
It wasn't a zombie that killed his kid, fucking retard.
>he's past the age of 10
>he still plays video games
I don't care if it's a voice, I just don't want to see their faces everywhere.
"I'm acting."
They are literally whos user. You never recognized their faces to begin with.
then stop playing vidya besides pokemon
It never ceases to amaze me how people can spout bullshit online. You literally have the knowledge from all around the globe at your fingertips and you can't even get that right.
This is why we're still so primitive.
>Fashion design
>High tier
well she's a white blonde woman so i don't know what you're getting at with your Sup Forums anger
its okay buddy. white people still get awards
Get over yourself, my mum plays games. Admittedly not shooters, more like Minecraft and walking simulators, but she's still a gamer.
This game is just okay, stop talking about it.
No, and if they have then that game isn't one of them. Play Dark Souls or Half Life 2 if you want to see how storytelling in video games should be done.
Add a giant fucking logo of twitter and you've got it 100% correct
Half-Life 2 doesn't deserve to be talked about either.
I don't understand the appeal for this games story whatsoever. You have grumpy but caring adult trope and the funnier naive character trope exploring a generic zombie wasteland and hitting all the ordinary story notes without any interesting additions whatsoever
Even a generic story can be endearing if told well.
imo i havent played this game tbqh
No, and never will.
The videogame industry has reached a level of saturation in the past 5-10 years that you can't tell whole completely different franchises apart.
Then you have the endless sequeling that unfortunately even the film industry is subject to, but that videogames take to whole new levels of repetitiveness (Assassin's Creed, CoD, Dark Souls, Battlefield, etc.).
Then there's the constantly yearly "improvement" by the main console producers namely Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo who keep pushing the same shit with a brand new name purely for money.
And don't get me started on the average videogame player. If there's anyone who can beat an MCUck at a game of stupidity that's a videogame player. Mostly because they are underage or autists who haven't given up their "hobby" past 17.
Unlike cinema, which is art, there are far too many people who take this hobby far too seriously to the point of becoming fanboys. Videogames were created to sell, films were created to make art even more complex and visually impressive.
This game wasn't though. Played through it once and traded it back. It's boring and bland.
The overall story, yes, but the characters have good interactions.
Because it was literally shilled to death back in 2013. Sony spent millions trying to sell this game.
Is that why your kind is always begging for adaptations?
you are asking if the airplane surpassed the automobile
they are both radically different forms of transportation
you cant apply monetary success to art
I haven't played HL2 so I can't appropriately talk about it, but there are at least some parts of the story that seem interesting to me. If I'm correct, the main villain's motivation is that he prevents humans from being invaded or attacked or whatever by giving into alien commands and sacrificing people in the process and Valve's good art design means that the environment etc. is well done
Throughout history, art was predominantly created to sell. Michelangelo didn't work for free retard.
what did the game do to make it interesting?
You could collect comic books.
Play it and you'll see it's very generic sci fi. Facial animations are still great though.
>havent played HL2
but video games are buy far the most enjoyable
There's nothing interesting about the guy having a monologue about how he did nothing wrong before dying in a big explosion and you going right back to shooting more bad guys.
Some characters were good. Tone and atmosphere were top notch.
Is this AIDZ or Calle Borjesson?
Dark Souls is boring as shit, it's literally all regurgitated dark fantasy tropes put together. And the gameplay is atrocious. Being difficult is one thing. Having to re-play entire levels because the game designers forgot what checkpoints are for it's another matter.
And don't get me started on Half-Life 2. It's a good game, but the legacy it left behind is more cancerous than Chernobyl. First of all, it spawned Counter-Strike, arguably one of the worst balanced FPS ever made, second thing it started this trend of "le valve memes" that got stale really fast.
Half Life 1 spawned counter strike.
There's a part at the end where he says "The big picture was too big for you" and I choked on my drink
>tfw your childhood tvfu plays your vidyafu in a game whose writer also created your robofu (Ava)
you're retarded
Spoken like a true retard that knows jackshit about history or art. Art can be sold, videogames were made to be sold.
Your opinions on Dark Souls are silly and I've never even gotten close to beating it.
>game that Sup Forums can't reach a stable consensus on after 3 years has apparently surpassed movies
nice meme
You're right.
Great argument. Unfortunately I ran out of fucks to give about your opinion.
You're trying too hard to fit in Zach. Art is not synonymous with quality. Video games are art. Bad art, but art nonetheless.
why Sup Forumsedditors always come to Sup Forums for approval? can they not get backup on /lit/ like they do from their cross posting buddies here?
The two mediums aren't comparable, unless you're an idiot who thinks the "story" is the most important part of video games.
But mainstream blockbuster games are easily better than mainstream blockbuster movies are now.
final fantasy xv was pretty compelling. i don't play stupid games but I did watch a few hours of it and it was the closest to artistry that i've seen from vidya in some time.
>Bwaaa don't insult my terribly made videogame!!
No, it's shit. A game is meant to be entertaining. The lore is stupid, the mechanics are vomit-inducing and that's it. Don't be mad if you like a shit game.
>Video games are art
No they're not, Sup Forumsedditor. Now fly back to your shithole.
/lit/ is a horrible place and nobody should ever have to go there.
> A game is meant to be entertaining
Which it is, even when I'm losing. Which is most of the time because I never got good.
>mechanics are vomit-inducing and that's it
Hyperbole invalidates your statements.
t. Sup Forums pleb who wants to post comics there because the girls on Sup Forums make him insecure
>Art = good
>if it's not good then it's not art
Only children think this way. Get yourself a dictionary and educate yourself.
Reading requieres focus and patience and Sup Forums are a bunch of ADHD kids.
Cast her
Because on /lit/ it would either
1. turn into one of those threads where OP gets insulted to hell and back for being an underage kid who thinks videogames are art
2. janny delete the thread and ban the Sup Forumsedditor
Sup Forums, being a janitorless shithole is a perfect to shit up for these retards
>Which it is, even when I'm losing. Which is most of the time because I never got good.
Your entertainment is subjective.
>Hyperbole invalidates your statements.
You could just say "I got BTFO and I don't know what to say"
Could you try rephrasing that into a coherent sentence so I can tell what you're trying to say?
I want to cast her on my dick.
>Your entertainment is subjective.
Yes. But your is objective. I don't know how to deal with that.
>You could just say "I got BTFO and I don't know what to say"
I really don't know how to respond to people who only speak in exaggerations and hold no sincere opinions on anything.
It seems to me you don't know the meaning of art. A sandbox is for entertainment, and so is a videogame. You wouldn't call the former art, would you?
Now, just because 99% of works of art get sold doesn't mean they're not art. You're just too stupid to figure out why people purchase paintings, sculptures, etc.
A game is made to entertain. Period. If it fails to do this, like in many cases of pretentious, wannabe-film videogames like Heavy Rain then it's a shit game by default.
Videogames are not art and they will never be.
felicity jones
Again you wouldn't be asking on Sup Forums if you actually believed that.
*tips fedora*
>Now, just because 99% of works of art get sold doesn't mean they're not art.
I never said they weren't. You're the only one making the claim that things being sold aren't art.
>A game is made to entertain.
Are you unaware of all the pretentious indie shit games that try to convey some political shit? You really need to educate yourself redditor.
Flawless victory.
Now you can only retort with memes and buzzwords.
>Videogames are not art and they will never be.
So I went to wikipedia and it said interactive media qualifies as art.
Video games have plateaued pretty badly this generation.
We currently have the first generation of consoles where the games don't look dramatically superior to the previous gen.
Plus, the games made pre-GFC had great graphics, great mechanics, great writing and voice acting.
The games made post-GFC are full of compromises. Experiences that are extremely linear. Content and features have been cut out (later sold as DLC/Season Pass). Graphics are capped to the capabilities of the console (rather than making full use of modern PCs. 30fps in 2016 is unacceptable).
Video games are currently in their silver age. Do comic book fans fawn over comics from the 60s?
What I actually fear is that triple A gaming is going to be like what animation was like between the 1960s-1980s. Remember the Hanna-Barbera age? Be thankful if you don't.
But yeah, don't go to video games for inspiration. It's all a mess at the moment.
Call me when "vidyas" are universally recognized as the 8th art.
I don't have your number.
> Do comic book fans fawn over comics from the 60s?
If it's made by Jack Kirby or Steve Ditko? Yes.
Life is Strange is a better cinematic experience than anything from the past 8 years. Same for TWD season 1.
Wolf Among Us is also fucking amazing
>Wolf Among Us
[x] Glass Him
Fedora = video games
Fedora = Capeshit
Fedora = juvenile sensibilities
Fedora = "entertainment"
Fedora = IMDB
Fedora = Sup Forums
Fedora = Reddit
Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism.
This is predominantly an art board (the "entertainment" shit that is constantly being discussed here is a result of crossposters from pleb boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums)
True cinema = art which is the opposite to autism and in turn the opposite to video games.
The sensibilities resulting in video game appreciation are diametrically opposed to the appreciation of cinema as "art". Videogames/autism/"entertainment" are the reason for capeshit.
If you support capeshit you are Sup Forums and anti Sup Forums, Sup Forums, film and art.
This is a fact brought down through the ages of tastemakers.
I find wanking to be enjoyable and that's not a form of art.
>tfw ripped off that guy's arm cus I thought he was an asshole
>turned out to be a bro
>fucking tears me up inside whenever I see his missing arm
Fuck, I need to replay that game.
Waiting to hear about season 2.
Life is Strange season 2 is most likely coming next month, so get hype
Season 3 of TWD just came out and it looks promising.
I'd rather buy these "walking simulators" that make me feel emotions and empathy for the characters, than any Hollywood drivel. Arrival and Revenant are the only good movies of the past couple of years
fedora = you and your abhorrent posts
Yeah, I decided to rip his arm off too because I figured the choices didn't matter (they didn't).
Still - ultimate regret.
Didn't know there was going to be a LiS season 2. Thought they were making a vampire game.