Obi Wan Movie?

So will he get his own spinoff movie like Han Solo? I'm not just saying this to get another male lead. I'm genuinely more curious about what he was doing between the prequels and the original trilogy than Han's story. The producers can even keep their fetish British brunettes by hiring Emma Watson as the female lead.

He was hiding on Tatooine. Living alone as a hermit. That's what the fuck he did. Yoda did the same thing on Dagobah.

But I'm sure Disney will cater to you kids and make a movie or series about how between eps 3 and 4 he dueled Darth Vader 15 times, saved the universe and toppled several imperial subfactions all alone. Get fucked.

>But I'm sure Disney will cater to you kids and make a movie or series about how between eps 3 and 4 he dueled Darth Vader 15 times, saved the universe and toppled several imperial subfactions all alone. Get fucked.
You say that like the expanded universe didn't already pull shit that was ten times more ridiculous and stupid every other week.

Who fucking cares about mid story details.
Do you really want to see the same exact things just slightly different over and over again?

It's Star Wars, narrative possibilities are endless. I am tired of the OT MEMBER THIS MEMBER THAT winks, do something original.

You ask the impossible with Disney in charge.

What happened in the old EU?

>tfw no pretentious and chill slice of life kino about Obi Wan growing old in the desert, making friends sometimes at the Mos Eisley bar and trying death stix for the first time

Atleast give me the Old Republic storyline after they milk out all of the OT fanbase.

It has to stop somewhere.

not canon =)

obi wan has to steal the thing to pay off the gambling debts of a random female character.who bumps into him after being chased by badguys.
you will see storm troopers! A space battle! Other things you remember!

Knowing the current trend, the lead will still be a british female lead and it will focus on finding Obi Wan.


I have no idea why it wasn't their go-to spin off, they've got an already cast, well-received actor who's young enough to be tied down for several movies and has a 20 year gap in the story itself to fill with adventures.

Instead they re-cast a loved character who's just been killed off for some backstory movie nobody asked for.

>yfw they do the spin-off and cast someone other than Ewan

Maybe in the future but not anytime soon because the character will have a role to play in episodes 8 and 9. Trust me on this.


but he's dead lol

spoiler alert
He is Reys grandfather. He will appear as a force ghost.

Source- I've read the script for ep 8.

>While watching over 13 year-old Luke from afar, Ben Kenobi meets mysterious loner (Tatiana Maslany) who knows about his past as a Jedi Knight and his secret love for the Duchess of Mandalore.

with any luck, they'll do an Obi-Wan movie about when he was an apprentice so they can do whatever the fuck with it

How about a cgi Christopher Lee Master Dooku and his cgi-de-aged padawan Liam Neeson Qui-Gon instead?

Then Lucasfilm can do a Dracula movie with Lee and Cushing.

Will it be Ewan or a CGI Guinness (Beer jokes would be reddit, don't bother).

as long as it's a musical, we cool

Spin off movies that we need to see:
Darth Vader: early years of the dark lord. hunting down jedi, tracking down conspirators.
Stormtroopers: after the destruction of the first death star some planets that was barely controlled by an empire erupts in riots and a group of stormtroopers ( idealistic young men) try to survive the purge. Show them also horrified by destruction of alderaan to show how fucked up that was even by empire's standarts.
Hutt space: goodfellas of star wars. Show bloody crime wars of many crime familes.
Doctor aphra - spin off about doctor aphra and bounty hunters. Could take place between 5 and 6 or after.
Body cop movie about two jedi investigators, takes place between I and II.

I think TPM is as young as I'm interested in seeing Obi Wan.

Younger would have to be completely immerse do no early prequels and I don't think Disney would gamble on that.


CGI Guinness face, Ewan doing the body performance and voice.

>rogue one
>obi one
>han solo
They have even bigger issues with counting than Valve

I want a Darth Maul movie

Sorry, we can only do Darth One

They need to do it Kurosawa style. Like Yojimbo.

>Doctor aphra
Pls no.
That she survived was bad enough

bad idea
I don't need another movie ripping off A Fistful of Dollars

Honestly, Ewan Mcgregor is the only guy from the prequels I wouldn't mind back.

He's a good actor, he should be allowed to be in one good Star Wars movie. Give the guy a bone, his directorial debut just flopped! But that's most actors turned directors.

Ep. 3 set the whole thing up pretty bad because apparently Obi Wan just sat in a cave for 20 years instead of merely ending up there after decades of fucking the sith out of his old foes

>He doesn't want to see Ian Mcdiarmid reprise his iconic Sheev performance in a Lords of the Sith standalone

Kys your self

You know what, I forgot about him. Though technically he's from OT.

How can you not like a guy who's motivation is cartoonish supervillainy for it's own sake? Fuckin' love Sheev.

I thought he wanted to restore the Sith after the Jedi had holocausted them out of existence?

how many prequels will it take for you shit heads to understand what tension is ?

God, I hope we get an Obi-Wan solo movie, and get Ewan back

I would haved hated it if she was spared by Vader. But i should admit that was a pretty neat plot twist. I mean it was foreshadowed and had a logical explanation not just " they happened to be nearby."
The only thing that would be more interesting is that if vader showed her mercy by killing her with a light saber and then in after credits show that she was counting on being airlocked.

>Stand "alone" films

I want to see Obi-Wan fight the Krayt Dragon that C-3PO walks by in ANH. This would also be where he learns that excellent Krayt Dragon impression.

Am I only one who wants Generarion kill story about stoormtroopers?

How about a movie focussing on Vader trying to locate Obi Wan? Twist could be that he knows where he is but decides to keep it to himself out of respect for his good friend

>finds Obi Wan
>he has the high ground
>gets his ass beat again
Yeah that'd be a riveting tale.