Rey's bushy, greasy, steamy, stinky, smegma filled scavenger pussy is 20 portions. She has puffy labia. BJ's are 5 portions.
Rey's bushy, greasy, steamy, stinky, smegma filled scavenger pussy is 20 portions. She has puffy labia...
BJs are free if you let her eat your semen
why? why does she give sloppy suckles for free?
how do you know she has a pussy and isn't just a strange alien?
You'll hear a lot of nerds come in here and defend Rey's slutty past on Jakku. They'll tell you “she had to do it" for food, water. resources, protection...
The truth, and this will be revealed in the next two films, is that Rey NEEDS cock. All sorts of cock: Ithorian cock, human cock, Zabrak cock. droid cock. prehensile Hutt cock. cock of all kinds. Rey needs them in her pussy and in her pink little asshole because she's depraved.
In her training with Luke on the magical island, we're going to hear all about what she did on Jakku. Glory holes, aliens runnin‘ trains on her by midnight fireside. Jawas probing her ass with metal instruments, even luggabeasts bustin' fat gallon-sized nuts on her pert little body.
She is a whore. Light side, dark side... Who cares? She's on the cock side. And that's why I love her.
there's not much food on Jakku
I don't get why people say this board is utter shit.
All these threads are top notch.
Time and effort.
You can't beat quality product.
inb4 ban
If your staving i don't think she would mind eating some creamy protein.
how many men have been in her loose, reeking pussy?
all of them
Rey is disgusting. I heard she has gonorrhea and she wants to get pregnant so she can survive on her own breastmilk.
>She is a whore. Light side, dark side... Who cares? She's on the cock side. And that's why I love her.
anyone got that photoshop where she has huge teeth or something cant find that one anymore lads
>all that cum
how big are their prostates?
this is actually funny
Could you imagine Rey, on Jakku, no more than four maybe five, digging through piles of debris and trash hoping to discover anything that could help her buy something to eat. Only to find none and to lay down in despair, hungry, desperate, thirsty but lo, here comes a visiting socialite, A count who while surveying the barren junk planet sees a life indicator and descends his craft hoping to see what the solitary life ping is. He's shouldered by battle droids, two of them in fact, their gray metallic skin glittering in the desert heat. One of the droids indicates to him the location of Rey's small supple body. She doesn't even sweat because of the heat, and her face is so parched. Even her eyes has suffered greatly because of the unyielding bright sun, and Rey can barely open them or move at all, for that matter. The Count owns a pleasure world, a vast brothel that satiates any and all desires no matter how gross. In keeping with sparing no expense or no one not even himself from being used to please his clients, he has his ball sack and prostrate modified to produce a copious white deliciously cool liquid that offers sustenance the likes of which has never been seen in any meal. In fact to gain the nutritional equivalent, you'd have to eat at the very least, 20 plates of health foods. But Rey, the poor dear, is near death so the count descends to his knees and unzips his trousers, pulls out Rey's salvation and allows just a bit of nutritious sweetness to fall on her lips. Rey's body is seemingly shot with energy and she opens her eyes, and her mouth and welcomes greedily her salvation. The Count, Lord Reize from the Planet Expletive in the BMP solar cluster, passes out as the young sapling, gnaws and guffaws hungrily on his nectar spout. Paralyzed by wave after wave of orgasms that comes almost as quickly as the one before it, the count who is force sensitive, loses even his midichlorians to the hungry Rey.
In the novelization they briefly mention that she has non human reproductive organs
>it's a Daisy Ridley finds out about Rey memes episode