Mommy, why did daddy get that painting of the moustache guy with the red arm band? He's scary looking...

>Mommy, why did daddy get that painting of the moustache guy with the red arm band? He's scary looking. And why does daddy always wear a black suit and a red arm band, and sticks his hand in the air in front of the painting. If you leave him alone long enough, he starts making out with it.

i dont understand what you are saying

Wow, now kids are scared when their fathers make out with pictures of Hitler. Thanks liberals.

>just shut up

>1 post by this yid

>anyone on Sup Forums will ever get laid or have children


You should post this on cripplechan Sup Forums where there are actually Nazis.

This is what happens when normies know where your board is. They make ridiculous straw man posts and feel really smug for half an hour.

Then they go back to their dismal life of faggots and Jew TV.

>You'll understand when you're older, dear.

Don't worry child after he's done making out with the painting you'll get your turn

what do the numbers mean?

because daddy votes Trump, dear.

t. pol pot

This is retarded baka desu senpai
Sage in all fields you Sup Forumstard

not here that is cambodia

>Sudanese education

Sup Forums pot

Why does this flag, the palestinian one and the south african one look so much alike?

And don't counter me with the luxembourgh flag I'm on to you

it's called "ironic shitposting" honey, you'll understand when you're older

Go to bed

So, are you Chinese or Japanese?

damn your right
i'm actually an american here
because they both are run by shitheads

so are you chinese or japanese?

>Mommy why does daddy yell "A FUCKING LEAF" every time he sees the Canadian flag

God I want to assfuck her while licking her tears.
