What's your favorite folk album Sup Forums? I wanna explore this genre a bit more
Pic related is mine
What's your favorite folk album Sup Forums? I wanna explore this genre a bit more
Pic related is mine
Please tell me your the guy that I got to listen to this album in a thread a little while ago
Either way, that's my favourite album of all time. Great pick. I've been spamming it on here for a little while and I'm glad some people are listening to it.
For other good folk, nothing really beats Cohen IMO but Comus First Utterance is really good for something weirder and Townes Van Zandt Self Titled is great for something pastoral and lyrical
Nick Cave's Avalanche > Cohen's Avalanche
I'm not no, but I've gotten into it in the past month. I'd heard Songs of Leonard Cohen ages ago and loved it, but this one really shook me to my core. Dress Rehearsal Rag is just devastating
>a little while ago
>already favourite album of all time
>glad some people are listening to it
>8000 ratings on RYM
Either ways, Ys is my favorite for obvious reasons.
>deletes Diamonds in the Mine
Listen to Stormcock by Roy Harper
>Implying your spamming has anything to do with people liking Leonard Cohen
He's literally one of the most iconic musicians of the last century
>implying the contrast after Dress Rehearsal Rag isn't the point
>implying it isn't one of Cohen's most powerful vocal performances
i'm not implying that, the songe is shite nevertheless
Why are you guys so hostile oh my god
I said I talked too an user a little while ago, I’ve been listening to it for years. Reading comprehension m8. And it’s very infrequently talked about on Sup Forums, even if lots of people who are into music are familiar with it, on this site I don’t think I have ever seen it posted if I myself was not posting it. I was more referring to the fact that I was glad people are listening to it on this board rather than in general.
Fair enough, but I’ve been spamming it for a few weeks and now for the first time I see a thread talking about it that I didn’t start, just thought the correlation might be there. That’s why asked him whether he was the user I talked too a few weeks ago. Either way I’m glad it’s getting some exposure here because very time I’ve tried to start discussion on it I’ve gotten very little replies, so it’s a positive thing over all in the end.
Started playing guitar because of him, now I can play his every song.
Also, Dylan sucks, listen to Van Zandt.
Love this album
It upsets me that Sup Forums seem to think that acoustic = folk.
Which ones do you not consider folk?
Joni Mitchell
Earl Leonard Cohen isn't folk anymore? When did that happen? Did the meaning of the genre change when millennials got bored of it?
Would have to be Pink Moon or Veedon Fleece for me.
Some other suggestions would be John Fahey, Robbie Basho and Jackson C. Frank.
If you haven't already
Anything by Nick Drake is great, then again he made only three albums before offing himself.
Didn't refresh before posting, I am ashamed.