ITT: Red flags movie related

ITT: Red flags movie related

>Fight Club is one of the best movies ever made
>Se7en's ending was amazing!
>Quentin Tarantino is an excellent director

But tarantino is an excellent director, he's just a terrible writer

t. dumb contrarian

I bet you think Sptring Breakers and Batman vs Superman is kino fagot

>OGF was pretentious

Oh come on. Even if you loved it, you have to admit it was pretentious

Everything OP said is correct and spring breakers is kino too (haven't seen BvS)

sorry user

>Fight Club is one of the best movies ever made
Yeah, that's a pleb opinion.
>Se7en's ending was amazing!
Amazing might be hyperbolic, but it's still a great ending.
>Quentin Tarantino is an excellent director
He is.

But tarantino is an excellent director and writer, he's just a terrible human


Anyone who says "ending" as a measure of quality is an idiot.

>oh I really wanted to see X, but its way too long!

I dunno senpai those are solid claims but they're also common knowledge
I wouldn't get triggered by anyone saying any of those things but if they didn't have at least a few more individualised opinions I'd write their taste off

the resolution of a movie's conflict is a very important part of the story, what are you talking about?

>I didn't watch LOTR because fantasy is for children

it can be a valid complaint but most of the time people bitch about "unanswered questions" its just a clue that they cant handle ambiguity

Mostly true but sometimes it's lazy screenwriting that doesn't explain things rather than intentional ambiguity

What did he mean by this?

yeah i definitely agree, it can and often is a fair criticism of a film's writing. but its usually pretty easy to make the distinction between what is and isnt intentional

>I LOVE Wes Anderson!

95% of the time somebody complains about "plotholes" in a movie, it's because they're retards that didn't pay attention.

>Oh you like films? Name one
>Pulp fiction

Thats like saying, that you read books and then the person asks which book and you say fucking harry potter. Everyone has read fucking Harry Potter

>Lopushansky is talented

>Blade Runner is my favorite film
>2001 is a masterpiece

>ending doesn't matter

>Batman v Superman sucks! It wasn't fun like Civil War. "MARTHA!"

Nah its because they are dense fucking inbreed imbeciles that thinks every movie is like shawshank redemption and also should be like shawshank redemption without questioning it.

>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who think korean cinema is good
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn, Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed
>People who say comfy/based

>2001 is a masterpiece
>>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists

> I like only movies nobody heard about therefor I have a taste.
If 2001 was not popular and you would just found it by chance, you would be drooling over that shit. But you need to be precious little unique snowflake so you can pretend to be better. Congrats dudes.

What did they mean by this?

>Star Wars: TFA and Rogue One are better than Revenge of the Sith

It could be worth noting if it's an extremely kino ending.

Exemplī grātiā.

but tarantino is a excellent director, writer, and human being, he just has a hard on for gore and violence where he needs to feel devote entire parts of movies to a 20 minute blood sprays

I have never read Harry Potter.

No need to lie on an anonymous board, m8

It's true. I grew up in a literate home.

As the only measure of quality? Agreed.
Claiming it's no measure of quality in an arc based medium? That's like saying the 2nd act doesn't matter, either. Be real.

>watch Inception with friends at the cinema
>my fucking face when half of them didn't understand the movie itself and even more were infuriated by the spinning top in the final shot

I tried explaining the story and kept getting cut off with people asking about inane details like where the train came from or why time slowed down. it was fucking ridiculous

I know right Alien vs predator and Résident evil are his best movie

that's a 3 syllable word for any thought too big for little minds

>people who are more invested in this hobby than me are pretentious faggots who just want attention and need to DIE omg ugh XD

I've never read the books either, watched the first movie though. Fell asleep/lost interest in every other one I've seen.

No its a word for something pretending to have thoughts but it actually doesn't