Why are the prequels so much more fun to watch and more creative than post-Lucas Disney Star Wars?

Why are the prequels so much more fun to watch and more creative than post-Lucas Disney Star Wars?

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Because they feel like Star Wars movies, incorporating the EU in new and interesting ways.

they're only good for the memes

Mediocre movies are worse than terrible movies

because you can remember them more than a week after you watch it

Because you are a contrarian who doesn't have an opinion or taste of his own.

Because you are an autistic retard.

Why did they all go to some big empty field to have a laser gun bouncy ball fight like they're at Agincourt or something
If I were the space jews I'd just let the goobers group up like that and then lance them from orbit

I have never seen the Prequels but I know they are trash. The Plinket videos told me everything I need to know about them

TPM has a nice aesthetic and Darth Maul
AotC has some cool stuff, mostly on Coruscant and Kamino
RotS has Sheev

because the prequels were daring and innovative movies made by a passionate artiste who loved and respected star wars

the disney movies are sad cash-ins made by talentless hacks

because red letter media told me

Because even when they were not as good they still tried to be origial and tell a stroy. Disney will play it safe and never do something out of formula

Say what you want about how useless the battle droids are but their design is great

reminder the prequels are now good just to spite the disney movies like the true contrarian faggots we are.

The battle droids were pretty neat. I mean, they couldn't save the bullshit script, but I wouldn't mind seeing them in one of the spin offs. Like Han Solo has problems with a space mobster, who got his hand on some old working battle droids from the asian space aliens.

They add a ton of new content, albeit with poor writing, characterization and bastardizing of the Force. That said, TFA and Rogue One didn't help the Force out that much either.

That battle scene is the only thing I remember liking in the first prequel. That scene was cool as hell

so guys i didnt got the Sup Forums memo
we like the precuels now?

i need to know cus i need to start trowing meme opinions on reddit and facebook

The prequels always were decent. They just could not live up to the expectations of people.
Disney on the other hand only produces crap

Because II and III are objectively good movies. TPM is the only one, for me at least, that has some tough moments to sit through. I guess RotS has some offensive tonal shifts at the beginning, but it also has more emotional impact than the first two combined.

Watching a car crash is more entertaining than watching a car drive in a straight line

This. The OT was driven by a character. The PT was driven by much broader things like war and politics. People found that dumb or boring, even though it was well done, so they didn't pay attention. Then they complained that the character changes that were there, with palpatine and Anakin, made no sense, when in fact they were quite interesting. I'm sorry it ruined your conception of Darth Vader, but you can't fault a movie for not conforming to your expectations.

Because the prequels are what Lucas actually imagined Star Wars should be, and one feels it, that they genuinely feel like a complete universe, regardless how retarded the plot and the acting is.

The original trilogy is just some halfassed crap he put together from western movies, samurai movies and pulp sci-fi. It is loved because it was the first-of-its-kind crap. People on Sup Forums that are not 50, and genuinely like the trilogy are /reddit nostalgiafags that deserve to be executed with a dildo. The plot was idiotic, the acting even more, the effects interesting for that time (which is the only redeeming quality if you watched it then for the first time).

The nu-starwars, is a rehash of the old crap, no all encompassing feeling of the world in which the plot takes place, it is a 1 to 1 adaption of the first movie of the original trilogy. A cash grab on the hype. The worst of the lot.

1999 when Episode 1 premiered, I was 13 and I laughed at Jar Jar Binks, he was funny, and so did most of the crowd. He was the light-hearted comic relief.

The movie is made for the 8 - 15 demographic of the late 90's, not for cellar virgins that are over 20 and still live with their parents. That is what the prequels were aimed at, not us and not now.

Because the prequels were shit films but Lucas allowed his teams to roll the die and threw stuff at the wall, even if some did not stick completely.

While on the other hand, every plot device, idea, narrative had to go through 4 separate corporate boardrooms before it was approved for TFA and RO.

This. Not to mention OP and his kind were most likely children when they first saw them, and didn't like the aesthetic of the original trilogy (if they even saw them).

The original trilogy is better than the prequels, the only thing more disappointing than the prequels was seeing Alien 3 right after Aliens. I first saw Episode 1 when I rented it in 2000 on vhs, and while I enjoyed it, it didn't fascinate me as much as seeing the original trilogy. I saw Episode 2 in theaters and frankly only Obi-Wan and the final 30 minutes really held my attention. I bought a pirated screener rip (it was surprisingly really great quality) and I enjoyed that far better than the previous 2 movies. But even then I felt it was kinda stupid. Amidala fucking dies like nothing, Anakin acts like a little bitch and does senseless shit, and the emperor just plain acts like he's in a cartoon. The prequels are only nostalgic for these teens/contrarians.

>1999 when Episode 1 premiered, I was 13

even as a kid I found that green hills background lame as fuck

you tell me
based Lucas

>The original trilogy is better than the prequels
gtfo, you probably have it in fond memory because you were assfucked the first time while watching it.

the OT is shit

except the droids were completely useless so that isn't threatening or exciting. it's just nice cgi to look t.



Unlikely. From his post I can guess he's a teen trying to pass off as an adult. Memes and buzzwords aren't used so much by people my age, nor is such shit opinions. Not to mention such contrarianism isn't prevalent in my generation.

There's memeing and contrarianism, and then there's just plain trolling (ie looking for attention). I suggest you take a hard look in the mirror and think about your life, shitposting for strangers' attention online. You think about that.


there's more actual lightsaber fighting

there's been so little of that shit in the last two movies put together compared to revenge of the sith

I don't like ANY of the star wars movies, maybe with the exception of 3.

because you watched them as a young boy

>shitposting for strangers' attention online. You think about that.

>you probably have it in fond memory because you were assfucked
You're projecting you're millennial childhood.
Now calm down and have some tea.

because they weren't focus group'd to death.

>Not to mention such contrarianism isn't prevalent in my generation.
>my generation

this post is gold



pure kinotographie, top this scene OT reddit plebs

>still better than Rey Vs Ren fight in TFA
>still better than Vader VS Kenobi fight in OT

They were childrens movies
New Star Wars are manchildrens movies



That's a lot of sixes


>dat filename

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.


objectively true

the cg surely aged, but it's still cool to watch. I hope the new movies have some good space battles

oh, i don't think so



I doubt the disney trilogy will have space battles

I'm generation Y, born in 1990. Didn't have a facebook until I was 19, and then just to communicate with people. I bet you think there's no difference between kids who grew up with smartphones and those that saw 9/11 on tv.

Does anyone else remember the KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut promotion that went along with the release of Episode 1? They literally had Colonel Sanders staing on some field in Naboo holding a light saber. When I finally saw the movie and it came to the batt for Naboo, I thought to myself "So this is where Colonel Sanders shows up"



me too for some reason

Which 3?

Because while the story was full of plot holes and had shit characters, it did actually improve a lot about the OT. The effects were better, it was one of the first heavily choreographed fight scenes (which made it much more interesting to watch, OT fight scenes are 'kids hit each other with tubes whilst wearing boxing gloves') and it created new shit, new canon. It expanded the setting. It didn't just tread old ground, it didn't live on 'what? you don't like AT-AT's? You're not a TRUE Star Wars fan!!!! You should be CUMMING IN YOUR PANTS TO SEE DARTH VADER!!!!!'.

The new films have only stepped backwards. The Prequels had better characters and writing than the new ones. Yes, I said it. Re-telling old stories in TFA, though the acting was better. R1 had terrible acting and characters and the story was boring as fuck. They could have done way better 'fan service'.

People who say kekekekek are statistically more likely to be in college or high school

Because, despite being terribly made films, they were highly original and unpredictable. If Lucas can be given any credit, he was at least trying new things.

Those things were fucking mess, but they were new and kept you watching.

i remember the one for ep2, where yoda steals some food in mcdonalds

and thus the sith is reborn

You're cherry-picking the only cool scenes from the movies, which is like maybe like 10% of the total movie length.

>I'm generation Y,

No you're not. You're a millennial.

>he didn't have MySpace
>he didn't have Bebo when MySpace died
>he didn't have Facebook when Bebo died


How did Anakin blow the whole thing up again? Didn't he just shoot a regular missile while on the inside?

Does every big ship blow up if you do that in SW

revenge of the sith

Episode 1 is still my favourite of all Star Wars films and it's not even close.

galen erso's father was a droid working in the trade federation, he intentionally made it so that 2 proton torpedoes shot by a naboo starfighter would take down the trade federation flagship




What third world country are you from? Americans never used Bebo. We went from myspace to facebook.

Accurate. The prequels are incompetently made movies created by somebody who cared. The sequels are competently made movies created by soulless executives who don't care.

The prequels were lore movies. They existed to explain the lore leading up to the original trilogy. Autists, inspired by RLM, have taken to hating on them for not being a friend simulator like the OT.

The prequels may have been memorable but each of the three had more memorable scenes than these last two films. Now some of those might have been memorable for how hilariously bad they were, but at least they were memorable


>because the prequels were daring and innovative movies made by a passionate artiste who loved and respected star wars




>friend simulator
what the fuck. you mean c3p0?

Why do the lasers have recoil, and why would the droids not be designed to automatically compensate for it?

why do they only cast Force Speed once in the movie?

I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the internet school, and I’ve been involved in numerous mIRC raids on #fagpop, and I have over 300 confirmed logs. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my lollibros across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can raid you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare dick. Not only am I extensively trained in shitposting, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the trollingdictionary on encyclopeida dramatica and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Is this kino?

What is this? Was it a deleted scene or something

Because they throw tons of creative ideas at you, no matter how crazy or stupid they might be.
Rocket chariot races, droid armies, droidekas, underwater cities, giant bizarre looking aquatic lifeforms, dual light saber wielding satan, Dex's Diner, water planets with constant rain, seismic bombs, alien arenas, droid factories, four armed light saber wielding coughing robots, a jedi on a giant lizard chasing that robot on a giant unicycle with legs, that opera scene... the list goes on.

Meanwhile, TFA has what? Traitor?

I was just being a dick. But yeah something like that. All the main characters in the OT are likable in one way or another, not that that's a bad thing but the prequels focus less on characters and more on events.

quad six dont lie

yes to both of those


look man I don't want any trouble. just forget it. I apologize

Do you think they raped her dead body?


Don't think too hard about that scene. It'll make your brain hurt.

I would love to be a big on the wall when Lucas suggested to his animators to make them blurry like the roadrunner speeding away


So Jar Jar really was the key to all of this