wtf I hate passengers now
Wtf I hate passengers now
I'd do the same thing, except I'd throw her into space.
its just a story.
I get the feeling liberals take things too personally
Well they're not wrong, the premise is fucked up.
FUCK males
wtf I hate white males now
only white males
i saw passengers on monday at some screening
it wasnt that bad desu
Isn't that literally what About Time is about?
>Guy keeps going back in time until he is able to get the girl to fall in love with him
>He erases her boyfriend
>He never tells her his secret and she believes her whole life that he is actually a decent caring guy
>tauriq moosa
you have several minutes to convince me why i should listen to some poo in loo mongoloid.
but if her perception of it is he's a great guy, then wheres the harm? He just has an advantage over other men
Then they go and masturbate to fifty shades of grey. Don't trust anything a woman say.
Yes, I found this disturbing as fuck. Which is why I was baffled that most critics failed to mention the moral ambiguity and rated it rather well.
why so racist?
This is infinitely more "creepy" than it had any right to be. And he's never confronted with the abuse of his power, either. It's like a Solonz movie but not self-aware. Quite remarkable, really.
How did no feminists pick apart this movie? Was it made just in that time period before the SJW craze?
But a lot of women argue that 50 Shades is shit.
Women are not a homogeneous hivemind.
It was a shitty flop that got little attention, whereas Passengers has been hyped and shilled pretty hard
Now that you mention it, I'd love a remake of this movie where they do make it creepy and in the end his whole fails or something as he gets bad luck and cannot go back in time anymore after making a huge mistake.
i've literally never heard of the movie until now
You been living under a rock or something? It's ok to be racist to white men. It's how they pay back for having their great-great-great-great grandfather being mean to someone's great-great-great-great grandfather. Or maybe he didn't do anything, but then they're white so they pay back anyway. Hey, nobody ever said racism wasn't retarded.
>budget 40 mil
>total gross 571 mil
sure user..
Well the movie is literally: guy wants a cute girl and so abuses his time travel power to get her and make his life incredibly perfect.
There is no catch or anything. He gets the girl, they marry and it ends.
It turns out every male in his family has that power I think as his father tells him
Because it's a movie by a guy who only ever makes lovey-dovey inoffensive rom-coms? Or maybe because there's nothing to pick apart. Writers have a right to write whatever creepy shit they want without being judged as if they are making a statement or are responsible for you taking their shit too seriously/literally and not having the wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction. And not every work is supposed to seek some sort of moral validation for you. Besides, the more retarded normies didn't have access to twitter back then.
And become like every other movie? Why? Why can't the creep win for once? Creeps are people too, you know?
Free speech gives them the right. You can write whatever you want, doesn't mean it won't cost you. Society isn't fair, people lose their jobs all the time for using free speech
>retarded normies didn't have access to twitter back then.
It came out 3 years ago
Weeelll, a dude gets sucked in anyway (@ ̄□ ̄@;)!!
>total gross 571 mil = literally every woman on earth went to see 50 SOG
>not even including men in that 571 mil
Okay, user.
Why would anyone ever target female audience? That's a fucking minefield
>does it have xplosions or boobs? gonna see it
>the movie isn't perfectly tailored to my super specific sensibilities? FUCK OFF
Sorry that Pratt can'thelp being horny all the time.
>counting male agency instead of being dragged to it by girlfriends not wanting to be embarrassed by going hambeast mode
The thing is this premise could have made a great psychological thriller. I could write this shit in my sleep too
>Pratt starts going stir crazy, obsessed with JLaw
>Wakes up JLaw
>Ensue like an act or so of romancing, blah blah, vaguely foreboding sci fi stuff
>JLaw finds out the truth, freaks out, tensions mount because we're not sure exactly how crazy Pratt really is
>Turns out ship's gonna crash, killing everyone on board
>Somebody needs to go out into space and fix the thing, but there's no way they can do this and come back alive
>Pratt snaps back to his senses and volunteers to sacrifice himself to redeem his act of waking up JLaw
>JLaw realizes she would rather die than be left alone to go crazy like Pratt
>Sequence where JLaw is strapping herself in to shoot out into space and Pratt's trying to stop her, making a weird situation where he's the "Shining" type antagonist as foreshadowed, but because he's trying to stop her from dying rather than kill her
>JLaw succeeds, shoots into space, saves everyone and dies
>Pratt left alone again
>Starts fixating on a new woman... cut to black
Groundhog Day did the same thing, who gives a fuck?
>>the movie isn't perfectly tailored to my super specific sensibilities? FUCK OFF
The feminists that nitpick about that shit aren't actually a demo though. They whine on the internet but they don't go to see films.
>total gross 571 mil = literally every woman on earth went to see 50 SOG
user, you're ignoring this.
that's kind of messed up. and hilarious
>pratt left alone again
>Starts fixating on a new woman
More like Passengers of shit
Because women pay for movies, men just pirate them.
If a man goes to see a film, it's because of a woman
I would see that Kino, but only if it has JLaw and Pratt.
That word has been used so much this year, that it has now lost all meaning to me whatsoever.
So Pratt's character is alone, with JLaw, on a spaceship miles from human society, where there will be no consequences for anything he does to her, no matter how sadistic or depraved..?
There is nothing he could possibly do in this film that won't prove to me that he is a paragon of self-restraint.
We need to jazz the word up a bit for 2017, give it a makeover.
Why so racialistical?
I was thinking more like
>JLaw dies
>Pratt writes a letter commemorating her so the passengers will know her sacrifice when they wake up
>Voice over of this set to him resuming the same lifestyle as before he woke her up
>Then he sees another frozen woman mirroring the first time he saw JLaw
But i like your version better
People pretend like they wouldn't do the exact same thing if they were in that situation. I wish they'd atleast see the movie for themselves before bashing it.
the psychological thriller aspect would work with most romcoms, if they were shot in a different way
>beta/ down on his luck / recently broken up guy obsesses over hot girl and tries to win her affection
you need to lean into the creepy inhumanity that happens to males when they lose society and regain agency.
True but the premise of this one is kind of perfect for that kind of setup, especially with the isolated spaceship setting. It feels like a missed opportunity for something more along the lines of a Verhoeven film.
Of course, that's the idea. Like after JLaw's sacrifice Pratt thinks he's learned his lesson/been redeemed/whatever, and will carry this with him, but this wears off as the tedium of life on the spaceship sets in again and the end is a shot of him staring at another woman in a cryo chamber with a creepy tone.
What did they do ? Was she raped in the movie and forced to birth 20 kids ?
>Going through his routine and you think he has learned his lessons from this latest adventure.
>The scene trails off as you see him walking past the cryo tubes..
>it pulls into a long shot, side profile as he slowly turns, watching him thinking.
>Shot goes pov facing Pratt as he stares into the tube, not showing you what he is looking at.
>slowly draws in as you see his expression change
>cut to black
abuse and consent are memes created by liberals
Pratt made non-consensual eye contact with her for half a second. They had to change the genre to "psychological horror," as a result.
There you go. This would be kino but i just read the Passengers plot summary on Wikipedia and this isn't how it went. They still used the "one of us won't make it!" conflict though.
If the cost is retards writing retarded shit online, bring it on. I'd still rather people not be retarded in the first place, mind.
I like to think of it as "what if tom hanks was a rapist" then construct the scene as if we're watching him thinking in the scene, so you know pratt with better acting abilities.
I'm not sure how you would pull off the creepiness..I think if you throw in some Spader "Stillness' you'll get the right effect.
Yeah I think this version of the story would not get Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence attached.
you can show jlaw getting attached, it will be ethereal in how it replicates women humanizing men in real life but his mind never changes so he remains a weirdo.
But from another angle, she still takes the chance to sacrifice herself so she doesn't have to face the lifetime of solitude he did. So what would she have done if she was the one whose pod malfunctioned? You could swap the genders even, but JLaw wouldn't wanna play that creepy girl.
you need an alicia silverstone type to pull off the underlying current of fatalism
If we're being real the movie should be Korean
>Sequence where JLaw is strapping herself in to shoot out into space and Pratt's trying to stop her, making a weird situation where he's the "Shining" type antagonist as foreshadowed, but because he's trying to stop her from dying rather than kill her
>Pratt deactivated something and JLaw can't shoot into space, she returns to find Pratt has already left the ship
>Pratt saves everyone and dies
>JLaw is now alone just as she feared, first everything seems quiet and she is calm, she makes herself a meal, reads a book and goes to sleep
>later scenes are of her with a pile of read books, then of her rummaging through other people's positions and doing crazy things out of boredom before sobbing and getting angry
>she starts fixating on a man in cryostasis... he is black... cut to black
>the crew awake 90 years later to find the ship has been turned into a garden with a community of mixed race people and some of the other awoken crew members of varying age
Perfect rewrite. Thanks JJ
what if she had ended up with a better man had he not manipulated the situation?
this isn't the krager power hour. But he did stumble onto the right idea accidentally.
You wrap the movie around forcing Jlaw to make a decision to wake someone up rather than be alone, and you shoot it in a way that justifies what pratt's character did
This would need the proper setup to provide the question of whether JLaw would do any different in Pratt's situation, and if that question is posed at some point it almost becomes too predictable that she actually be forced to confront it. Better to show that she's genuinely too afraid to contend with the possibility - both characters are, because on some level they know the truth. JLaw is just more determined because she still has a chance to die believing the best of herself.
You know, it's possible to write a story involving time travel and love and make it come off as not insanely creepy and fucked up. Steins;Gate did it incredibly romantically. Edge of Tomorrow juggled it as a character motivation brilliantly. It's not fucking impossible. It just requires a basic understanding of what comes off as sweet and what comes off as creepy, and a willingness to play a little with both.
Of course it is fucked up. Like most movies it puts characters in extreme situations and has them react as a real person would. That is what makes it an interesting plot.
The point is if the genders were reversed the feminists would be as silent as a graveyard.
predictable can be good when you're paying off the larger meta question about the choice he made though. It depends on what you want message of your story to be and using the characters as vehicle for that point.
You're arguing he made the wrong choice.
>That is what makes it an interesting plot.
I don't think anyone would be complaining if the narrative made it clear that Pratt's character is fucked and it's a fucked up situation, the issue (I'm presuming) is that this is glossed over and their relationship is painted as deeply romantic. It's like Romeo and Juliet being misconstrued as the greatest love story of our time, context matters.
define better, also
>what if
what if your Dad reveals he has been shagging men for the last 10 years?
its a pointless argument
oh wait...
They have realistic androids in this world, so why not make a bunch in case something like this happens rather than just have 1 bartender on board? A
>The point is if the genders were reversed the feminists would be as silent as a graveyard.
Not necessarily.
the fact that you need to be fed a pajeet's poo to convince yourself not too watch a jlaw's movie is far more appalling
>when you're with a female and about to fuck her but she keeps saying no while you grabbing your cock
I hated Passengers as soon as I saw the full trailer. If it had been a scifi romance movie set on a deserted spaceship I would absolutely go see it. That would be unique and a good movie for these actors to shine.
INSTEAD we get shitty action movie 4578648B starring two actors who play these roles in every movie they're in
fifty shades of grey is more of a normie female thing.
The Terminator pulled it off.
>"I came across time for you Sarah."
who cares, is the movie good?
>I get the feeling liberals take things too personally
abstract thinking was never their strongsuit, they're on par with niggers with that one.
nice trips, checked.
Lets be clear, femsinist are never quiet
This is hilarious
Even when it's Chad its 'creepy', white males are fucked.
I guarantee if it was a black guy playing the main character this movie would be seen as 10/10 by women.
>It's just a story
>In this story a very lonely man in the depths of space is awoken and realizes that he will spend the next 50 years all alone until he ultimately dies.
>Or he can wake up somebody to be his friend and companion...
I mean, I understand that you're essentially damning another person, but it's a story and that level of loneliness is almost entirely unbearable.
Literally switch the genders and it's All Smiles.jpg
>le white males are so oppressed
Stop this meme.
Nope. Pure trash.
It's literally an overabundance of abstract thinking that's the issue you fucking dunce.
WTF!!!! i hate white males now
so it's a chick flick?