Mfw they are making a movie about black metal in early 90s Norway

>mfw they are making a movie about black metal in early 90s Norway

>mfw they casted a jew to play Varg and he made a youtube video being butthurt about this

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fuck me I didn't know this

a movie about Burzum and 90s BM? fucking when

I thought they'd been planning this for a long time. Originally they were gonna get some dude from the Twilight movies to be Young Varg.
I was kinda secretly hoping that they'd ship Varg and Euronymous, and all the Twilight fangirls would jump on the bandwagon and start listening to Darkthrone and stuff.


top kek, poor Varg

T-They are making a movie about fucking VARG?
Oh my god my sides are in orbit.

stop posting this picture

the music is shit though, no one should listen to it

another oscar bait about a high functioning autist

>Emory Cohen as Varg

This movie will be shite no one will remember after its release. They can't even use any of the actual music from the scene.

why? They don't have to use Burzum or Mayhem.

Yeah, I'm not saying it's any good or not, but it would be great. The "kvlt" black metal fans would be mad that all these people flooded into their secret club.

I think it would be better if they did the movie like Weekend at Bernie's with Dead from Mayhem after he committed suicide, and Euronymous and Hellhammer have to cart his body around and pretend like he's still alive and stuff. Hilarity ensures.
On the night of the big concert, they have him all hooked up to ropes and a roadie is moving him around from above the stage like a marionette.

Fucking hilarious. I bet the filmmakers won't talk to anyone from the scene and will make everything up. Bravo.

>black metal

ya blew it

What's Lords of Chaos

Should be good for a laugh. I want Twilight set in Norway and that's probably what I'm getting.

They will be using exactly nothing. Nobody in the scene wants their music in this crap.


Oh man, this will be like The Heroes of Telemark except about black metal.

In case no one has seen it:
A music video featuring the actors in the film.

A far better movie would be one where the Norwegian scene makes good of their threats. Blow up more churches, kill the guys from Therion. It should be an anime actually.

I got a friend that grew up in Norway. He said no one listens to this shit. It is only Americans. Figures

I'm sure they'll find someone. Satyricon, Dimu Borgir or some shit.

>"I don't like something"
>lol ur butthurt

>>it should be an anime
Hehe now we're talking.

Looks pretty cool. Also checked

I hate black metal as much as the next guy, but I would be lying if I didn't say that Filosofem is one of my favorite albums of all time

It was more common before amongst edgy teenagers, but as with all subcultures, it has been effectively killed off by the internet age.

Though of course, certain artists (Burzum, Ulver) have had a sort of renaissance as hipster classics, as well as a certain popularity found in their transition to electronic music.

Stop telling me what to do.

Man I thought this movie was never going to be made, it's been so long

One of my dreams was to become a filmmaker and make a movie about the black metal scene in norway, but not based on Lords of Chaos, more about anecdotal stuff from guys like Varg and Fenriz and make it all about Varg mainly, filled with long shots and Burzum's ambient music and the cold depressing landscape of norway, I love the feeling black metal creates
It'd make a great comfy film imo, even if I ever become a shitty poor unknown indie filmmaker I know someone else did it first

Also, Varg said that they couldn't get the music from any of the three bands involved, that's pretty shitty
They all agree that Lords of Chaos is a shitty book filled with lies apparently

Tomhet will always be the best song ever made by anyone, even Varg agrees on that

Cool. We are in our early 30s if that matters and he grew up rich as fuck.

The audience biting the pig head seems a bit excessive, but otherwise that looks authentic.

>doesnt want a free meal

I'm a little younger than you, but I knew more than a few people heavily into black metal back then, might have been because I was making music myself and thus were more exposed to them.

It's effectively gone now though, it is far more about eclecticism and individualism.
I strongly disagree.

do you know what's it's like to be in the complete dark listening to that song full volume with headphones on? it's an amazing feeling

That or Rundgang um die transzendentale

Yes, when I was myself an edgy teen. But calling it the best song ever made is patently ridiculous and reveals a lack of taste and understanding of music.

SWANS blow the fuck out of that garbage

The vid

I'm Norwegian and there are plenty of people who listen to black-metal and metal here. But generally most people dont really know about it. That doesnt mean literally nobody here listens to it.

He seems to be taking it well. Probably because literally everybody into metal knows that the movie is going to be pure trash.

That's hilarious.

Someone fund it

Oh no. Just why the fuck would you do this? Fucking hell, this is going to be terrible and I'm going to see it, someone stop me, please.

why are you comparing swans to burzum's tangerine dream ripoff tracks?

unless there's some gay electronic swans nobody knows about

Sup Forums is leaking again

>I don't see the appeal, therefore, it's bad!
Nice logic there, you fucking retard.

Sup Forums leak threads tend to be better than regular Sup Forums threads. Sup Forums only cares about memes.

Nice for a preview. I'm wondering why they chose to release it this way, though. Most Metallica fans have never heard of Mayhem or black metal in general, so this video is probably really confusing them.

Sup Forums's one of the worst boards, since it's filled with pretentious children. They don't improve anything.

>Cast the literal manlet from Brooklyn to play as Varg



As shit as Sup Forums is, it isn't quite as terrible as Sup Forums. I'll take pretentious fags over dozens and dozens and DOZENS of fucking threads about capeshit.

The topic is so uninteresting though, what's it going to be about? A bunch of teenagers fucking around until one of them decides to stab another one to death?

Wait, who wanted to kill the Therion guys, and why?

I'd take capeshitposting over Grimes and K-pop waifufagging. At least Sup Forums has top tier bants.

I hate those fucks but at least they stay contained to one thread. Sometimes it's easy to forget that they post on Sup Forums.
You got me there, it amazes me that so many fags on Sup Forums think that hack is one of the best artists of this generation.

The movie is supposed to be based around Mayhem, Burzum, and Darkthrone. All 3 bands have refused to allow the movie to use any of their music.

I have no fucking clue what any of you are talking about. I listened to Rammstein before. What actor could play the lead vocalist of that band?

this description would fit to most boards

Nah, there are cool boards out there.

Reminder that the jew will end up killed in self defense

The guy from Vinyl

Euronymous was anti-drug, and hated drug addicts. So they cast a former drug addict as Euronymous.

Also, the story goes that Varg approached the studio and asked if they wanted some help with the film for accuracy's sake (this was a long time ago, also because he wanted credit for it). They turned his offer down and he got upset. Although I don't think that's entirely true.

They'll substitute their music with beep beeps.

who fucking cares
euronymous isn't some figure to be respected
he was just a god damn musician


I just bet you do.

there are still people that listens to black metal in norway, i know a few albums have reached high in top lists over the years (which would never happen in america). it's more popular in europe than in america though.

wtf, how old is that meme

>who cares
I just thought it was ironic, same with a jew being cast as Varg (who was sentenced with anti-semitic hate crimes in France).

it sounded like whining, i'm used to normal Sup Forums shitting their pants over every minute detail

More exposure

not as old as this

Probably as old as you.

Happy Burzday everybody!! XD

those were the days

It's propganda. Varg is going to be an anti-semite bad guy.

But why did Metallica agree to lend their name to promote this obscure movie about the black metal scene?

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums. Is there a more pleb genre of music? Dare I say, no

But... he is an anti-semite and a bad guy.

>this subjective thing is bad because I don't listen to it! waah!

kys tbqh

Tell me when the genre you're listening to has an album this good.

No u
Lmao wtf is that some gay ass yellscream metulll faggotry? Take yourself out

it's one of the least pleb genres, because it's not as accessible as everything on the radio.

Just because you yourself don't see the appeal, doesn't mean it's bad by default. I know you're trolling and probably rpging, but you're still a fucking idiot.

Is black metal still a thing with the youth? Why are they making a movie about this now? Seems really weird and out of place.

kek it's what he deserves the smug smarmy fuck

And that's not even their best album.

Music copyright expired?

Sup Forums and /lit/ are trash.

Yet it's still a piece of work.

Can't be it, they didn't get any of the bands involved to agree to use their music.

Damn... is this like nepotism: the movie or something?

How are the original groups allowing them to make a film about them ?

Because they can film about whatever they like.

They say they hate it but secretly they all want to have their ego stroked and see their lives turned into a Hollywood movie, even if it's a shitty one.

This will pretty much be shitting all over the black metal scene trying to make it look bad I suspect.

>oy vey you'd better not be listening that alternative music goy it's fascist and antisemitic! see this movie proves it!

literally the entire book this is based on tries desperately to connect it with Nazis and Fascism even though all of Varg's stances on such matters are well documented and Varg pretty much sees it from a mile away it's so obvious.

and there is already a documentary that is 1000% more accurate about the Norwegian Black metal scene than this piece of trash will likely ever be.

they got the rights for the book adaption.

Are you reffering to Untill The Light Takes Us?

What's the documentary?

the director also made a metallica music video, and basically decided to make a pseudo trailer for his movie instead

high level shilling