Sup Forums BTFO?

Sup Forums BTFO?

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most shooters where bullied, and girls dont get bullied

she left out "black"

Incidents that occurred during the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban

Gun control doesn't work.

ban all men!

Gun violence still the lowest since 1963.

In all fairness, it is mainly a black problem. Remove blacks from gun violence statistics and the US is only slightly higher than Europe.

>998 shootings since sandy hook

I guarantee there have been way more shootings than that since sandy hook.Obviously with the vast majority of shooters being either black or beaners

>girls don't get bullied
you fucking idiot, girls bully and try to drag eachother down like crabs in a bucket all the time when they're competing for something

women simply don't do shootings

men are the kind of person who'd run into a room and just shoot everone with a second thought if they're completely derange

women on the other hand like sadistically stabbing and ripping apart one single person

How many were democrat?

>1 post by this id

>men are evil and violent and one step away from basically just raping and murdering everything with a vagina

>let's antagonise them at every turn and take every opportunity to attack them?

What about the 40,000 terrorist attacks worldwide within the last 10 years?

>girls """bully'""" eachother
if you consider that bullying

>If we just get rid of x group/thing all our problems will be solved!

The only person I want to kill is whoever started this meme.

Pretty much this.

I would be okay with banning all male immigration.

Men are the ones who get shit done, for better or for worse.

Men are over represented in homicide statistics foe the same reason they're over represented in Nobel Prize laureates.

And every single one of them ate bread.

Not a bread problem either, right?

Social media was a mistake.

Oh you're wrong about that

I'm gonna need a source there nigger faggot.

wow, he is clearly calling out the black are the problem. scary.

>50% blacks
>100% males
Yeah we can see which is a problem
Are women going to pick up the shooting slack?

Actually yeah let's go with that.

Holy shit this totally works for me. All the uninformed pussy I can handle please.

that shit is old as time

The first school shotting was done by a woman.

BREAKING NEWS: No form of control works.

End the war on drugs
End the war on free enterprise
End the war on guns

the sooner both sides of the aisle realize this, the sooner our country can get back to being GREAT AGAIN


Remove black gun violence from UK and it would be as low as Japan.

>Are women going to pick up the shooting slack?

There wont be any men left to maintain order or any to defend against attack by a foreign nation, or any to upkeep all the luxuries western women enjoy. Life Expectancy would drop rapidly.

>ignoring the fact that every murderer since JFK has ingested dihydrogen monoxide before murdering people

Men don't have a problem. Society has a problem with how they treat men.
When you raise boys as second class citizens and tell them that they're only worth as much as women think they're worth a lot of men become sociopaths.
If women were treated the same way we would have a woman problem.

And none of this excludes the fact that we DO have a muslim problem. If those dubious numbers are correct we've had 998 "mass" shootings done by loners, sociopaths, gang members and generally unrelated people but then we've had a few with one bold, clear link that the killers themselves are screaming before they go on a rampage.
If we suddenly had a ton of people going on murder sprees screaming "I HATE MY MOM" we would really start to wonder what the fuck is wrong with moms right now. Same applies to muslims screaming ALOHA SNACKBAR before they kill 50 innocents.

>998 shootings

Do they mean mass shootings?

Counting 3+ injured in gang shootouts, where no one died?


But hey, lets pretend every one of those shootings was a pulse nightclub or a sandy hook. Not criminals offing each other, which generally helps the rest of us. Less criminals to prey on us.

How does Sup Forums still exist when it gets BTFO every hour of every day?

Remove niggers and spics, and the US mirrors most European countries. Funny how that works, huh? It's almost as if Whites have tamed themselves, unfortunately, while niggers and spics are still violent uncivilized shits.

And we let them into our country. They now number more than 100 million. The US is dead.

998+2 = 999?

998 shootings over a 4 year period isn't that bad, especially when you figure out that 80% of homicides by guns are gang related

now let's see how many of those shooters were black to find the real problem :^)

If I recall correctly there were 2 Muslims with pressure cookers, the San Bernadino incident, the Chattanooga incident, the Ft Hood incident, Orlando, the Oklahoma beheading, Amarillo Muslim, etc,etc

Where the fuck did they come up with "2 muslims?" Bombings and stabbings don't count

it's actually a pretty effective way of solving problems.

even if it's not correlated to the group in question it gets the rest in line to straighten the fuck up or face the same fate.

however in this case we now god damn well that niggers in US are the cause for most violence and gun crime and murder and rape and pretty much everything else despite being such a small portion of the population in comparison to whites.


Yes. Assault Dihydrogen Monoxide is known to cause death if inhaled, and significantly increases lifespans if consumed in moderation.

>suddenly willing to pay attention to black violence
>because it fits their current narrative

Why not both? In other news some of those included women.

2 posts....clever girl

Like women can handle all that emotional pressure killing fucktons of people, granted crazy bitches have done so in the past. They'd need a man to persuade them into going postal.

I didn't use to believe in that "Liberal logic" because I considered myself to be a Liberal now it's just so disgusting that both sides of the spectrum are just so fucked up now.

you are a fucking moron

100% of the shooters had hair, I think hair is the problem. Ban all hair!

And they all happened under Obama's 'watchful eye'.

No other president has had this problem. I wonder why?

Generally even guys don't go for physical bullying, anymore, it's too overt. Everyone gets bullied like girls used to now.

i can think of 5 off the top of my head that involved muslims

>2 posts

thanks based algeria

Hi, and welcome to statistics.


>998 shootings
>997 were black gang-on-gang

We obviously have a nignog problem.

This isn't about gun control. It's about male control.

Also, women murder 121 million person a year so muh male violence problem is nothing compared to the body count of degenerate females.


>Sup Forums BTFO?

Yes. 50 replies. They are stupid enough to answer this.



If it saves just one life, ban Islam in the USA.

Sage and report

How dare he disagree with me. Shut him down immediately. Fuck free speech. WAAAAHAHAH MUH SAFE SPACE

>tfw a huenigger knows better than most of Sup Forums

No accurate image exists to express my disgust.

No it wont. You'll never be able to take all guns away and even if you would, it's easy enough to get a gun over the dark net or even some black markets. If someone wants to shoot up a place, they will shoot up a place with legal or illegal weapons.

You don't need muslims.

I hope you get shot in the next gay bar shooting your bumping faggot.

It's not about safe space, it's about that you can't made up stats out of your ass and say that is an argument


>2 involved muslims

that is literally a lie

i can think of 4 just off the top of my head:
>san bernardino
>the snackbars who got btfo in texas during the charlie hebdo shit
>the sandnigger in a dress in philly who attacked police officer

obviously there have been way more that involved mooosloms


Weren't the boston bombers muslim?

not a shooting, but yah

oh shit, i forgot they shot (and killed) a security officer, so i guess it can be considered a shooting

>From now on, you're Big Boss

Sauce? emergence

how many were black males?
Also there are 300 million people in the US 7k die every day. Why do these stats matter?

2 now.
Great conversation you are having

>7k die every day. Why do these stats matter?


#NotAllMuslims #IslamIsPeace


dat stanford
gangs pls go

Just saying 7000/300M = 7050/300M to 3 places

Holy Shit man...

Does anyone know of the few Shindol doujins that are actually cute and fun?

Jesus the shilling is insufferable. SAGE

His cripple stories.
and I guess these but has loli prolapse.








Sage and report for fuck's sake.

>must be black and white
The cringe is real

damn this really makes me think.

we need more muslims, in'shallah

It's a non-white problem.

Quebec City is 98% white, has 800,000 people, and went 2 whole years without a single murder.

You are right we have a serious nigger problem

Nobody lives in quebec city though. It's all walking mummies and skeletons.

Sauce on that claim?

If everyone was a skeleton the world would be much more peaceful

idk if its sarcastic but blacks occupy 12% of the american population, where a lot of shootings are. so if 50% of shooters are black, thats a lot. just wanted to clear that up