Holy shit I just saw this for the first time, it looks like a fucking Zelda boss

Holy shit I just saw this for the first time, it looks like a fucking Zelda boss.

Why'd he change this shit? It's going to be like this FOREVER - these are the versions that always get played on tv, and that libraries and stores tend to have. Most people in the future won't even know about the original versions.

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Just download the despecialized edition s, they are good.

This is what triggered you? Did you not see the alien pop song in Jabbas palace?

Looks better, desu

t. Millennial

Millennials are cancer

I would if they were 40 gigs smaller

How old are you?

My unfucked with original trilogy boxset that came out in 1988 are the only reason I keep a working VCR in my home.
That and my Night Court tapes.


>dat beak


yeah it's awful. he probably wanted to soften it because the original was a giant man-swallowing cunthole based on his ex-wife

I'm surprised Disney hasn't released an Unfucked Edition of the OT yet. Maybe George burned all the original copies.

there are millennials in their 30s

You can find them regular sized on piratebay newfriend

jedi is the weakest ot movie by far.

those cartoon cgi updates are terrible.

cgi blow job lips lol
cgi kuneeta band
cgi sarlac pit

and of course force ghost Anakin (hayden) shows up to kill the movie.


1 above 6 ,,just because hayden ruins return of the jedi lol

what pisses me off about the special editions is how a vast majority of minor changes in audio and color correction actually aren't bad. but then there's glaringly awful cgi and redubs for no real reason


whats your ranking without the changes?

Real millennial here, looks like ass.

Most cgi after 97 looks like ass

George will be dead in 15 or so years and then Disney will release the originals.

>anakins saber in ANH is still just a 2d line of white
>naw keep that, but put in a ton of cgi shit fest and the original/not original jabba scene

It's because the Blu-Ray trilogy was released just before the Disney buyout. They're sitting on another rerelease. Maybe next year as the 40th anniversary.

I know, right everything is horrible, everything is evil, everything makes me so angry, raging at a movie is my only outlet, let's all join together and lament the loss of the great American films.

honestly this objectively the best design change in the franchise. the sarlacc is basically just a hole in the ground otherwise. in that case jabba might as well just dig a big hole in his backyard and finish business there. with the new sarlacc the victim experiences the terror of knowing that theres a sentient creature that will be deliberately consuming and digesting them

It was even said that sarlaccs could be telepathic and could gain consciousness from the creatures they ate by assimilating their thoughts and memories during digestion.[6]

>1 above anything

How could these eat enough prey to sustain their mass given they exist in shithole deserts with no animals


George is a massive cunthole, and the only thing holding his fragile ego in check was his ex wife. The sarlacc pit was the hero all along, and we owe it our apologies.

That's not how it works but they'll find a way

The original sarlacc pit already had teeth. Why put another monster in the sarlacc pits mouth? Was it autism George? Fuck.

Disney doesn't yet have the distribution rights for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Disney will never own the original Star Wars. Fox will always own that.

They don't even move, they're practically venus fly traps.

Keeping it consistent with all the other Zelda bosses.

Those move. They close their mouth so the prey doesn't just fly away.