If the roles were reversed, would there be any controversy?

If the roles were reversed, would there be any controversy?

Nah, there's usually less controversy over a guy being wronged within movies

no one cares what social media thinks you millennial piece of shit

He woke her up, so he can fuck her. C'mon 10/10 this would happen no matter what gender first woke up.

Why do I get the impression that that title has the word nigger in it?

It's the letters ngers plus how that section of the word is separated visually by that reverse E.

Was this on purpose? They wanted to give subliminal niggers?

>you'll never be alone on a space station with a nigh infinite choice of waifus to defrost and fuck until you die while travelling through the cosmos

I don't know, let's find out.

Wew lad, that's pretty controversial

What controversy?



You reading tweets from a handful of people isn't controversy, Sup Forumsedditor

Has Sup Forums gone too far?

Most professional reviews are actually dropping buzzwords like "rape culture", "stockholm syndrome" and etc.

Feminists are crying "rape" because a PERSON felt lonely and decided to selfishly wake up another PERSON.

They're trying to make this a gender thing, but literally anyone would of done the same given enough time alone. Male or female, people don't like being alone.

How dare you bring up actually scientifically proven biological facts about our species?!


Why just wake up one person of the opposite gender? Obviously to put them into a situation where they have dramatically less free choice when deciding to fuck you.

>Why just wake up one person of the opposite gender?
because dooming an entire group of people to live the rest of their lives in a sterile ship would be even worse

A better question is, why didn't he wake up someone with engineering skills that might be able to fix his cryo pod?

Don't be an asshole and wake anyone up then.

>why didn't he wake up someone with engineering skills that might be able to fix his cryo pod?
sshhhhh user, it's a movie

it's not about being an asshole, it's that after a while complete isolation would drive even the most introverted autist insane. It's only a matter of time before you would break down and do something to alleviate that loneliness

But you would want to do as little damage as possible, so wake up one person to be your companion. And, as a heterosexual male, you might as well make it an attractive woman. A hetero woman would do the exact same fucking thing, and would probably break even sooner because women are more social

A woman would have no decency. She's probably wake up several men.

>professional reviews
>dropping buzzwords

Oh, so your definition of controversy is clickbaiters clickbaiting

She'd probably wake all of them up to complain about her pod.
