Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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bitch has the oddest body

I have a low tolerance to second hand embarrassment and I can never watch this

What did she mean by this?

You for actually being this new and just finding it

Of course the guy would be the ugliest one out of the whole dance group. That's really unfortunate because the girl will never be attracted to him, ever. This young man essentially wasted a huge amount of time and effort only because nobody ever told him that you can never make another person attracted to you--the attraction has to be independent and predetermined--for either counterpart to be attracted to the other, that is. You can not force biology to behave a certain way. Biology doesn't recognize acts of good will or words of kindness, even if the intention behind them was an expectation of a sexual reward or intimacy - all it recognizes is a guy who isn't ejaculating inside a woman. Despite how common sense this sounds, most MALES do not seem to grasp this reality, thus ending up in the friendzone, in other words, social contacts of a female who will never be sexually or romantically receptive to them due to sheer unattractiveness, but the males will not believe this and cling on to a belief that some day it'll happen.. After enough validation and gifts she will suddenly realize how amazing and generous I am and fall for me. It's a good deal for a female who will be dating attractive males and on the other end receive attention and free benefits from unattractive orbiters. This video in particular reminded me of this recurring scenario because the boy's mentality is similar to those unattractive males (that is, a skewed understanding of biology and human attraction).Now, obviously the boy thought that "maybe the girl just never noticed me by accident or thinks I'm just another guy even though I have this awesome personality and willingness to treat her like a princess". Sadly, this is not how the real life works. A woman will never be attracted to another man by personality and what it encompasses alone. Attraction will always have a decisive physical component, and unfortunately for this guy, facial attractiveness in particular.

This isn't to say that personality and emotional and social traits do not matter, they play a big role in maintaining your woman.. But the woman will not be drawn to be around you in the first place if she doesn't consider you physically attractive at least to some degree (in the best case scenario, this girl will become closer with the boy and keep him as a good friend, maybe out of pity, maybe out of good will) and facial beauty is the biggest determinator of attractiveness in human beings, mainly due to its convenience; it's impossible to hide from a female that uses it to weed out potential partners and pick the most attractive males. Judging by Alexa's forced smile and glib enthusiasm, it's painfully obvious that she weeded Garrett out of the equation the first time her eyes ever latched on him. Girls of Alexa's tier will NEVER be receptive to boys of Garrett's tier.Needless to say, someone will have to break the news to Garrett that the blonde is not for him. He will need to settle for less, much less. I will not comment on his musculature or fashion sense as those are changeable later in life, but will only focus on his face. I understand he's very young and still growing, but unfortunately the only things that could improve in his face as he grows up are his disproportionate nose and puffy cheeks, and even then, only to a small degree (the hopefully decreasing facial adiposity is really the only thing I could see making a tiny difference to his appearance). As for the nose, it will not change in shape but rather in size (but again, on a millimeter scale which is barely noticeable), and when it comes to the shape itself, anyone will agree it is anything but aesthetic.

fucking cunts.
i mean yes, he is an idiot if he thinks below average male should go for above average female but these cunts are all so hostile if someone is weak.

wtf did gradeschoolers do her makeup and hair?

>wh*te people

He will not grow to be an attractive male and you can tell this is true by looking at his facial structure. Narrow face, flat brow ridge, negative canthal tilt, absence of jaw definition, goofy ears are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic) and will not signal any females of genetic fitness (symmetry) or prenatal testosterone exposure (masculine craniofacial structure) thats presence, or lack thereof, are both manifested in the human face and females are biologically designed to immediately pick up these traits in male faces, thereby determining whether the male they're looking at is attractive or not in less than a second. There is no make up to deceive this biological evaluation. Although it's unfair to rate a 13 year old undeveloped face, this 3/10 is unlikely to ever reach 5 when estimating where he is on his growth phase (unless I'm mistaken and he will grow to be a 7 foot giant). Either way, this is the judgment that Garrett will have to deal with from 80% of females, Alexa included. I remain hopeful that he will meet the right one, seeing as the majority of females aren't exactly attractive either.?

>she probably went home and gargled on chads cock after this

She is most likely thinking of Tyrone during this

Should I try this hard with my gf? Seems like a lot of work

she was dating a chad at the time too, so all that effort was for naught


Control your autism, please.


you dont get better at something by aiming low. despite any setback he will learn from this and do a better job next time with someone else. and the next time. eventually something will pay off.

at this age girls are already thinking about relationships with older men

it is well known that girls mature much faster than boys once they hit puberty

this "performance" probably seemed incredibly immature and she was doing her best to be polite, despite them being the same age

guys don't understand this, at this age they are still pursuing the fantasy that on-the-nose displays of affection win girls like in the movies

at her age she is already wondering when Chad Thundercock, captain of the football team, is going to make his move and take her virginity


I've seen this ten times, but each time it still hurts the same

>average "patrician" Sup Forums poster

i actuall read it.
mostly right, but there are still ugly guys that get good women BECAUSE they are idiots like you described, at a certain age women are happy if they have a safe spot, a home and can do whatever they want from there, like fucking hotter males.

Whatever happened to this kid?

an hero'd

He's probably dead.

She looks like the girl in Mad Men "Chloed" and with down syndrome

he's posting in this thread right now


Everyday I ask myself why I never had anything close to a gf in all my life,now I remember


No I'm not. Just lurking.


No, this is rekt

well, she was like 14 and a dancer

I'm just mad at all the adults who knew this guy is gonna fail miserably and embarrass himself but made his do it and encouraged him to get moneys/views. Fucking dicks.

he's the OP

>by the time it'll be ipad 700000000

fucking savage


how come his hat stays on?

Don't ever talk to my girl again, cuck.

Apparently this guy isn't so bad looking now

Gott damn. I almost feel bad for the guy, but then I just scroll back up, see what he looks like, and read what he wrote.

why is that ball so big?

Well she sure as shit isn't wrong

>trenchcoat, fedora, bought geoffry and legolas

this has to be fake right?

It isn't. They are just very small people.

i think you are the guy.
he is even posting on yt videos that he looks better now.

get over it, you are not a model, i am neither.

I think you're right user and to add to this i think the reason people like Garrett keep trying is because they subconsciously think that they are 'good looking' in the sense that they have potential due to be so. Thier ego cannot take that they are not attractive and they have been conditioned by both the media, education and thier own upbringing to believe they are the hero of thier own lives, the main character. "its okay if im not good looking now, ill get a good girl eventually; it'll work out for me eventually!" they say to comfort themselves from the harsh reality that they are not destined to be desired by women or even respected and admired by thier own sex (the halo effect) in society. Its a surprisingly hard and depressing pill to swallow; especially when you're younger, that you will be treated differently by the opposite sex compared to better looking men and by the people you desire. It doesnt just go for dating. Just for socializing and feeling accepted looks are one of the main cogs that drive the engine.

>you're cute and adorable
>you are like a real life version of Felicia Day

Not him, how does he even looks like now then?

It's fake.
And if it isnt, damn, cause both of them fit the respective stereotype to the point is not even funny.

What did he mean by this?

Is your life useless if you cant get anyone to fuck you?

>it is well known that girls mature much faster than boys once they hit puberty
You mean mature as in sexually? Because I don't think women fully mature until they are in their forties and dried up. I've never spoken with a girl under 40 who knows what the fuck she's talking about on any subject matter.

>tfw you really dodged a bullet by not having social media while growing up because the type of shit you'd post would be worse than all of this

fake as fuck. Girls aren't smart enough to make posts like that. They would just block or ignore.
>I'm not your manic pixie dream girl
yeah, a fucking girl came up with this line. Right.

Biologically yes

Ease up on those insecurities, fella.


having a vagina is the ultimate redpill for a girl

once she figures out what her role is - getting impregnated - she immediately realizes that she needs to find the best suitable mate

this happens right away, whereas guys have to go through this whole process of figuring out how to get it in a girl, what a relationship leading to sex would entail, which girls are in their league, how to convince a girl to accept their advances, etc., etc.

girls, on the other hand, especially attractive ones, figure out very very quickly that they are an object to be won and that they shouldn't settle for anything or anyone if it means they could get something better and secure a better future for their offspring

Hahaha. This is true. I used to have the most embarassing AIM away messages and AIM profiles.

Go to reddit if you want to tip fedoras with each other. Either this is fake or her bf wrote it for her. Girls are fucking retarded and you know it.

Nah I've seen this pic posted before the fedora became a meme.

to be fair if this isnt fake, she could have just blocked the dude and said no thanks. He wasnt doing anything malicious even if he was being overly forward and desperate. It looks to me like she was overly disgusted by his betaness and ugliness to the point where she thought it was justified to write him a rant and destroy his self confidence, screen cap it and post it to the internet. If it was a good looking guy posting the exact same stuff she wouldnt be doing this.

Reminds me of one of my good looking friends who met up with a japanese girl on tinder and made her his gf. He was telling me how one of her 'limits' she had on tinder was if a guy said he liked japan/anime to her she'd block him instantly when we both know it translates 1:1 to "if a guy who wasnt good looking said he liked japan/anime i'd block him instantly'.

>he's never pissed a chick off to that point
Point and laugh at the virgin!

Thank god for that. I'm not going to pretend I didn't do a bunch of cringy shit, but at least it wasn't documented.

Honestly, whoever wrote the post, whether it be the girl or not was right. He needed to be taken down a few pegs and hopefully that was a learning experience for him.

No, seriously. Stop projecting, guy.


I've pissed off women that I've actually been with for long periods and they are not nearly as clever as this 30 year-old male feminist who LARPing as a high school girl. Fucking kys if you think that's real.

Is it really uncommon to be totally detached from social media? I'm 19 and I don't even have a facebook, is this largely seen as antisocial?


>all weomen are detarded trus me

just shut up

don't sweat it, I agree she didn't write it herself, she probably showed a guy friend the messages she was getting and he wrote it for her, no need to argue with these retards

>Western women in mass vote to have third-world men enter their countries
>proceed to have all-time high rape epidemics and terrorist truck massacres
Yeah, they're fucking brilliant.

For you

>that Kitty's got claws
No sane human being would write this

[virginity intensifies]

Don't project :^)

please go back to /r/The_Donald or stormfront

If you're really antisocial you wouldn't give a shit what other people think.

I was like him once, not with that autistic asterisk shit, but with over messaging girls who weren't into me. Now I just drink until I'm broke and don't give a fuck about anything. Booze and memes are all that matter.

face is a mess. trashed

yeah she was obviously right in her description of him, im not denying that. But the dude was already on the bottom peg by being a literal 1/10 and chances are he had already been rejected like that before. being openly rude to him to do nothing other than show him how much better you are than him and how he has no chance with you just seems obviously malicious to me and also a strange verison of humblebragging.

I dunno, maybe its because i sympathise with him (even if hes a massive autismo) but if the genders were reversed the guy would look like a dickhead at worst or a narccisist at best.

at least we know she's getting abused in around 10 years

I'm 19 too and i don't have any social media. Nobody cares to be honest especially if you are good looking.

His never gets easier to watch.

Once you fuck off back to tumblr

You can present a counter-argument any time.

>Booze and memes are all that matter.
The wisest words that have ever been written on Sup Forums.

You're so disengaged from the social dogma bro
I respect you because you stand out from the crowd ;)

What is the verdict? Did he #MakeHerDay?

I'm just asking, I don't find social interaction fulfilling and I never really have.

Yep. Most people have Facebook. Everyone will comment on it. The plebbiest of plebs will try to argue with you that you totally need it and some will try to insinuate that you do indeed have Facebook, but you keep it under a fake name, because duh everyone has it. I'm so tired.

If people bother you about Facebook just say you hate that kind of fake interaction or something, that way you'll come across as a down to earth guy instead of some loner creep or something.



>I don't find social interaction fulfilling
Facebook hardly counts as social interaction.