This was the top grossing movie of 1968. An arthouse sci-fi was the biggest movie of that year.
That would be like Arrival being the biggest movie of 2016.
This was the top grossing movie of 1968. An arthouse sci-fi was the biggest movie of that year.
That would be like Arrival being the biggest movie of 2016.
It's up there with Avatar
it was also revolutionary and a must-see event of the time. this user is correct, it's more comparable to Avatar in terms of how hyped up it was.
Unlike Arrival, 2001 was good
>a special effects showcase
well, space stuff was pretty fucking hot in those days. most people had huge encyclopedias about planets and space exploration in their homes.
Careful, don't cut yourself with that edge
It was crictically panned
This was the capeshit of the 60s
Careful not to get lost on your way back to rddit
>Sup Forums argument #32: tell him to go back to redit
i fall asleep every time i try to watch it how do i fix his?
Honestly though, I think you'd feel very much at home on r/truefilm if you think Arrival wasn't the worst written movie of 2016
You know what, go ahead, say why it sucks so much
It was just so stupid to focus on Amy Adams' daughter in a movie about first contact with aliens, breaking down time etc. Especially since we don't really know anything about the daughter other than
>she writes poetry
>she swims
It's so dumb and convoluted
read a book desu senpai
>her daugher had so much focus
She didn't though. She only appeared in a few flash-forwards to represent Amy's epiphanies (sort of), and, in the end, to drive the ultimate morale that sometimes life can't be changed but we have to enjoy every second of it we can. We know so little about her because AMY knows so little about her, she's just having visions of some child doing some shit that coincides with whatever she's researching at the moment.
Try to watch it at some time other than 2am you lazy fuck
then argument #1 would be calling some edgy you moron, and Arrival was pleb-pandering sci-fi.
I'd expect most sci-fi fans can't empathize properly with human emotion which is why they thought Arrival was "profound" and "philosophical".
>life can't be changed but we have to enjoy every second of it we can
She literally had the power to change her life though lol, she chose not to.
Oh and if you didn't know it's impossible to predict future, movie is literally about a magic girl and your "art-house" flick is nothing more than capeshit. Hell, even some capeshit makes more sense than this
Back in the 60s, everyone was obsessed with space - everyone's lounges played space themed pop, movies about aliens and space travel were big, and everything was. After July 20th, 1969 however, nobody gave a damn about outer space besides nerds.
The modern equivalent would be if someone released a capeshit movie, but it has great cinematography, half-decent writing, and amazing attention to detail that makes it timeless.
>She literally had the power to change her life though lol, she chose not to.
>Oh and if you didn't know it's impossible to predict future
>calling science fiction "magic"
Ok, so you're unable to undertand non-linear time even when the movie spells it out for you, got it
It's not science fiction since they don't explain how it all works. But hey, maybe I didn't pay enough attention, would you mind explaining it for me, how exactly learning a new language would enable you to exist outside of the spacetime continuum?
Oh and Sapir-Whorf has been discredited decades ago ffs.
Kubrick was always critics darling. you must be thinking of someone else, and movies spent more time T the theatre back then, and movies back were "slower" but even then people thought it was a snooze
Certainly its rather primordial by today standards of technology
>they don't explain how it all works
They do, they use that theory. Sure it might be discredited IRL, but remember, it's science FICTION, plus it works works for the movie.
There's a fine line between science fiction and fantasy. Just because there's aliens doesn't mean it's science fiction.
user, every movie is fiction
And this movie was science fiction for much more reasons than aliens
>Language theory
>A lot of language studying in general
>The Lovecraftian-esque nature of the aliens themselves, with their non-lineal time perception and language, their gravity-defying ship that leaves no traces, their cephallopod-like appearance...
soviet communism opened the frontier of the cosmos by putting the first man into space
american capitalism is making a star wars movie every year for the foreseeable future
makes ya think